Brown MS - First day of school info
Sept. 1, 2023
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Dear Brown MS Community,
This past Wednesday and Thursday teachers, custodian, administrative assistants and administrators worked together to prepare for the 2023-2024 school year. Classrooms were set up, desks were carefully arranged, posters were hung, papers were copied and teachers collaborated on their plans for introductory events and lessons. We are all excited to welcome our students on Tuesday. It is our goal that you and your child feel a sense of belonging as part of the Brown Bear Family - a very special community, indeed.
During the first teacher day, staff also enjoyed a delicious luncheon sponsored by the PTO (see pictures below). A big thank you to Janelle Phillips, Sheri Heywood, Lindsey Gulden, Debbie Kuronen, and Denise Dandrea. The food was delicious and so appreciated by all.
Thursday morning we greeted 6th grade students for a visiting hour. The excitement in the air was contagious! I saw so many smiles on the faces of students and teachers in the anticipation of what lies ahead. 6th graders were able to find their homebases and meet their team teachers to alleviate some of their anxiety as they enter into a new school environment.
We are looking forward to meeting all of our students next Tuesday, September 5. Students will report first to their homebase. (If you do not know your child's homebase, you can find it on Aspen. Please check my earlier newsletter now available on Brown's website for directions). There is important information below about the first day of school that you and your child will need to know. Please review it this weekend to be sure they are prepared.
The weather ahead looks terrific - fun, sun and one last hurrah for the summer! Enjoy the long weekend.
Kim Lysaght, Principal
Upcoming Dates
- Tuesday, Sept. 5: First day of school for all students (full day 8:20 - 2:50)
- Monday, Sept. 18 (absent students Sept. 27): School Picture Day
- Monday, Sept. 18 (4:30 - 7:30): Brown PTO Family Picnic at Brown
- Sept. 18 - 22: Kindness Week
- Mon., Sept. 25: No School - Yom Kippur
- Wed., Sept. 27: Back to School Night
Thurs., Sept. 28, 2023: Early Release Day (Dismissal at 11:20)
Key Things to Know for the First Day of School
Students should bring:
- a writing utensil
- a small notebook to write things down
- a folder to collect any handouts
- a water bottle
- a bag to carry their belongings
- the name and room number of their homebase
- the letters of their bus and the name of their bus stop (if applicable)
- students can bring a lunch or eat the school lunch served by cafeteria
When students arrive, they can wait in the front lobby, the cafeteria, or the gym lobby until 8:05 when the bell rings. Then they should proceed to their homebase. First block begins at 8:20.
Students will receive their schedules and assignment books from their homebase teachers during that first block.
NOTE: Please do not worry! Teachers will be out in the hallways helping students to find where they need to go. We will also help 6th graders to find their buses at the end of the day.
Traffic Patterns for Drop Off/Pick Up
This is a reminder to anyone who plans to drive students to and from school, to please be cautious at pick up and drop off times. The picture below outlines expectations regarding the blues zones (see blue lines on Wheeler and Meadowbrook Roads). We need EVERYONE to abide by these safety guidelines. Students should not be dropped off in school driveway or the rotary in front of the school. When using the blue drop off/pick-up zones, remind students to exit the car on the passenger side to avoid cars that may be passing by.
We have plenty of bike racks for students to lock their bikes as well!
Absences - New procedure for how to report them
Our first Bear Belief at Brown MS is "Be Here". This holds many meanings for us such as being engaged and involved at school, but at its most basic level, it means being physically present each day.
We will now be utilizing a googleform for parents (instead of the absence phone line) for you to report when students will be absent. Here is a link to the form: Brown MS Absence Reporting Form. This form will be available at the bottom of all of Ms. Lysaght's weekly updates as well as on the Brown MS website. (Protip: Bookmark this link so you can access it easily.)
The student attendance and absence procedures document linked above includes clarification on absences that are considered excused and unexcused.
The following are examples of absences that are considered as unexcused.
Family Vacation - Students out of school for a family vacation e.g., Disney trips, family events, including weddings, international travel, etc.
Private School/College Visit - Student visiting a private school/college or other non-NPS school program during regular school hours.
Traveling - Family travel for non-vacation reasons e.g., parent sabbatical, ski school. Students who leave Newton for extended periods will be withdrawn and should re-enroll when they return.
Other Examples - Student stays home from school to not attend a field trip or participate in a planned curricular event.
Newton Public Schools has updated and clarified the K-12 student attendance and absence procedures to ensure alignment across levels and compliance with school committee and state guidance. To read about the details click here: Student Attendance and Absence Procedures.
Student Contact Information and Permissions Information - Please Update
If you have not done so already, please login now to Aspen to update your student’s information and permissions. This review must be done every year so that the district has accurate and up-to-date information on addresses, emergency contacts, health records, etc.
It is also critical to review the permissions for the 2023-2024 school to indicate preference on utilizing and releasing student data, information, and photos.
Please update all records and permissions by Friday, September 29th. Here we have linked a document with directions for updating your information through Aspen.
School Lunch Information!
Meals at NPS this School Year
Massachusetts will again provide universally-free meals for students in the 2023-24 school year. Please note the following
The FIRST breakfast and lunch are free each day
Please note that first meals are free for all students. However, second meals and a la carte items must be paid for with cash or with MySchool Bucks.
Paid Meal Pricing for Second Meals
The student charge for second meals is $5.25 for elementary students and $5.50 for middle and high school students.
How to use MySchoolBucks
Please create or check your family MySchoolBucks lunch account to ensure there are funds available if your child purchases a second meal or a la carte items (middle and high school only).
The district cannot allow negative balances in student accounts. Please ensure that your student's account has funds to purchase second meals or a la carte foods if you choose to allow this option for your student.
All student meals must be processed at the register
All student meals must have their meal scanned at the Point of Sale register - even though the first meals are free. This is necessary so that Newton receives the accurate federal and state revenue to operate the program.
Student ID barcode cards will be provided for all K-5 students, which will be waiting for them at school on the first day of school. The cards will remain at school, and each school will determine how the kids will access their cards each day.
Free and Reduced Meal Application Information
Even though Massachusetts will again provide one free breakfast and one free lunch for students in the 2023-24 school year, it is still important for qualified families to complete the free and reduced price meal application.
Your approved application could provide you with additional financial assistance. Programs you may qualify for include:
SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) - Monthly financial assistance to purchase groceries (you will need to submit a separate application)
Summer EBT 2024: a state program that provides cash cards to purchase groceries in the summer months when school is not in session
The district sent emails to families last week notifying them if they are already qualified for the Free and Reduced Meal program through a state identification process. If you did not receive this email, please do the following:
Check your email SPAM folder for the email
If you do not find the email and believe that you are qualified based upon your family income, please complete the free and reduced price meal application.
If you are qualified for the Free and Reduced Meal program, NPS would provide additional financial assistance with bus fees, activity fees, etc. However, you MUST do one of the following:
Follow these instructions to apply for fee payments and waivers through NPS.
When you complete your yearly forms review (known as our “Annual Student Information Update,” check the box that says “Permission to Utilize Lunch Eligibility for Educational Access.” When you check the box, you are sharing your meal eligibility status (participation in the free and reduced meal program) with the district. We are then able to provide you with fee waivers.
Bus Transportation Information
Bus passes are now available and should be downloaded from Aspen. Here are the instructions for downloading the pass:
1) Log into Aspen:
2) Click on Family Tab at the top
3) Click on Child's Name
4) Click on Documents Side Tab
5) Look for and download Bus Pass 2023-2024 document
Once the pass is downloaded and printed, it can be attached to your student’s backpack or bookbag. Some families use a luggage tag or a clear sleeve with carabiner to attach the bus pass. It can also be carried inside the backpack, though easy access to the pass is helpful.
Secondary students with a smartphone can download or display a screenshot of the bus pass on their devices.
Please do not board a bus without a bus pass.
If you have any questions about bus passes or new registrations, please contact the NPS transportation department at:
Just a note that bus registration is currently closed while our staff review routes and ridership. Once we have assessed available space and confirmed routes, registration will re-open, likely in mid-September.
1:1 Technology Program - ATTN: 6-12 Families
Every student in grades 6-10 in the Newton Public Schools is issued a Chromebook as part of the 1:1 Technology Program. In middle school, the Chromebook is for use both in school and at home. We ask that personal computers be left at home so that all students are using their Chromebooks for school.
Entering 6th graders are provided with a Chromebook they will use for the length of time they are in middle school. Chromebooks are issued in September. Devices are kept by the student over the summer until the end of 8th grade.
For incoming 6th grade families and new students:
To issue your student a Chromebook, and for those who have not yet completed the form, please do the following:
Sign the Chromebook Loan Agreement - please read and agree to the Chromebook Loan Agreement available in our Aspen Portal. Printable and translated copies are also available. We will not issue devices to 6th graders and new students in until the loan agreement is signed. Please also review with your child.
For all students and families:
Consider Opting-In to the NPS Chromebook Repair Fund. This is done on a yearly basis. - Families are responsible for the cost of damages to Chromebook devices. We encourage you to sign up for our Optional Chromebook Repair Fund. For $25 per year, all accidental damage to the device, including screen cracks, liquid spills, damages from dropping, etc. will be covered. Sign-up and payment for the Chromebook Repair Fund is done through the MySchoolBucks Portal.
In addition, we encourage you to examine some of the resources on Online Safety and Digital Citizenship posted on our website, and engage your children in conversations on these topics on a regular basis.
More information about the 1:1 Device program can be found on the NPS 1:1 Technology Overview Page.
PTO Volunteer Opportunities
There are several PTO sponsored events throughout the year that we hope you’ll be able to attend or consider volunteering for! You can find and sign up for some of our amazing upcoming events and volunteer opportunities here:
Also, we have several NEW activities/opportunities this school year as follows.
Team parents – This has been added per popular demand! To those elementary room parents who miss being close to the action! We heard you! this is for you!
Field Day – Another crowd favorite!
Kindness Week – Certainly one of our NEW favorites!
Kindness Week Sept. 18 - 22
The week of September 18th Brown MS will celebrate Kindness Week. The PTO has worked hard to establish this as a regular practice at Brown. During the week, our community will focus on how we demonstrate and receive kindness. PTO parent volunteers will greet students in the front lobby each morning where they will display posters about how to demonstrate kindness. They will share and other treates with students as they arrive at school.
During advisory students will learn about the science behind the benefits of being kind and witnessing acts of kindness. Students will also create a chain of kindness by writing down examples they have experienced or witnessed during the week and linking them together.
We plan to hold a second kindness week later in the year as well.
Athletics and After School Enrichment Information
Please click here for information regarding our after school sports and enrichment programs for this coming school year.
You can use the links below for detailed information regarding sports and extracurricular activities. Please read information carefully and be aware of important dates. After reading, if you have any further questions, please email Katrina Antonellis our after school program director. She can be reached best through email
Fall Varsity Sports Information 2023 (7th & 8th grade Only)
6th grade Cross Country Enrichment Program 2023
Fall Varsity Sports Tryout Policy
Brown Enrichment Information/Schedule 2023-2024
Visiting? Check in at the main office first
This is a reminder that all visitors should enter Brown MS through the main entrance only (use the buzzer to be admitted) and check-in at the main office. Once there, you will sign in and get a temporary badge to use while visiting the school. If you have a lunch, project, athletic clothes etc to drop off, our administrative assistants will direct you to the drop off table (and you can leave without signing in).
Questions? Please come to the main office and speak with our amazing front office staff, Ms. TImperio, Ms. Golemi or Ms. Ross.
Early Release Days 2023-2024
THURSDAY Early Release Days: This year early-release days will be on the following afternoons listed below. Students will be dismissed at 11:20 on the following days.
September 28
November 7
November 22
December 7
March 21
Calendar and School Hours
School Hours:
8:20AM - 2:50PM - Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.
8:20 AM - 2:05PM - Wed.
Click here for the NPS 2023-2024 school calendar.
Click here for the 2023-2024 Brown Middle School days of the cycle full year calendar.
Brown Middle School
125 Meadowbrook Road
Newton, MA 02459