Welcome to Kindergarten!
2020-21 Castleton Elementary School
June 19, 2020, Newsletter # 1
A note from Mr. Derby and Mrs. Rosher...
We are so excited for you to start kindergarten here at Castleton Elementary School in the fall 2020. There are many new and wonderful things in store for you as you begin your K-12 school journey as a WILDCAT!
You will explore new ideas, think creatively, learn through play, movement and songs. We will work together and learn about letters, sounds, books, reading, writing, numbers, solving problems, science, technology and the world around us. Special area classes like art, music, and physical education (PE) will be a fun way to express yourself and develop your artistic and athletic skills.
Another important way you will grow is as a member of our Caring School Community at CES. Get ready to learn and show how you can be a kind, responsible and respectful citizen of your class and the school. You are certain to make new friends and see why CES is such a special place to be!
We know that you have not yet had a chance to formally meet our teachers, staff and administrators like we usually would each Spring, so our team has put together some very special ways to welcome you virtually through the computer. Please review the information and links on this page. We will continue to send information using these newsletters throughout the summer.
We look forward to the day that we can all be together. For now, our most important goal is to stay safe and healthy. Have a great summer!
Mr. Derby, Principal
Mrs. Rosher, Assistant Principal
Contact Us at Castleton Elementary School
1477 South Schodack Road
Castleton-on-Hudson, NY 12033
Website: https://www.schodack.k12.ny.us/castleton-elementary-school/
Location: Castleton Elementary School, Scott Avenue, Castleton-on-Hudson, NY, USA
Phone: (518) 732-2297
Facebook: facebook.com/SchodackCSD
Twitter: @CastletonES