Reardan Weekly
NO SCHOOL: President's Day, February 20
NO SCHOOL: March 3 (unless we have another snow day prior)
Camp Casey is Back!
Attention 6th Grade Parents: Camp Casey is back! Sixth grade students will travel to Camp Casey on Whidbey Island from May 23-26th. Students will be at camp for 4 days and 3 nights. The cost of this trip is $100 and will include a t-shirt. This year, we will visit Deception Pass, the fish hatchery, Fort Casey, the Maxwelton Outdoor Classroom and a tour of Boeing. We will share the itinerary and date of our parent meeting in the upcoming weeks. All Reardan sixth grade students are eligible to attend unless they exhibit unsafe behavior, have excessive absences, or they are not meeting academic standards as set by their teachers.
Liam Shintaffer-Hamilton Qualifies for State!
He has played the Banjo since he was 10 years old and this is the 4th time he has been the Regional champion. He will be going to state in April. His parents are Andy and Bernadette Hamilton.
We are so proud of you Liam!
Middle School Update
If you have noticed our MS students have all recently started wearing glasses, you are not imagining it! RMS would like to give a shout out to board member and parent Jenny Cox for purchasing blue light blocker glasses for all of our middle school students. After visiting our classes she noticed how much screen time our students have during the day as we use Chromebooks to deliver instruction more often that we had done in the past. These blue light glasses can help reduce eye strain and prevent headaches associated with screen time. We want to thank Mrs. Cox for the glasses and the Oreos! Middle School students appreciate the love!
February 24th is our First Semester Recognition Assembly at 2 pm in the commons. We are celebrating our scholar’s list (3.7-4.0 gpa), honor roll (3.3-3.6 gpa) winter athletes, and our Reardan Rising Students (improvement in 2+ classes from 1st to 2nd quarter). We will then segue into our PBIS reward activity for all students with no office/bus referrals and no cell phone violations this month. Our social will consist of music, games, and snacks in the commons. Parents are welcome to attend the Recognition Assembly, just sign in at the elementary office.
First grade teacher Mrs. Nelson has been partnering with Mrs. Vesneske in a reading buddy group. Young readers need time to practice one on one with older readers, and this homeroom activity has been a huge success for all of our students. We can see some of our MS students who would make incredible teachers, and the first graders are sure they are working with rockstars!
Darren Mattozzi and the Natural Helpers students placed positive and inspirational messages on all MS lockers Tuesday, February 7th. This is part of the Only7Seconds campaign. This group knows that connection with others is a win for all of us. We will be doing activities on the 7th of each month. Learn more at : https://only7seconds.com/
Lunch: Mac and Cheese with fruit and vegetables
Homemade pumpkin muffin breakfast
Lunch: Teriyaki Chicken and Rice
Options Students Go Rollerskating!
The Options' students went to Roller Valley for a field trip. We participated in a STEM activity where we learned about vibrations, friction, and frequencies. Then we got to skate for a couple of hours, enjoy some lunch and build friendships!
HS Athletics
NE 2B Boys Basketball All League recipients, Jakari Singleton 1st Team, Logan
Flaa and Ryson Soliday for 2nd Team.
Elizabeth Bell receives the NE 2B Girls basketball 2nd team award
HS Varsity Boys took down Colfax and earned their spot in the District 6/7 crossover game in Wenatchee on Saturday February 18th. They'll be battling Lake Roosevelt for their chance at State. Way to go gentlemen!
Weather Forecast Information
Elementary Updates
Spring sports are right around the corner. Parents there will be a T-ball, youth softball, little league planning meeting on Tuesday, February 21st at 6:00 pm in the Commons.
There will be a RECAP and Title Family Game Night next Thursday, Feb 23rd. Pasta dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m. Games begin at 6:00 p.m. Come play a variety of card and board games. Come join the fun.
Next Friday, February 24th will be our next Fun Friday—History Day. Dress up as your favorite historical figure.
Our lost and found has multiplied exponentially with the cold mornings and warmer afternoons. If your child is missing sweatshirts, coats, hats, etc., please have your child check the lost and found. We will be donating all unclaimed items to charity at the end of the year.