Luxford Elementary School Scoop
November 4, 2016
What's the Scoop?
Dear Parents,
It feels like Fall now as the weather cools and the leaves change. Quarter 1 is concluding, and you will receive report cards on November 15. Keep the report card, but sign the envelope and return the envelope to your child's teacher.
If you are interested in what your child should be learning and mastering during quarter 2, you can access the Quarter 2 Instructional Focus newsletter on our Luxford website by clicking here: http://www.luxfordes.vbschools.com/pages/news/content/pdfs/Quarter%202%20Focus.pdf.
Don't forget to access our on-line learning games and resources from home! Click on the Clever Portal link on our Luxford website to access them. 3rd - 5th grade students should spend time on Achieve3000 (reading program) and TenMarks (math program) each week to enrich their reading and math skills. If you do not know how to log on, please contact our Instructional Technology Specialist, Janet Seward, at janet.seward@vbschools.com as she is happy to help you get connected from home. These two programs are research-based and have shown to increase student performance significantly if students spend 35-40 minutes on the program twice per week.
Remember, there is no school for students on November 8th or November 11th. November 8th is a parent teacher conference day. Please contact your teacher if you have not scheduled a conference. November 11th is Veteran's Day.
Please return Federal Cards if you have not done so already.
Have a wonderful weekend with your families!
Danielle Colucci
Principal, Luxford Elementary School
Chipotle fundraiser earned $825 for technology! Thank you!
Luxford teachers & staff make learning joyful!
Reading specialist, Ms. Karns, named Luxford Reading Teacher of the Year!
Danielle Colucci, Luxford Elementary School Principal
Email: Danielle.Colucci@vbschools.com
Website: http://www.luxfordes.vbschools.com/
Location: 4808 Haygood Road, Virginia Beach, VA, United States
Phone: 7576482960
Book Character Parade!
Parade fun!
Admin enjoying the parade!
KG team ready for the parade!
Happy Veteran's Day
Back Bay Astronmers Free Event
PTA is hosting this FREE event for families! The Back Bay Astronomers are bringing their telescopes for an evening of stargazing from 6-8pm. A coloring contest will also be held, and prizes will be given to winners! A reservation form will be sent home this week. Return it by November 8th. Snacks and concessions will be sold at the event.