Math Specialists' News
June 2024
Celebrating Math at NIS
End of Year Math Fun
We are ending the school year with some all school math celebrations. On Tuesday, May 28 we had Fun Facts Day. Every person in the school wore a math fact on their shirt. We addressed each other by our math fact instead of our names. Ask your child what fact he/she wore.
Secondly, on June 7, 10, and 11 we will host Math Carnival Days in the cafeteria. Two classes at a time will come to the cafeteria for 75 minutes. Students will have a chance to choose from a range of math activities and games to enjoy freely.
If you would like more specific information on Reveal Math Units or anything math related, please contact us.
Kara Carlson (carlsonk@npsk.org)
Tina Lorenzen (lorenzent@npsk.org)
Ideas for Parents and Caregivers
Summer Math
Mathematicians Hard at Work
Congratulations to recent winners of our Main Street Math math problems!
Abigail E., Arminas K., Tea Siana N., Pamela R., and Lauren P.