Hoover Happenings Newsletter
September 2, 2024
Principal Message:
Dear Hoover families,
Happy Labor Day! A new school year is just days away! Our staff is eager to welcome your students and family to a new year! At Hoover is is our goal to empower every child to succeed and look forward to partnering with you to ensure this is an amazing year! Below are a few things to note for this week.
- Entrance Conferences: We are excited to see each of your families at entrance conferences this week. If you have not had a chance to do so, please sign up for a time to conference with your child's teacher. Student class photos have been postponed. Strawbridge is experiencing a shortage of photographers. Our new Picture Day has been rescheduled for October 15th.
- First Day of School: The first day of school is Thursday, September 5th. School begins at 7:50am and ends at 2:30pm. You may drop students off as early as 7:35. If you arrive prior to 7:35, we do ask caregivers to stay with their child. Please allow extra time for drop off and pick up the first few weeks of school and pay special attention to our routines outlined below should you plan to drop off or pick up students.
- School Supplies: the Hoover Supply List is linked later on in this newsletter, so keep scrolling for a copy! If there are supplies you are missing or you are unable to gather supplies before the start of school, please reach out to our school social worker, Lindsey Northenscold. Mrs. Northenscold can be reached at LNorth1@isd77.org.
- Early Releases: As a reminder, this upcoming school calendar will include Early Release times. Please take note of the school calendar later on in this newsletter for specific dates.
- Census Verification Forms: Mankato Area Public Schools asks families to review and update census information through the online census verification. This ensures that student information is accurate. Please complete your family’s census verification form online through your Infinite Campus parent account HERE by Tuesday, August 16, 2024 For assistance, please email icsupport@isd77.org
Should you need anything or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Hoover Office (contact information at the end of the newsletter).
In Husky Pride,
Mollie Meyer
Elementary Principal
Greetings Caregivers,
The staff at Hoover Elementary school are excited to welcome you to a new school year filled with opportunities to learn and engage!
Getting into the habit of daily attendance is more important than ever. It helps to:
- reduce stress
- estblish healthy routines
- build connections with peers and staff
- support learning
- create a positive school experience
Our school day begins at 7:50. Students who wish to eat breakfast or play on the playground can arrive as early as 7:35. Please note, there is no staff supervision prior to 7:35. Our school day ends at 2:30.
Please call us in the Hoover Office at 507-388-5202 if you need help with attendance.
We are dedicated to ensuring our school environment is a place where everyone can be safe, healthy and learning. We committed to listening and partnering with you so that your child(ren) have a successful year. Do not hesitate to reach out to us with questions or concerns.
Your attendance team,
Mollie Meyer (Principal), Angla Parker (Counselor), Lindsey Northenschols (Social Worker), Judy Garness (Attendance Clerk), Rachel Marnier (Registered School Nurse)
Entrance and Dismissal Routines:
Since we have started this process, we have been able to get afternoon pick up to be completed in under 10 minutes. When you consider we have over 500 students in our building, we are really proud of how quickly we can make this happen.
Our process does rely on the integrity of each caregiver to follow the process and we thank you in advance for your help!
Morning Entry:
- Doors 1, 2, and 12 will automatically open at 7:35 AM.
- Playground Supervisions begins and 7:35. Students must stay with caregivers until that time.
- Upon entering, students will go to the cafeteria for breakfast or to the playground. Students do not stop at classrooms or lockers.
- Buses will drop off on the Hoover Drive bus loop at 7:35 AM. Students stay on the bus until 7:35 when staff is available for supervision.
- Parent vehicle drop off can begin at 7:35 on Marie Lane. Parents are asked to remain in their vehicles and should not release students from their vehicles until 7:35. Students may only be dropped off curbside and not across the street. The parking lot is closed for vehicular drop off.
- Families should anticipate a long wait the first week or two of school, especially as routines are established.
- The first bell rings at 7:50, all students on campus at that time will be released to their classrooms.
- The final bell rings at 8:00. Students arriving after 8:00 will be marked tardy. The two weeks of school we will be flexible as drop off routines are established. Please note, after the first two weeks, students must be in their classrooms by 8:00.
After School Dismissal:
- School dismissal is at 2:30.
- Hoover Drive is for bus and taxi drop off and pick up ONLY. The road is quite narrow and buses have a hard time making the turn with cars parked on Hoover Drive. Please do not park on either side of Hoover Drive.
- Westbound Marie Lane is for family drop off and pick up. Cars that park eastbound, on a side street, or in our parking lot will NOT be able to pick up their students from the pick up line. We ask that all pick up families go to their designated area in the pick up line. A family number will be provided to you at conferences. This helps our staff ensure that students go home with an authorized adult. If picking up PLEASE STAY IN YOUR CAR and we will bring the students to you.
- Door 2 is for walkers/bikers. If a student walks and families wish to meet their students, they can join them at Door 2. Students who are walkers and need to cross at Hoover Drive, Oak Terrace, and Shady Oak will be escorted by staff to ensure they cross safely. If it is too cold for your child to walk, please inform your child's teacher and plan to use the parent pick up line. Additionally, if your child is a walker, do not park and then meet them. If you drive, plan to use the parent pick up line and communicate with your child's teacher in advance.
Food Services:
Please note: while breakfasts and lunches are free, if a student brings a lunch from home and wants a milk they will be charged for the milk unless they also take a fruit and vegetable.
Snack Cart
The Greater Mankato Mental Health Hub has launched! This hub was developed by Greater Mankato Area United Way's Youth Mental Health/Suicide Prevention Committee and is hosted by the Center for Rural Behavioral Health at Minnesota State University, Mankato.
The hub is meant to be a tool for parents and caregivers to easily find information on crisis support, local mental health services, parent education, and more.
Find more information HERE.
Contact Us:
Email: mmeyer1@isd77.org
Website: he.isd77.org
Location: 1524 Hoover Drive, North Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-388-5202