Superintendent Newsletter August 23

Friday, August 23
I hope everyone had a refreshing and enjoyable summer! The start of a new school year brings a sense of excitement and energy as students look forward to reconnecting with friends, meeting their teachers, and diving into new learning experiences.
We wrapped up the 2023-2024 school year on a high note with positivity and momentum. I am confident that this energy will carry us through the 2024-2025 year, and I am eager to celebrate the achievements of our students and staff in the coming months.
Our preparations are in full swing for the first day of school on Tuesday, September 3. Teachers are busy setting up and organizing their classrooms, principals are ensuring their buildings are inviting and ready, our grounds crew is enhancing the outdoor spaces, food service teams are preparing our kitchens and cafeterias, and media specialists are organizing our libraries. Everyone is working diligently to create a welcoming environment for our students.
As always, our top priority is the academic success of every student. We’re committed to partnering with families to enhance student attendance, recognizing that regular attendance is crucial for student achievement. Each year, our goal is to see all students learning in school every day, engaging with their peers and benefiting from our excellent staff.
Your child's attendance is vital, and we will provide additional resources and support focused on improving attendance throughout the school year. Expect regular updates and tools to help ensure that every student can attend school consistently. You’ll find more details about this initiative below.
On the first day of school, I’ll be visiting all our school buildings, and I look forward to greeting you and your child(ren) in person. Here’s to a fantastic start to the school year! I am always available to connect with you during the school year. I appreciate your support of our district and your child(ren)’s education.
In service,
Dr. Willie E. Garrison II
School District of Beloit Superintendent
This year, we have established an attendance website that will offer resources and support for families to help boost attendance. Visit our website regularly to learn more about: Resources, Did You Know?, What You Can Do, and Why it Matters. Additionally, our district will provide text messages, emails, and newsletters with helpful tips and resources to support you.
If you encounter any challenges during the school year, please contact our student services team at your child's school. They are a valuable resource and are ready to offer support and assistance as needed.
Registration Must Be Completed Before the First Day of School
All returning School District of Beloit students must register for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year. The registration process must be completed for each returning child in your family. Registration helps us get all the information we need to have your child(ren) scheduled with a teacher and ready for a successful first day of school.
Online registration can be completed online following this link: www.sdb.k12.wi.us/schoolregistration
If you need help with the online registration process, please contact your school secretary or our Central Enrollment Office.
Transportation Update
Bus route information for eligible students for the 2024-2025 school year is now available on Skyward Family Access. Additionally, our district has mailed detailed route information to households this week. For any questions about bus routes, please reach out to Durham at 608-362-2628.
If your child will be using the bus, we recommend downloading the Bus Zone app. This app allows you to track your student's bus route, view stop locations, check scheduled arrival times, and more. Download the app on the App Store or the Google Play Store.
BMHS Freshman Orientation
Our BMHS Freshman Class of 2028 will kick off their high school journey with an all-day orientation on Friday, August 30th. The day will start with a warm welcome from our BMHS Link Crew Leaders and school staff at 8:00 a.m. in the Barkin Arena. Freshmen will engage in activities led by our Junior and Senior Link Crew Leaders.
Lunch will be served in the BMHS cafeteria, followed by a formal welcome from the BMHS administration. Students will then have the chance to meet their teachers, explore their schedules, and locate their classrooms and lockers. Each teacher will provide essential information to help students prepare for the upcoming school year. Students will be dismissed early at 3:00 p.m.
BMHS Staff are excited to welcome our newest Purple Knights to the Beloit Memorial High School family!
Community Eligibility Provision
For the 2024-2025 school year, our district will implement the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) to provide free breakfast and lunch to all students through the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. No fees or meal applications are required.
We do request that families complete the Alternate Household Income form to assist with Title 1, SAGE/AGR, and fee waivers. If you have any questions, please email us or call us at 608-361-4007.
Stay Connected
At the School District of Beloit, we enjoy sharing events, achievements, and recognitions highlighting our students, staff, and community partners. We provide transparent and up-to-date information and communication through our social media platforms, our SDB App, website, weekly school newsletters, and my newsletter. We appreciate the positive engagement by everyone who follows us on Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn and stays connected with us by downloading our SDB App or accessing our News Tab.
We believe in respectful, truthful, and encouraging messaging and communication. We will continue to communicate in that manner with our students, staff, families, and community.