St Joseph's Newsletter T2 Wk 8
22 June 2022
Principal’s Piece
Kia Ora Koutou
Matariki hunga, Matariki ahunga nui
Matariki has many admirers, Matariki brings us together
This morning we had a wonderful Matariki celebration that brought our school community together. It was great to see so many parents and grandparents on our school site to be a part of this special event. The students really enjoyed taking part in games and activities as well as having soup and fried bread. They also enjoyed sharing their musical and Kapa Haka performances. My special thanks to the Cultural Committee and PTFA for the work they have done behind the scenes to make this day a success.
To mark our first Matariki public holiday the school has planted a tree and a special carving has been created by Mr Lake. I hope that you too are able to mark this occasion in a special way with your families this Friday when school is closed . We look forward to hearing the stories when the students return to school on Monday.
This week we have started to have our mid year Learning Conversations across the school. The Learning Conversation provides a great opportunity to spend time with the teachers to discuss the learning so far this year. If you would like to book an appointment for the next round of Learning Conversations on Tuesday 5 July please follow the details below.
Tomorrow at Water World our senior school will have their annual Swimming Sports. The swimming sports were postponed from Term 1 due to Covid 19 going through our senior classes. Swimming Sports is a great opportunity for many of our students to use their talents. I wish all those students that are taking part in the pool tomorrow all the best. My thanks to the staff that have made this event possible and to the parents who have given up their time to help out.
Kia manaaki te Atua koutou katoa
Grant Stuart
Tumuaki / Principal
Matariki Garden
Gospel Reflection
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, Cycle C
Sunday, June 19, 2022
Gospel Reading
Luke 9:11b-17
They all ate and were satisfied.
Background on the Gospel Reading
Today, the second Sunday after Pentecost, we celebrate a second solemnity, which marks our return to Ordinary Time. Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. At one time, this day was called Corpus Christi, Latin for “the Body of Christ.” In the most recent revision of the liturgy, the name for this day is expanded to be a more complete reflection of our Eucharistic theology.
The feeding of the 5,000 is the only one of Jesus' miracles to appear in all four Gospels. Luke places it between Herod's question, “Who is this about whom I hear such things?” and Peter's response to Jesus' question about who he thought Jesus was: “You are the Messiah of God.” In Luke the feeding is not the result of Jesus' compassion for the crowd but is instigated by the disciples. They wanted Jesus to send the crowd away to town. Instead Jesus tells the disciples to give them some food on their own.
The passage is meant to remind us of two feedings in the Old Testament: the feeding of the Israelites in the desert and Elisha's feeding of 100 people with 20 loaves in 2 Kings 4:42-44. It is also connected to the institution of the Eucharist. As in the Last Supper accounts in Matthew, Mark, and Luke and in Paul's account in 1 Corinthians 11:23-24, Jesus takes bread, looks up to heaven, blesses the bread, breaks it, and then gives it to the disciples. In using this exact language, Luke is reminding his readers that in this miracle Jesus is doing more than feeding hungry people as God did for the Israelites and the prophet Elisha did as well. The bread he gives is his body, which he will continue to give as often as the community breaks bread in remembrance of him in the Eucharist.
Learning Conversations
It has been good to see a large number of parents make the time to come in for mid year Learning Conversations over the last couple of days. We have one further opportunity for these conversations on Tuesday 5 July between 3 and 6 pm.
To book a Mid Year Learning Conversation Appointment:
Click here - Learning Conversation Appointment Booking Link
Or go to www.schoolinterviews.co.nz Event Code: 2gvge
This is a time for parents and teachers to discuss academic progress and next steps in learning. It is up to the parents whether children come to these meetings too; we don’t mind either way!
Lucky Book Club Out Now
Issue 4 Brochures are now available. This issue will close for ordering tomorrow Thursday 23rd June. Please order on line using LOOP (see details on brochure). Please note that orders are not accepted at the school office. Thank you for your support.
Period Products
St Joseph’s Fairfield has opted into the government initiative to provide period products for students. This initiative aims to provide free period products to children and young people in all schools across New Zealand. Periods are a fact of life for half the population. Despite this, young people don’t always have access to the products they need to feel comfortable at school, engage in their learning, and manage what should be a normal and healthy part of life. If you want to know more, click here for a link to the Ministry of Education information.
At St Joseph’s, we have put in place a discreet delivery system so that girls can take home a monthly allocation of period products (two boxes per month). We know that some girls at this age might feel too shy to openly discuss period products with their peers or a staff member, so we want to make access easy and remove any embarrassment for them.
Click here for more information.
Each girl can fill in this Google Form which lets them select from various products.
Cultural Committee
Filipino Celebration
In an initiative led by parents from our Cultural Committee, the Filipino community in St. Joseph's celebrated the 124th Philippine Independence Day on Sunday June 12, 2022. This commemorated the country’s independence from the Spanish rule of more than 300 years. The celebration started with the Philippine national anthem and a prayer to bless the Filipino delicacies that each family brought in.
The children, with the assistance of their parents, drew and painted a canvas of the Philippine flag, which they were able to take home as a token of celebrating the event.
Of course, the program will not be complete without Filipino games. The children had a go at
Piko or our version of hopscotch. It’s a popular street game that can be played by two or more players. A diagram is divided into sections, drawn on the ground with usually chalk or charcoal. A player throws a “pamato” which can be a stone or small cap, to the first box, then hops from section to section. On the way back, the player picks up the “pamato” and hops back to the base.
Dads took a shot at playing “Sipa” (kick in English). Historically Sipa can be considered as the national sport and is very popular among street games. It is made of a washer, a metal stud with a hole in the middle, usually covered with colorful straw. Thrown up in the air and then kicked repeatedly with the heel or elbow. Definitely a battle of sipa control for the grown ups!!
With the joint efforts of our 11 Filipino families, not only were we able to commemorate this national event, but we also built friendship with new families. It's so great to know that the Filipino community in SJF is growing!
Key Dates
Support St Josephs Catholic School Fairfield PTFA and purchase your Entertainment Membership from us today!!
COVID 19 - Update
We still have some students showing symptoms of Covid 19 and a number of these children are testing positive. If this is the case with your child, please let us know.
Please email the Principal directly: g.stuart@stjosephs.school.nz or ring (07) 855 5434.
All students who return a positive test result, and their household contacts, need to self-isolate for 7 days, then they are able to return to school provided they are symptom free.
Past Student Sporting Achievements
Before and After School Care 2022
Here is the link to find out more details and to enrol for Term Two:
Community Notices
Garden Bird Survey
This year’s New Zealand Garden Bird Survey is Saturday, 25 June – Sunday, 3 July 2022. This page contains everything you need to get your students engaged in science and nature and become citizen scientists for the day. https://gardenbirdsurvey.nz/children-teachers/
Sacred Heart College, Auckland
Due to the restrictions that COVID-19 placed on the college community, it was not possible to hold a “Sacred Heart College Open Day 2022” at the school. The community did, however, produce a video. Please view “Sacred Heart College Open Day 2022” on Vimeo by placing the following link in to your browser https://vimeo.com/688676990
For further information please contact Sean Bristow, Deputy Headmaster - Boarding
Ph: 09 5293660
Mob: 021 620 734
School Holiday Programmes
Edventure Young Explorers Camp
July 18th - 22nd, 8-13yr olds, $525
OSCAR Available
We have an awesome week planned that includes rock climbing, archery, target shooting, bush walks, orienteering, team building and confidence activities.
A typical "Kiwi Outdoors" camp with an emphasis on mountain safety and bush survival skills.
Planned and run by local teacher Todd Burton and based at Aongatete Outdoor Education Centre, this one's going to be awesome!
Drop off / pick up Hamilton, Tauranga, or at the venue.
More info and to book now visit www.edventure.co.nz, phone 02102241576 or email mark@edventure.co.nz
See you on your next EDVENTURE
Click here to BOOK NOW!!Parish Mass Times
St Peter Chanel
Tuesday 9am
Thursday 9am - Liturgy with Communion
Saturday Vigil 5pm
St Joseph's
Wednesday 9am - Liturgy with Communion
Friday 9am
Sunday 9am
2022 Term Dates
Term Dates
Term 2: Mon 2nd May – Fri 8th July
Term 3: Mon 25th July – Fri 30th September
Term 4: Mon 17th October – Fri 16th December
Teacher Only Days
Term 3 – Monday, 29 August
Term 4 – Friday, 11 November