PLE Updates
December 12, 2024

December 12th, 2024
Principal's Message
Pine Lane Crew,
I hope you all are having a wonderful December and Holiday Season! Kids Night Out was an incredible event last Friday! A huge thank you to PLEA and our Staff for making this an amazing evening for our students! Choir, Band, and Orchestra had an excellent Winter Concert on Tuesday! It is so wonderful to see the growth over the semester in our budding musicians. Ms. Dameron, Mr. Goins, Ms. Peterson, and Ms. Eads, our directors and teachers do such a great job leading our Music program. About a third of our intermediate students participate in our extra curricular music opportunities.
We are also at the mid-year point of the school year. Our teachers are working to finalize first semester grades. Our students are wrapping up mid-year iReady testing. A huge celebration in our iReady Reading Assessment is seeing accelerated growth. Our median growth score for the school increased 10%. The middle of our data indicates that students have 73% progress toward their end of the year goal. A huge congratulation to our students for their progress and hard work!
We are moving into the last week before Winter Break! Here are a few things to keep in mind. On Wednesday, December 18th at 4:45 pm SAC is hosting a special presentation about School Culture, Discipline, and Behavior Support. We also have a few special guests from the District joining us. Teachers are also in the middle of wrapping up elementary progress reports (EPR). These reports provide you with important information regarding your students' academic growth. I would encourage you to make sure that you are able to log into the EngagED Parent Portal. This is where your child’s EPR, formally known as a “report card” will be posted on Saturday, December 21st!
Thank you all for your support! Congratulate your children on their achievement this semester and have a wonderful weekend!
Chris Stairs
Pine Lane Elementary
Upcoming Dates
- December 18th - SAC Meeting
- December 23rd - January 6th: Winter Break
- January 7th - Students First Day Back after Break
- January 10th - Love and Logic Parent Training
- January 15th - SAC Meeting
- January 16th - PLEA Public Meeting
- January 17th & 20th - MLK Holiday No School Students
Bus Cancelations
- December 16th - Bus 146 & 186
- December 23rd - January 6th - Winter Break
- January 7th - 145 & 183
- January 13th - 141
- January 21st - 142
SAC Meeting - December 18th
We have an exciting opportunity hosted by our School Accountability Committee! We will be presenting on School Culture, Discipline, and Behavior Support on Wednesday, December 18th at 4:45 in the Innovation Lab at North, and have squared away some special guests to join us for this presentation and opportunity for discussion.
In preparation for this meeting, we would like to know what questions and concerns you might like to have addressed.
Please submit any questions and comments using the form below:
- School Culture, Discipline, and Behavior Supports Questions. This will help us better meet the needs of our community.
Thank you all for your support of Pine Lane and I look forward to seeing many of you at this presentation!
Join us In Person or Virtually
- Location: North Campus Innovation Lab
- Time: 4:45 - 6:30
- Join Via Google Meets:
- Video call link: https://meet.google.com/rxp-ygur-nsp
- Or dial: (US) +1 413-327-0241 PIN: 907 136 573#
Recess and Weather
Recess is an integral part of school, and all students will be expected to participate. During periods of inclement weather, please be sure your child comes to school with appropriate clothing, including boots, hats, gloves, socks, coat, etc. Children will go out unless there is precipitation, lightning, or the temperature (with wind chill considered) falls below 20 degrees.
Health Room In Need of Clothing Donations
The South Campus Health Room is looking for some clothing donations for our little friends.
We are in need of:
- Girls tops size 5-10
- Girls leggings (no jeans) size 5-10
- Boys pants (no jeans) size 5-10
We appreciate your help to get us stocked up.
Eat the Rainbow Challenge
Pine Lane Elementary participates in a healthy eating challenge in the spring called, Eat the Rainbow, in which we are encouraged to eat as many different colors of fruits and veggies as we can. This school year, we would like to put together an online cookbook created by our PLE community to help our families be more successful with the challenge.
We are looking for kid-approved recipes that include fruits and/or vegetables. Can you help us out?
Submit recipes to recipes.ple@gmail.com. Please include a picture of the food whenever possible.
To submit, you may use any of the following:
A completed copy of the attached Interactive Recipe Form
A live link
A video of your family making the recipe (please also include the recipe typed out)
Please submit all recipes no later than February 14, 2025.
When submitting your recipe via email, please include the following:
Name of student/family/staff member submitting recipe
Type of dish (i.e. appetizer, salad, soup, meal, dessert, etc)
The main color(s) section you would like your recipe to go (i.e. lemon-zucchini bread could go in yellow or green).
Stephanie Ashworth Kawamura
5/6 Discovery
Pine Lane Elementary - North Campus
PLEA Updates
PLEA Public Meeting
- January 16th, 2025
- 3pm - 4pm
- South Campus Conference Room
Kindergarten Online Registration
Love and Logic Parenting Class
- January 10th
- 9:30am - 11:00am
- South Campus Mobile
Please check in at the office before heading to the mobile.
Complete information and schedule is available here: PLE Love and Logic Parenting Classes 24/25
Before and After School
2nd Semester Updates
- Guitar Club - All Grades
- Ukulele Club - All Grades
- Choir - 3rd - 6th Grade
- Lego Robotics Club - 2nd and 3rd Grade
Complete information can be found using the link below.
Chap Feeder Area Events
DCSD Community Updates
Upcoming Discounted Community Events Include:
- National Western Stock Show - 1/11 - 1/26/25
- Back to the Future/DCPA - 2/7/25 2/9/25
- Mean Girls/DCPA - 2/28/25, 3/2/25
- The Wiz/DCPA - 4/25/25, 4/26/25
General link to purchase tickets or for more information is: https://www.foundationdcs.org/community-events
North and South Office Contact Information
In order for us to serve you in an efficient and timely manner, please make sure you are contacting us using the numbers below and saving Pine Lane North or Pine Lane South in your contacts.
If you google Pine Lane you are only being giving the North Campus office.
- South Campus - Pre K - 3rd Grade
- Office: 303-387-8325
- Attendance: 303-387-8327
- North Campus 4th - 6th Grade
- Office: 303-387-8275
- Attendance: 303-387-8277