Important District News and Updates

September 6, 2024
Greetings Avon Lake City Schools Community!
As we all shift back into full gear for the 2024-2025 school year, we do so with eagerness and excitement for all the outstanding opportunities, accomplishments, activities and more underway in our school district. I encourage you to always visit our website district calendars for updated information. One such event will take place at the Boys Varsity Football game this evening versus Chardon High School, during which we will pay tribute to First Responders and Veterans. We also greatly thank Kopf Builders and our Football Club for their special donation of the funds to sponsor last week's fireworks display. Please also mark your calendars for Friday, September 20th, which will be our Homecoming Game versus Midview High School!
SOUPer Bowl Drive and Contest Versus Avon to Collect Food for Those in Need
As a fun and competitive contest that ultimately helps raise awareness and resources for those in our community who are most in need, a SOUPer Bowl Drive is underway in Avon Lake and Avon, to help collect non-perishable food items for our local pantries. The competition with Avon culminates on Friday, October 25, 2024, during our home football game, with a trophy awarded to the community with the heaviest truck stuffed full of goods. Peanut butter, cereal, canned fruits, and other non-perishable items are needed, and there will be drop off locations at all Avon Lake Schools. Let’s help those in need, and win that trophy, too!
Avon Lake HS Science Teacher Anna Marie Bair Has Article Published in Periodical
In other exciting news, Avon Lake High School Science Teacher Anna Marie Bair has the proud distinction of authoring an article that was recently published in Chemistry Solutions, an online periodical by the American Association of Chemistry Teachers (AACT). The article is available for viewing on the AACT website and details Mrs. Bair’s journey of developing strategies to help students become more aware of their learning progress throughout the school year. Mrs. Bair has taught Chemistry and Physical Science courses at Avon Lake High School for twenty years. She is respected by peers and students alike for her ability to connect with students and create a classroom environment that promotes problem solving, collaboration, and a greater awareness of personal learning growth. On behalf of Avon Lake City Schools, congratulations to Mrs. Bair on this significant achievement and thank you for your dedication on behalf of our students!
Issue 15 and Issue 16 Bond and Levy Facts Page on District Website
The Avon Lake City Schools encourages you to visit the Levy Facts Page on our district website and look to our Facebook page for notifications regarding new updates. Issue 15, the district’s bond issue, and Issue 16, the operating levy, are on this November’s ballot, and a great deal of information is posted under the News Section. We encourage you to not only visit this page to learn more but to also share the resources with everyone seeking the information necessary to make good decisions this November. Thank you for taking advantage of this opportunity.
Style Guide for Use of Avon Lake Branding Assets
A Style Guide and Branding Summary has now been posted to the Avon Lake City Schools website. These guidelines are presented as the formal and legal framework by which individuals and organizations should inquire about using the district’s visual, written, and graphic assets. If you are part of an organization that intends to use one of the brand elements from the Avon Lake City Schools, you are also asked to fill out a dynamic application online with the Superintendent’s Office, that will be responded to promptly. A final form for usage requests that are approved is also posted online. The Avon Lake City Schools family works hard to uphold the integrity of its brand, and asks all potential users to do the same, in order to support our district. Thank you very much!
State of the Schools Presentation on Thursday, October 3rd
Please also mark your calendars for Thursday evening, October 3rd, during which the ALCS will host a State of the Schools presentation in the Commons at Avon Lake High School at 6:30 p.m. This presentation will focus on the successful start to the 2024-2025 school year, the elements of the district’s strategic plan, and an update regarding Issue 15 and Issue 16. We all look forward to seeing you at this State of the Schools presentation.
The district’s coffee talks continue forward, and we thank those who attended this past Wednesday’s event at McDonald's. See the flyer below for the upcoming three coffee talk sessions that are already scheduled!
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Joelle Magyar
Avon Lake City Schools
Upcoming Important Dates
Sept. 25 - Early Release for Students
Oct. 10 - Conference Day - No School for Students
Oct. 11 - NEOEA Day - No School for Students
Oct. 25 - End of First Quarter
Nov. 1 - Professional Development Day - Teachers/Tutors - No School for Students
To view the complete district calendar, click here.
Building newsletters
Just in case you missed a newsletter from your child's school, or have multiple children in our district at different buildings, we have links below from each building principal for your convenience with the most recent information sent to families. A link to our quarterly District Facility Focus newsletter is also below.