HMS Insider
August 16, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates:
Monday, August 19th--HMS Volleyball Tryouts--See Athletics wesite for details
Tuesday, August 20th--7th/8th Grade OPEN HOUSE (6:00pm to 7:30pm Walk your child's schedule)
Wednesday, August 21st--6th Grade Parent Information Session (6:00pm to 7:30pm HMS Cafe)
Thursday, August 22nd--6th Grade Parent Information Session (6:00pm to 7:30pm HMS Cafe)
Beginning of Year Reminders:
- Buses: For 2024–25, we need all eligible bus riders – new and returning – to register for transportation to use the bus to and/or from school. Read more
- mLISD: Click HERE to sign-up and pay the 2024-2025 mLISD non-refundable security deposit if you would like your student to use a district owned device. mLISD laptops will be delivered to their classroom sometime next week.
- School Lunches: Securely pay for school meals by creating an accoung through MySchoolBucks
- School Supplies: Students may drop off requested school supplies with their science teacher beginning Monday morning, August 19th.
Item Drop off Procedures:
We are asking parents to limit drop-off items for students to forgotten articles necessary for the school day only. Items necessary for the school day include, but are not limited to, critical homework, computers, band instruments, or occasionally lunches. We will not be able to make regular deliveries to students. We do not allow drop-offs of gifts, treats, or surprises.
Parent Drop off/Pick Up Traffic Pattern:
During parent drop off/pick up times, you MUST enter from the south entrance (by VRHS) and exit through the north entrance (closest to 1431).
The back and side parking lots are designated for buses only. Please do not use the back or side parking lots to drop off or pick up students.
Please remind your students to utilize the crosswalks on and around school property. We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe by maintaining a safe speed in our school zones and parking lots and being courteous to other drivers.
During the school year, staff members are on duty each day beginning at 8:35 a.m. and ending at 4:40 p.m. Students are not let in the building before 8:35 a.m. regardless of the weather.
New Traffic Signals at HMS North Entrance:
The city of Cedar Park has installed new traffic signals at the intersection of Vista Ridge Blvd. and Golden Arrow Ave.
All four legs of the intersection have signalized crosswalks with LED blank-out signs.
These signs illuminate to instruct drivers to either not turn on red or to stop for pedestrians, depending on the pedestrian signal status.
Additional LED signs restrict turns into the school driveway to buses only during drop-off and pickup times.
We ask ALL student walkers to utilize the signal lights at either HMS (Golden Arrow) or VRHS (Park Street) to cross Vista Ridge Blvd.
Student Checkout Procedures:
Please be sure to bring proper identification and present it to the receptionist each time you pick up your student. Once we have verified your identity, we will send a pass for the student to meet you at the front office.
Please note:
- This process could take up to 15 minutes or more, depending on the time of day. Please be sure to allow extra time for delays should they occur.
- We cannot have your child waiting for you in the office prior to your arrival.
- Please arrive prior to 4:00 PM if you need to check your student out at the end of the day. Due to time constraints, we may not be able to get your student checked out and to the office prior to the 4:20PM bell if arriving after 4:00pm.
For questions regarding attendance, please reach out to hmsattendance@leanderisd.org, or, visit the attendance tab located on the Henry Middle School website.
Website: hms.leanderisd.org
Location: 100 North Vista Ridge Boulevard, Cedar Park, TX, USA
Phone: 512-570-3400