Jaguar Journal December 2024
Johnson PK Center Monthly Newsletter
A Note from our Site Administrator - Mrs. Huggins
Thank you to everyone who came out to join us for our STEAM Night on November 14th! It was a fun evening for children and adults alike! Your support of our school means so much! When your children see you taking an interest in what they do at school, they know that you value their education. So thank you for taking the time out of your evening. It means so much more than you could know to everyone that gives of their time to prepare and stay late to make sure you all have an enjoyable educational experience. Sometimes, being an educator can feel like a thankless job, so I hope that you will take some time this month to let your child's teachers know that they are appreciated and valued.
Read on for a whole list of things happening during our short 3-week school month of December. Hopefully you can join us for the WInter Program. Your kiddos have been working tirelessly for weeks to perfect it for you!
Have a joyful and wondrous holiday season, and let's make this a December to Remember!
🎄💓💚 Jana Huggins, Site Administrator 💚💓🎄
Important Dates for December
Friday 12/6 - November Lil Jags of the Month @ Rise-N-Shine
Wednesday 12/11 - Beautiful Beginnings @ Johnson PK
Friday 12/13 - Pajamas & Hot Cocoa
Monday 12/16- Friday 12/20 - Winter Spirit Week: see the flyer below
Wednesday 12/18 - JPK Winter Concerts: see details below
Friday 12/20 - Winter Parties @ 2pm: look for more information from classroom teachers
Monday 12/23 - Monday 01/06 Winter Break NO SCHOOL!
Tuesday 01/07 Classes Resume! Second Semester Begins
Andrea McKellar Johnson Pre-K Teacher of the Year 2024-2025
December Character Trait: Courage
Courage means the strength to act, even when afraid or uncertain.
Quote: "Courage is not the absence of fear; but rather that something else is more important than fear."
Beautiful Beginnings at Johnson Pre-K Center 12/11 @ 8:30am!
Parents of children birth to age 4 years old (not yet in school) - Please join us for 1-2-3 Play with Me in the Library at Johnson Pre-K Center on Wednesday, December 11th! There are fun activities for the children and parents to all do together! This is a great opportunity to meet other parents and build new friendships. Every child will also receive a free book. Come and see what it's about and have some fun playing, too!
Join us for the Johnson PK Center Winter Music Concert on 12/18!
Winter Spirit Week is 12/16 - 12/20!
Perfect Attendance Days
When everyone in the class is in attendance on the same day, we call that a Perfect Attendance Day! Classes track their Perfect Attendance Days and they are celebrated at Rise-N-Shine every week. For every 10 Perfect Attendance Days, the class gets a special reward. The first 10 and 20 are celebrated with an extra recess. So far Mrs. Ellis and Mrs. Ortiz's class is leading the way with 22 Perfect Attendance Days! Read below to see where your child's class is on the list:
Mrs. Ellis has 22 Perfect Attendance Days!!
Mrs. Katy 23
Mrs. Bobbitt 9
Ms. Buckley 8
Mrs. Takahata 8
Ms. Maguire 7
Mr. Jones 7
Mrs. Ketch 6
Ms. McKellar 6
Mrs. Caldwell 5
Mrs. Silvers 3
Johnson Pre-K Aftercare Program
Did you know that Johnson Pre-K has our own Aftercare program? We are open on school days from 3pm - 6pm. We have fun activities, learning opportunities, and even a snack every day! Right now we have openings in our Aftercare Program, so call the office if you would like more information, or email Mrs. Huggins at jjhuggins@okcps.org
Winter Break 12/23 - 01/06 NO SCHOOL!
School Menus
Please be sure that we are aware of any medical issues or allergies that your child has that may affect them here at school. As per district policy, we are unable to provide or administer medication to your child unless we have an Authorization of the Administration of Medication form that has been completed by your child's physician. Please DO NOT send medication - including inhalers - in your child's backpack. When the form has been completed and sent to us, you will need to bring the inhaler into the office where it will be locked in a medical safe.
Also, if your child has food allergies that we should be aware of, please have your child's physician complete a Medical Statement form and return to us so that we may share this information with our cafeteria staff to make accomodations for your child. Both of these forms are available in the front office or on the OKCPS website.
Johnson PK Center is a Uniform School
As part of OKC Public Schools, we follow the elementary uniform policy. Students will need to wear uniforms daily.
Uniform Policy
• White, Red, Grey, & Navy Collared Shirts/Tops
• School Shirts
• Navy Blue, Khaki, & Black Pants/Bottoms
Closed-toe shoes - we have recess daily (weather permitting) and PE several times per week. Please help us keep everyone safe.
All bottoms must be at least fingertip length. Please have students wear shorts under dresses and rompers.
Johnson PK Center Core Values: Respect, Responsible, Safe
GE - 8 Expectations for Living
School Information
Arrival & Dismissal Information
Mrs. Jana Huggins, Site Administrator
💻 send me an email
☎️ give me a call
Email: jjhuggins@okcps.org
Location: 1810 Sheffield Rd, OKC, OK 73120
Phone: (405) 587-6700
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JohnsonPKCenter