Principal Update 10/15
St. Stephen Mission Statement: St. Stephen School seeks to educate the whole child in mind, body, and spirit as we provide a faith-based community that assists children in developing a Christian conscience and attitude along with an understanding of the Catholic faith, centered in the teachings of Jesus Christ.
A Baseball ⚾ Reflection
Dear St. Stephen Families,
I've been particularly struck by the improbable run by the Detroit Tigers during these baseball playoffs. In the middle of August, the chances that the Tigers would make the playoffs were projected to be 0.2%. Instead, at the end of September, the Tigers finished the regular season as one of the hottest teams in Major League Baseball. Upon clinching a Wild Card spot, manager AJ Hinch remarked, "I asked [the players] what type of team they wanted to be. I guess they wanted to be a playoff team." His statement was ironic.
Playing good baseball is no accident-- it takes minute by minute attention to detail, elite processing and reaction time, focus on the play at hand, knowing your own skill set and the other team, openness to being coached, and a short memory-- even the best batters only get a hit once every three at-bats.
I can't help but think about how relatable this is to the spiritual life. Are we attentive to our relationship with God? Do we respond with love and virtue to other people? Are we caught in the future, or meditating on the present? Do we know our own flaws? Do we know how Satan wishes to tempt us? Do we have remedies for these temptations? Have we taken time to reflect on how to improve?
I offer that growing closer to Jesus doesn't happen by accident-- that it requires discipline, holy habits, and desire for forgiveness. Let us especially ask for the intercession of our Blessed Mother as we work to grow closer to Jesus.
October is dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary. I would like to continue to challenge our families at 3 levels the remainder of the month.
Level 1: Praying 1 Hail Mary daily as a family,
Level 2: Praying 1 Decade of the Rosary as a family.
Level 3: Praying the Rosary as a family.
Meeting this challenge at different levels should give access to our families who have varied daily and weekly schedules. While one day meeting the challenge at Level 2 is best, maybe the next day there's time to meet Level 3; perhaps the following day there's only time for Level 1. Meeting the challenge is the goal at each of our own family situations. I look forward to seeing our families rise to the challenge this month dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary.
Please see the visual below to support your family's prayer of the Rosary-- whether this family prayer is new or habitual.
Many blessings.
In Christ,
Bradley J. Stalder
Service Hours
Reminder: 14 Hours of Service are an obligation for school families.
Forms to record and sign-off for the service hours can be picked up in the front office OR downloaded below ⏬
Full-Day Pre-K Interest for 2025-2026 School Year
Please see the Full-Day Pre-K4 Interest form for the '25-'26 School Year. This program would be in addition to our current half-day program. Please share with friends and neighbors.
Ms. Hutcherson Named MANS Faith-Filled Teacher Award Winner
We are excited to announce that MS Teacher Ms. Rachel Hutcherson has been selected as one of two MANS Faith-Filled Teacher Award Winners.
From the award letter:
This award is conferred to an educator who exemplifies the very best in faith-based educaton. Your nominator, and the peer review team, noted that you have been a dedicated educator demonstrating unwavering commitment to both the academic and spiritual growth of students. Your award includes a complimentary registration to the 2024 MANS Education Conference and Expo in Detroit, Michigan. You will be recognized before your peers during the morning welcome on October 18th.
Congratulations on being recognized for your commitment to guiding the intellectual and spiritual formation of the St. Stephen Catholic School students you teach every day. We join the St. Stephen Catholic School community in thanking you for your service to Christ through your service to students.
This is a well-deserved recognition for Ms. Hutcherson. Please extend your congratulations as you see her during school.
Community Prayers/Intercessions
- The Parent Support Group
- The Special Intentions of the Stalder Family
- Fr. John Hedges
To add your prayers/ intercessions, fill out the form below ⏬
Parent Support Group (PSG) Update
Thank you to our PSG who worked tirelessly to make AppleFest such a rousing success!
I received feedback that this was the smoothest AppleFest event in recent memory.
The Parent Support Group (PSG) October Newsletter is linked here.
PSG Sponsored Trunk or Treat will be hosted at St. Stephen on Monday October 28th at 5 PM. Guidance for car designs will be provided soon.
Latin Prayer of the Month
During the Month of October, the "Sign of the Cross" in Latin will be included in our morning school prayer. I encourage you to also pray this simple prayer at home with your child.
LifeTouch Photography
Dear parents,
School pictures are ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.com or create an account using your student's student ID number.
Don't Forget to Order This Year's School Pictures
your order!
CODE: F202410OFF
EXPIRES: July 31, 2025
Don’t forget to order your FREE Digital SmileSafe card!
More about the Smilesafe program here.
School Calendar & Events
We will be celebrating All Saints Day on Friday November 1st. Students are strongly encouraged to dress as a Saint that they wish to honor or is meaningful to them/their family on Friday November 1st. More Details will be coming soon.
10/17 MANS Conference - No Classes
10/18 MANS Conference - No Classes
10/24 - Sorrowful Mother Field Trip
10/28 - Trunk or Treat 5 PM
10/28 - End of Q1
10/30 - Jeans Day
10/31 - Halloween - Parade @ Approx. 10 AM
11/1 - All Saints Day - Saint Dress Encouraged
11/5 - Picture Re-Take Day
11/7 - End of Q1 Pep Rally (Honors Assembly)
11/7 - Parent-Teacher Conferences - 12 Noon Dismissal
11/8 - No School
11/27-11/29 Thanksgiving Break
12/2 - Q2 Progress Reports
12/17 - Advent/Christmas Music Program - 230 PM
12/23-1/5 Christmas Break
1/6 - Return to Classes
1/14 - End of Q2
1/23 - End of Semester 2 Pep Rally (Honors Assembly)
1/24 - St. Stephen School Art Show - 5-6PM
1/26 - Open House & Begin Catholic Schools Week
Our school will be in session during Halloween. In the past, students have been permitted to dress in costume. Please consider the following guidance regarding costumes: refrain from costumes containing or referencing blood/gore, masks, swords/weapons (including play versions), devil/demon/witches, etc. We want to honor the fun of this holiday while also ensuring appropriate attire for a Catholic school.
The school calendar has changed slightly from earlier this summer. The St. Stephen mid-winter break is now better aligned with Huron School District’s break. Please see the updated school calendar linked here.
Picture Re-Take Day is November 5th.
The Fall pilgrimage for 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders to Sorrowful Mother Shrine in Bellevue, OH is scheduled for Thursday, October 24th.
The Fall pilgrimage for the Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th graders to the Solanus Casey Center will be Friday, November 22nd. More Details and permission slips will be going out soon.
Our next Jeans Day Wednesday October 30th and then the last Thursday of the month moving forward. Thursday October 31st is the last Thursday in October, and we will be celebrating Halloween. Per the handbook, “Jeans must be blue denim and loose fitting. Gym shoes are to be worn with jeans. Money collected on this day is put into the Technology Fund.”
All parents/guardians volunteering in any capacity for St. Stephen are REQUIRED to complete Protecting God’s Children. This includes volunteer drivers. Please read the information here. Use the following link to register here.
Any parent planning to drive for field trips will need to complete the form linked here and submit the required driving information to the front office.
Additionally, volunteers who have not already completed a background check this year should complete this form and return it to the front office OR e-mail to schooloffice@ststephennb.education
Fall Sport Update from Athletic Director Mr. Frank:
It is hard to believe that we are closing out another Soccer season. We have been very blessed this year with good weather this year as well.
Last week our Minis Team (PreK4-1st Grade) finished their season. This group welcomed many new faces of players as well as coaches. I want to thank Coach Brittany and Coach Anthony for taking time to teach the kids some soccer basics. I could see an improvement from when they first started back in September.
Also, last week our I-League Team finished their season with the year-end Tournament. After having a successful season, they continued to show their growth and won the Tournament for the third straight year. Thank you, Coach Ashley, for taking time again this year to teach our sprouting athletes as they prepare for the next level of soccer.
Finally for our Varsity Soccer Team. This year we had some struggles during the regular season that ended last Friday. Our team has worked hard with Coach Steve and Coach Hannah though again this year. Last Friday we honored our 8th graders as they are ending this chapter of their soccer stories. Yesterday, we started the Playoff week in CYO and for the first time since joining the Monroe CYO we have finally won a Playoff game. It was exciting to see them play with passion and determination yesterday. Since we won our season has not ended. I invite all the St. Stephen School family to come out and cheer on our 5th-8th Graders on Wednesday night. The game will be played at St, John Paull II in Lincoln Park and will start at 5pm. I would like to red out the sideline, so please wear your red St. Stephen swag.
We have also had some of our girls playing Volleyball with St. Pat’s again this year. I am sorry I do not have any updates on them, but I will get some updates for next week.
We need a few more bowlers (at least 2 JV 4th-6th, and one Varsity 7th/8th). Contact AD@ststephennb.education with questions/interest
Catholic High Schools Open Houses & Visits
8th Graders are also invited to University of Detroit Jesuit High School’s Open House Sunday October 27th. Details are linked here.
St. Mary’s Catholic Central High School is inviting our community to their Open House Sunday November 3rd. Please see the flier linked here.
Gabriel Richard Catholic High School is inviting our 7th & 8th grade parents to Arnaldo's Banquet Center on October 16. See this link for more information.
Gabriel Richard Catholic High School is also hosting a Pioneer Exploration Day Friday October 25th. The student will experience what it's like to be a student at GR by attending interactive "mini" classes and workshops. They will be escorted by our Student Ambassadors and have an opportunity to ask about our academic, athletic, and extra-curricular activities. We also provide free lunch and a t-shirt. E-Mail Mr. Lamb at lambs@gabrielrichard.org to confirm attendance. Notify Ms. Hutcherson if your child plans to attend.
School Forms & Info
Senate Bill 280 was signed into law in December 2023. Beginning in the 2024-2025 school year, the parent/guardian, who registered a child for the first time in kindergarten or first grade in a school in Michigan, must comply with the following:
Have a dentist or dental hygienist conduct a dental oral assessment on the child not earlier than six months before the date of the child’s registration with the school and obtain from the dentist or dental hygienist a written statement certifying that the child has received the dental oral assessment.
Please utilize the form linked here for all kindergarten and first grade students.
Please see the information regarding concussion awareness linked here and the AOD policy here. Please sign the following concussion material acknowledgment linked here and bring it to the front office or e-mail to schooloffice@ststephennb.education.
Please contact the St. Stephen school office if you wish to find out more information about Huron District provided bussing– even if your family utilized district bussing in previous years.
Church & Community Updates
St. Stephen Parish's Mary Conference will be Saturday, October 26. The information about the conference is linked here. RSVP to Audrey 734.753.4171 by Oct 20.
Thank you to all those who helped made the Parish raffle such an amazing success! The parish sold $52,950 worth of raffle tickets and made a profit of $39,950. The entirety of the profit goes toward the parish subsidy of the school. I have tremendous gratitude for the support our parish has for our students. Congratulations to the winners and thank you for making the raffle such a profitable success!
One of our parents is looking for immediate babysitting support. Please see this link for details.
Pro-Life Initiatives
Plymouth Right to Life is sponsoring a Jr. High Oratory Contest. $100 to 1st Place, $50 to 2nd Place, $25 to 3rd Place.
If St. Stephen has the highest number of participants, Plymouth RTL will award our school $500 toward pro-life efforts.
Social Media
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@StStephenNewBoston
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StStephenNB/
Facebook Parent Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/805655842880562/?ref=share&mibextid=adzO7l
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ststephennb/