Superintendent's Update
December 6, 2024
Hello Auburn Families and Staff,
Well, we made it through our first snow day. Try as I might to have kids in school, it seemed like the best decision at the time. Each time there is a weather event such as this, I consult with the Director of Facilities, the Auburn DPW and the Auburn Police Department. Doing so gives me information from multiple sources and thus, the hope that I am making the right decision. I promise you I do not take the decision to cancel school lightly. I appreciate the impact it has on families in so many ways so if the late call on Thursday was difficult for your family, I hope you understand why it had to be made. I thank you for your continued support and understanding and I can only hope that this will be the only call that I have to make.
Included in this newsletter you will find two entries regarding DESE Monitoring Processes that we will undergo this school year. One is related to our English Learners and the other is focused on special education. These reviews are cyclical and every public school district in Massachusetts is required to complete the review process. As noted for each, when the review is complete and findings are shared, we will share that information with all of you.
We have added a button in the Quick Links section below to the Sandy Hook Anonymous Reporting System recently implemented at Auburn Middle School and Auburn High School. Sandy Hook Promise is a national nonprofit organization founded and led by several family members whose loved ones were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012. Based in Newtown, Connecticut, their intent is to honor all victims of gun violence by turning their tragedy into a moment of transformation. By empowering youth to “know the signs” and uniting all people who value the protection of children, we can take meaningful actions in schools, homes, and communities to prevent gun violence and stop the tragic loss of life.
The Sandy Hook Anonymous Reporting System teaches students, teachers, and administrators how to recognize warning signals and threats, on social media, in school, or in their community, of individuals who may be a threat to themselves or others and Say Something to a trusted adult OR use its anonymous reporting system. This system is intended to be used in serious situations and again, only in the event that a student does not have a trusted adult to report the issue to directly. The Crisis Line is staffed 24/7 and school personnel or the Auburn Police are notified immediately if the report is considered to be a life safety issue and all other issues are reported as soon as possible on the next school day. We believe that this tool is another tremendous step toward keeping all of our students safe.
Thank you for your continued support of the Auburn Public Schools and have a great weekend.
We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you! On October 11th, the Special Olympics of Massachusetts recognized Auburn as a Unified Champion School District. This recognition is a testament to our students, staff, families, and the community's hard work, dedication, and collaborative efforts. To be a Unified Champion School, three core components are required:
Unified Sports: Auburn has Unified basketball at AMS and AHS, Unified Track, and Unified PE and Bocce.
Inclusive Youth Leadership: Auburn has a Unified club at SWIS, AMS, and AHS (Rockets2Rockets), an inclusive student council, and members of the Youth Activation Committee.
Whole School Engagement: Auburn has participated in a respect campaign, kindness week, awareness activities, a unified sports pep rally, fans in the stands, a polar plunge, school day games, buddy bingo, and a unified staff vs. students game.
Auburn also has unified courses, including Digital Media, Art, and Physical Education.
In 2022, Special Olympics North America recognized Auburn High School with the National Banner, and in 2023, Auburn Middle School received the same National Banner. Both schools achieved national standards of excellence in inclusion, advocacy, and respect!
“Every school in Auburn Public Schools has signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) to become an official Unified Champion School in Massachusetts, demonstrating an unwavering commitment to inclusion and unity. This collective dedication across the district has earned us the Unified Champion School District status.”
From: Special Olympics North America
Auburn began its transition to the New IEP from the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education at the start of the 24-25 school year. This change is designed to help your child's team address the needs if they meet the criteria for special education. The revised form focuses on gathering complete information about your child's strengths, challenges, and individualized goals to develop a more personalized education plan for your child. It gives students more voice and input on their vision, accommodations, and transition planning. Also provides several benefits to you and your child. It allows for enhanced collaboration between you, your child’s teachers, and the IEP team. It provides more clarity and consistency. It facilitates a smoother transition between grade levels and helps students transition to post-high school life. The New IEP offers a more detailed framework for documenting your child's progress, accommodations, modifications, and individualized services.
Auburn’s Special Education Department has also created a procedure for sending, signing, and returning IEPs. All IEPs, Consent, and Procedural Safeguards will be emailed from DocuSign using our IEP software and DocuSign. This will allow us to get your child’s IEP or consent to you promptly and return to the district. Once you have read the IEP or consent, you can sign the documents digitally and return them to the district immediately. This process will save the district and parents time, paper, and stamps.
Please contact us with any questions or concerns regarding implementing the new statewide IEP form or our new IEP signing procedure. We value our partnership in your child's education and look forward to working together to support your child’s educational needs.
Schools: Pakachoag, Bryn Mawr and Pre-School
Special Education Team Chair: Shilo Vosbuurg Svosburg@auburn.k12.ma.us
School: Swanson Road Intermediate School
Special Education Team Chair: Kathleen Sharr ksharr@aubrun.k12.ma.us
School: Auburn Middle School
Special Education Team Chair: Rachel Loew rloew@auburn.k12.ma.us
School Auburn High School
Special Education Team Chair: Samantha Pothier spothier@auburn.k12.ma.us
Director of Pupil Services: Gregory Walton gwalton@auburn.k12.ma.us 508-832-7752
During the week of December 16, the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE’s) Office of Language Acquisition (OLA) will conduct a Tiered Focused Monitoring Review of our schools. The Office of Language Acquisition reviews the ELE program of each district and charter school every six years to monitor compliance with federal and state English learner education laws and regulations. Areas of review will include English learners’ student assessments, identification of English learners; what programs English learners are placed in, parent and community involvement, curriculum and instruction, student support services, licensure requirements for faculty, staff and administration, program plans, and evaluation and recordkeeping.
In addition to the onsite visit, parent outreach is an important part of the review process. Parents of students whose records the review team examines have received a survey which focuses on key areas of their child’s English learner education program. Survey results will be reviewed by OLA and they will contribute to the monitoring report.
Parents and other individuals may call Moira Connolly, Office of Language Acquisition Review Chairperson, at (781) 338-3525 to request a telephone interview. If an individual requires an accommodation such as translation to participate in an interview, DESE will make the necessary arrangements.
Within approximately 60 business days of the onsite visit, the review chairperson will provide to us a report with information about areas in which Auburn meets or exceeds regulatory requirements and areas in which we require assistance to correct or improve practices. The report will be available to the public at https://www.doe.mass.edu/ele/cpr/.
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s Office of Public School Monitoring
(PSM) will conduct an Integrated Monitoring Review of Auburn Public Schools during the week
of February 10, 2025. Each school district, charter school, vocational school, and virtual school
undergoes an Integrated Monitoring Review every three years. The areas addressed during an
Integrated Monitoring Review are organized into two groups, known as Group A Universal
Standards and Group B Universal Standards.
Auburn Public Schools will be undergoing a Group A monitoring review that addresses ·
student identification and eligibility timelines, Individualized Education Program (IEP)
development, programming and support services, procedural requirements for suspensions, and
equal access.
The process includes interviews with school staff and administrators, policies and procedures,
and school building visits. The process may also include parent/caregiver, student and teacher
focus group meetings to gather additional information. Interpretation will be provided, if needed.
Auburn Public Schools will host an orientation about the review process in collaboration with the
Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC). The Department will also send a parent
survey, in multiple languages and formats, as needed, to parents /guardians of special education
students to gather key information on the special education processes and procedures.
Parents/guardians and other stakeholders may call Corey Steinman, Monitoring Review
Chairperson, at (781) 338- 3742 to request a telephone interview. If anyone requires an
accommodation, such as translation, to participate in an interview, the Department will make the
necessary arrangements.
Within approximately 60 business days after the onsite visit, the review chairperson will provide
the district with a report that includes information on further actions that may be required. The
public can access the report at https://www.doe.mass.edu/psm/tfm/default.html.
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) has reported that cases of walking pneumonia (mycoplasma pneumoniae) and whooping cough (pertussis) are spreading in Massachusetts, particularly among school age children and adolescents. We are continuously monitoring sickness in our schools and are taking precautions in preventing the spread of disease. If your child is exhibiting symptoms of a possible respiratory illness that includes a cough that is worsening or not improving with or without fever, please keep them home and contact their pediatrician.
Please see the links below for more information and reach out to your child's school nurse with any questions or concerns.
APS Nurses
Winter Holiday Break-December 23, 2024-January 1, 2025
Monday, Dec 23, 2024, 07:00 AM
School Resumes after the Winter Break
Thursday, Jan 2, 2025, 07:00 AM
Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday-No School for Students or Staff
Monday, Jan 20, 2025, 07:00 AM
February School Vacation-No School Feb 17the-Feb 21st
Monday, Feb 17, 2025, 07:00 AM
Half Day of School for Students-Professional Dev for Staff
Thursday, Mar 20, 2025, 07:00 AM
No School for Students-Professional Dev for Staff
Friday, Mar 21, 2025, 07:00 AM
Auburn Rockets Booster Club
Dinner fundraiser at Outback!
Southbridge St. Auburn location
*Thursday December 12, 2024
*4pm -8 pm
*20% of your order will go back to ARBC!
*take out, eat in or outback online only (no third party orders)
Thank you in advance for your support!
ARBC is non profit and supports AHS athletes, staff and coaches.
Please follow the link and see the attached flyer for the town of Auburn and the Auburn Public Schools to get discounted tickets to the game https://fevo-enterprise.com/event/Auburnday2025
Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much. ~Helen Keller