Brahma Briefing
Week Two - August 17 - 21, 2020
Honored to welcome our WVUSD Superintendent Dr. Robert Taylor and Assistant Superintendent Ms. Diane Perez to campus!
Dr. Taylor & Ms. Perez Visiting DBHS Biology Teacher, Diana Wai
Dr. Taylor & Nutrition Services
Dr. Taylor Serving Lunch!
Welcome to Week Two!
Hello Brahma Parents & Guardians,
We hope the first week of school went well. If you are having difficulty with any component of Distance Learning, please let us know. We understand not everyone's experience was without difficulty, but we are committed to providing the best support possible and welcome the feedback.
At this time, the Aeries Portal Phone App is NOT working properly and is still connected to Summer School. Apparently, this is a problem that other school districts are also experiencing with the app. The company that provides the product is working to correct the problem. Until then, please go to the web page for fall semester grades.
Monday, August 17 between 10 AM and 11 AM, our students received unsolicited email messages sent to their school accounts. The original message was unintentionally sent when school district technicians reconfigured one of our online services. The server sent a message to an email group that contained all student addresses. Following that, some students sent a reply to that email group, causing all of our students to receive unwanted messages. That email group has been disabled. We are sorry for the distraction that it caused to Monday's (8/17) instruction.
We appreciate your patience and I will keep you posted on these technology situations.
Best Regards,
Reuben Jones
Due Process Activity - Tuesday, August 18, 2020
A Message about Due Process from our Guidance Team
Dear Parents,
As mentioned last week, Tuesday, August 18 at 1:10 PM was our first activity using our Grade Level Google Classrooms. On Monday, your sons and daughters were added to their respective Grade Levels, and received a message from their Class Advisors posted in their Grade Level Google Classrooms. Please ask your child who their Class Advisors are.
During Tutorial at 1:10 PM on Tuesday, August 18, a pre-recorded message was posted for students to review our Due Process and Behavior Expectations.
*Important - Please discuss the Due Process presentation with your child.
United Student Body (USB)
2020-2021 Class Officer Elections
Do you want to get involved? Would you like to be a student leader for DBHS? Consider running for a Class Officer position for the 2020-2021 school year. DBHS needs dynamic, creative and passionate student leaders for the class of 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021!
Application information for the online elections is available HERE. Applications are due by 8/26/20. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!
2021 USB Applications
Applications for the United Student Body are available online now. Do you want to run for Executive Board? Would you like to apply to be a United Student Body Commissioner. You may access all of the applications by clicking HERE. Executive Board Applications are due on September 24, 2020. Commissioner Applications are due October 2, 2020.
Congratulations to Brahma Alum, Class of 2000, Jason Wright! NFL President!
WVUSD is currently working on an action plan for student-athletes to return to campus in phases, following LA County/NFHS/CIF/State guidelines to ensure the safety of your child and family. Implementing this plan is based on our current COVID situation and LA County Health Department.ATHLETICS CLEARANCE
In preparation for the possibility of athletics to commence, please ensure your child is athletically cleared. Student-athletes that are not cleared will not be able to participate in athletics. Specific athletic instruction can be found HERE.
Final Day for the 2020 School Yearbook! Pick-up on Friday, August 21, 1:30 - 3:00 PM
Friday, August 21
1:30 - 3:00 PM
Hungry for Lunch? Nutrition Services Continues Meal Program During Distance Learning
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Click HERE to read the answers from last week's FAQ.
Still have questions about Distance Learning?
Please Click HERE to log your question and we will create a Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) document with answers to the questions.
Reuben Jones,
Diamond Bar High School
Reuben Jones, Ed.D
Email: rjones@wvusd.k12.ca.us
Website: www.dbhs.org
Location: 21400 Pathfinder Road, Diamond Bar, CA, USA
Phone: (909) 594-1405
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dbhsorg/
Twitter: @dbhs_principal