OAS Club Offerings
Middle School Clubs
Middle School Band will begin morning rehearsals in preparation for our Winter concerts as listed below. Families will be contacted with additional information as we get closer to our starting dates.
Middle School Band: 7:15 - 8 AM
Mondays (starting 9/30) - All 7th/8th Grade Percussion
Wednesdays (starting 10/2) - All 6th Grade Band
Thursdays (starting 10/10) - All 7th/8th Grade Brass and Woodwinds
Before school orchestra rehearsals to prepare for our Winter and Spring Concerts. Rehearsals will begin the week of 9/30.
Elementary Strings
After school orchestra rehearsals to prepare for our Winter and Spring Concerts. Rehearsals will begin the week of 10/7.
Student Council
Are you interested in making a difference at school? The OAS Student Council is looking for motivated students who want to help plan school events, lead projects, and represent their classmates. This is a great opportunity to develop leadership skills, work as a team, and have a voice in making our school even better! Meetings will be held once or twice a month, and all middle school students are welcome to join. For more information on how to get involved please attend the interest meeting on September 17th from 3:00 PM - 3:15 PM or contact Mrs. Rivera at rivera.rebecca@cranfordschools.org or stop by room 44!
Art Service Club
The OAS Art Service Club invites all middle school artists to come share their creative talents with their school and local community. Members collaborate with others while participating in activities such as illustrating concert covers, painting murals in the hallways, and entering art contests, like the Scarecrow Stroll. Meetings are on Wednesdays from 3-4pm in Room 41 and are co-chaired by art teachers Jess Heeren and Jenna Baillod. There will be a fall session and a spring session so we hope you can join us for either one! If interested, please join us this week.
Chess Club
Calling all middle school chess players! Join us on Tuesdays from 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm in room 24 starting on September 17th. Open to all levels, compete beginners to chess masters. Bring your chromebook for some friendly games. Please contact Mr. Nucci for any questions.
Yearbook Club
Tryouts for our eSports Supersmash Bros and Rocket League teams took place earlier this week and meetings will take place on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in room 43C from 3-4pm.
The PEER program is designed to allow students in the upper grades to take on a leadership role and mentor their peers through team building activities, structured play, and service. The application process for PEER leaders and cadets will commence in September and students should listen for an announcement for more information on the application process.
OAS Middle School Chorus will begin the week of September 30th.
Middle School Chorus: Grades 6,7,8
Meets every Tuesday and Friday
Time: 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
For more information, please email Connie Thomas at thomasco@cranfordschools.org
Intramural Sports
Attention all 5th and 6th graders! Are you looking for a fun way to stay active and make new friends? Look no further than our intramural sports club!
Join us for a variety of sports and games, from basketball to kickball. You'll have the opportunity to compete against your fellow classmates and develop your skills in a supportive and inclusive environment.
Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just looking to try something new, our intramural sports club has something for everyone.
Every Tuesday and Thursday starting the week of September 19th and ending the week of December 10th from 3:00 to 4:00 PM
Click here to sign up by 9/27/24
Early Act Club
If you like participating in student driven service learning projects and helping others, the Earlyact Club is for you! Together we work on many different community and school wide activities throughout the year. We also collaborate with the Peer Leadership Program on many initiatives. We host fundraisers and collections for a variety of causes. To begin our year we are collecting leftover candy for Troops and Veterans. We will also assist organizations, charities and other facilities that need support. If you enjoy helping others and want to make a difference in someone's life and put a smile on their face then this is the club for you. Early Act Club is also used for community service hours if you need. If you are interested in participating, please reach out to Mrs. Carducci in the hallways, stop by room 35 or email carducci@cranfordschools.org
Elementary School Clubs
Elementary School - After School Opportunities
Elementary School Band
Elementary School Band (5th Grade) will begin after school rehearsals in preparation for our Winter concerts as listed below. Families will be contacted with additional information as we get closer to our starting dates.
5th Grade Band: 3:00 - 3:45 PM - Tuesdays (starting 10/8)
4th Grade Band: 3:00 - 3:40 PM - Thursdays (not starting until January 2025)
Elementary Chorus will begin the week of September 30th.
Elementary Chorus: Grades 4 and 5
Meets every Monday and Wednesday.
Time: 7:20 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.
Elementary students will be supervised in the auditorium until it is time to go to their classrooms.
An email for elementary chorus registration will be sent out by next week.
Homework Club
Intramural Sports
Attention all 5th and 6th graders! Are you looking for a fun way to stay active and make new friends? Look no further than our intramural sports club!
Join us for a variety of sports and games, from basketball to kickball. You'll have the opportunity to compete against your fellow classmates and develop your skills in a supportive and inclusive environment.
Whether you're a seasoned athlete or just looking to try something new, our intramural sports club has something for everyone.
Every Tuesday and Thursday starting the week of September 19th and ending the week of December 10th from 3:00 to 4:00 PM
Environmental Club
The Environmental Club is led by Ms. Braxton and Ms. Stradford. Its goal is to model responsible environmental behaviors by encouraging students to act as leaders in helping OAS move towards a kinder, greener future.
Meetings will be held on Tuesdays, beginning October 1st from 3:00pm to 3:45pm. All meetings will be held in the cafeteria and students will be dismissed through the front door.
If you would like your child to participate in this program, please complete this form by Friday, September 27th. We look forward to working with you in the Environmental Club!
Additional Elementary School Clubs
Additional Elementary School Clubs funded by the OAS PTA will take place throughout out the school based on funds raised through PTA fundraisers. Please support the OAS PTA fundraising initiatives as students love to participate in after school clubs.
Building Bridges for your School Community
The Cranford High School Building Bridges program is open for 2024-2025 Registration!
Building Bridges is a great program that meets monthly and connects elementary students grades kindergarten through fourth grade with high school mentors for a fun hour of play time and activities. Meetings take place on alternative Tuesdays and Wednesdays throughout the school year at Cranford High School. Students are grouped by grade level with high school ambassador mentors.
Registration is $20 per student and is currently open until September 30th. Access the digital registration link here: https://form.jotform.com/232148382532050 and if you have any questions please reach out to Mrs. Savino Mulcahy at savino@cranfordschools.org