The Core
October 23, 2020, Volume 11, Issue 7
Principal's Notes
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Monday is a big day around here - all of our students PreK - 5th Grade, both hybrid groups (Blue & Gray), will be here four days a week! We are excited about this and taking every opportunity to practice our State Guidelines. This will be a challenge with all so many people in limited spaces ... but we'll do our best!
Please know that arrival and dismissal times will be more challenging next week. We will be making fundamental changes for November 2nd - that's the date our large tent comes down. So please bear with us this next week and take your time driving in our lines.
Remember, it is important to:
- Stay in your car. Even if running late, please stay in your car.
- Keep a lane open! Pull up and keep to the right so others can safely pass.
- Have your child move with purpose, ready to go, upon arrival.
- Also please think about having your child sit in the back seat on the "passenger side". This way we can check temps and children can exit the cars safely.
I hope parents can see how serious we are taking safety within our school grounds. Check out the mini-calendars below remember to keep an eye out for the superintendent's emails for the latest updates.
Stay safe, stay well, and take some time to read with your child.
Mark Trifilio
Quote of the Week:
"I'm so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers."
~L.M. Montgomery, author of Anne of Green Gables
PTO News
Click here to check out children and adult clothing:
There is infant clothing too, for future Orchard School students!
National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is tomorrow,
Saturday, October 24th.
This twice-yearly event provides a safe, convenient, and responsible way to dispose of prescription and over-the-counter medications. Local drop off spots are at the University Mall or anytime at the S.B. Police Dept; find other locations by scrolling to the bottom of the page here.
Halloween and COVID
Being safe during Halloween: the Health Department reminds us that when trick-or-treating or making plans, lower the risk of getting COVID by maintaining:
The CDC outlines low, medium, and higher-risk activities to review when considering Halloween festivities. See the recommendations here.
It's Still Tick Season! Check your body for ticks after being outdoors.
Check out the CDC website for: tick identification, prevention, removal, symptoms.
COVID Resources: Quick Links
- Information for Families: Return to School Following Illness
- COVID-19 Translations: find helpful guidance and videos on many topics.
- Video: how contact tracing for COVID-19 works in Vermont.
This fall and winter, flu viruses and COVID-19 may both spread.
Get your flu vaccine to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Be Well,
Kara & Darcy
School Nurses