WR Odell Primary Media Center
Events in February
Click the links to find out more information
Feb 2 Groundhog Day
Feb 7 Community Reader Event (Details Below)
Feb 7 World Read Aloud Day
Feb 13 Mrs. Cuthbertson's Birthday
Feb 14 Valentine's Day
Feb 17 President's Day
Feb 19- 28 Book Fair (Details Below)
Check Out Books
- WROP Destiny (Linked on the media page on our school website)
- SORA (app in Clever)
- NC Digital Kids Library (connect to SORA)
LETRS in the Library
Community Readers Read Aloud Day
We are so excited about the Feb 7th Community Reader Event to celebrate World Read Aloud Day.
Here are some details that you will need to know to help us make the event a BIG success. Our readers are asked to arrive at Primary between 8:00-8:15 and they will meet in the Media Center.
Readers will come with books to read. If you would like to have a book to suggest to your reader that is great! Please make sure that you give the book to Margaret so that she can give it to the reader to look over prior to coming to your class.
Our goal is to get the readers into your classrooms around 8:30 am.
Each teacher add 2 names for classroom ambassadors.These are the students that will come to get your reader in the media center. They will wear their tag and hold your classroom sign.
Thursday 2/6 from 8:10-8:25 am Student Ambassadors will practice in the media center.
Friday 2/7 Student Ambassadors will come to the media center at: First Grade-8:20, K/2nd 8:25.
In your mailboxes you will receive a Thank You Note, please write a quick note to the reader thanking them and have your class sign it. The readers should take this note when they leave.
TIP: Address the Thank You note during the reading time to ensure there were not last-minute reader changes.
Book Fair
We will have our Scholastic Book Fair Feb 19-21 in the media center. Teachers and Families are encouraged to set up an eWallet.The book fair will be in person and online for your convenience.
Student Preview
- Classes will need to sign up for a preview time. We are able to have two classes at a time preview the fair. Please use this GoogleDoc to sign up.
- Students will have Guidance Encore in the Media Center during the Book Fair Preview and will be unable to preview at that time.
- Kindergarten and Second grade students will be able to preview the book fair as part of their digital learning class. They can also shop the fair if they bring money during class.
- PRO TIPS: Invite a parent volunteer to come with your class to help. Bring your own pencils, clip boards if you are able.
Student Buying
- Teachers are encouraged to sign up for class book buying times using this GoogleDoc.
Teacher Preview
- Friday, Feb. 21 7:15-8:00 am in the media center with snacks provided.
- Come and make your class wish list
- Come suggest books for our students
GrandTales: Book Fair GRAND Opening
- Students are able to shop the book fair with exact change, credit card, check, or eWallet during GrandTales from 7:15-8:15 am.
- Tom's Traveling Coffee Truck on campus
Family Night
- Tues. February 25, 2024 from 3:30-6:30 pm
- Food Trucks: Sandwich Express and Taystee Ice
Volunteers please use this link with families so they can sign up to volunteer for the book fair.
Book Fair Online Link
NEW Book Spotlight
Jackie Ormes Draws the Future
Author and Illustrator: Liz Montague
A stirring picture-book biography about Jackie Ormes, the first Black female cartoonist in America, whose remarkable life and work inspire countless artists today.
Zelda Jackson—or Jackie—was born in Pittsburgh on August 1, 1911, and discovered early on that she could draw any adventure. A field she could run through as far as her hand could draw. An ocean she could color as blue as she liked. As she grew, Jackie put her artistic talents to use, doodling and chronicling daily life for her high school yearbook. But she was already dreaming of bigger things.
Jackie would go on to create bold and witty cartoon characters—Torchy Brown, Candy, Patty-Jo ‘n’ Ginger—who entertained readers of African American newspapers like the Pittsburgh Courier and the Chicago Defender. She tackled racism, pollution, and social justice—and made the world listen. Jackie was the first Black female American cartoonist, but she would not be the last.
Author Liz Montague, one of the first Black cartoonists at the New Yorker, carries Jackie’s indelible legacy forward in vibrant text and evocative cartoons.
Elephants Remember: A True Story
Author: Jennifer O'Conell
The deep bond between Lawrence Anthony and the traumatized matriarch of the wild elephant herd he saved is at the heart of this story. This nonfiction picture book tells the story of Lawrence Anthony and the deep bond he forged with the matriarch of the herd he saved at his animal reserve in South Africa. When Lawrence died, the matriarch led all the elephants from remote parts of the reserve in a procession to his home, where they gathered to mourn him. They returned on the same day at the same time for the next two years -- because elephants remember. This moving story of human-elephant mutual love and respect will inspire readers of all ages.
- Lawrence Anthony's Reserve in Africa
- Video: Why Elephants Never Forget
Beanstack Challenge
February BINGO
Students are encouraged to read a variety of books to earn a BINGO and/or FILL their CARD. Students will earn virtual badges and prizes from the media center.
There are two opportunity for prizes from the media center.
- FIRST Bingo (bookmark)
- Filling their card (an award)
Bingo Squares: Read 90 minutes, Read 400 minutes, Free Choice, Women's History, President History, Caldecott, Asian Heritage, Hispanic Heritage, Poetry
AI Pathfiner
This pathfinder was created by Kristen Boyer, Media Coordinator at Rocky River Elementary. She gives some great suggestions on AI programs that you can use in your classroom as well as activities to try with each of them to get you more familiar with the application. Please reach out if you have any questions or would like to collaborate on an AI lesson.
Black History Month
Ways to Honor Black Americans
- Check out a book from the library on a Black American.
- Create a SchoolAI space for students to talk to a famous Black American person.
- Reach out to collaborate on a research lesson or project.
- Black History Month - Resources from EBSCO for all levels.
- You and your students can access EBSCO through NC Ed Cloud.
Library Book Display
Photo Scavenger Hunt
Students can look on the trees to see pictures of famous Black Americans that we have books on in the library. They can match the photo to the person's name.
Research Notes Page
Ways to Honor Presidents
- Check out a book from the library on a President.
- Research a US President and share what you learned.
- Britannica, Pebble Go
- Create a SchoolAI space and have students talk with former presidents.
- Reach out to collaborate on a research lesson or project
Library Display
Research Notes Page
Dental Health Month
Did you know that teachers in grades K-1 can apply for FREE dental health kits for your students? The kit comes with a great travel tooth brush and toothpaste pouch for the students. There are also dental related resources for teaching students the importance of brushing daily.