Principal Welch's Weekly Update
January 21st, 2025
Click here 20+ Places for Teens to Volunteer in Tucson | TucsonTopia to find service opportunities in our community!
Student Course Selection for 25-26 School Year
The RHS Counseling Department will be working with all students grades 9-11 from January 21-31st on their 25-26 COURSE REQUESTS. This is an exciting time of year for returning students to take advantage of all the great course offerings Rincon HS has to offer. Students should check with their current English teachers for the date of the Counselor visits. Attendance on these days will be most beneficial in the process for students.
Thank you for working with our Counseling team in my absence, and reminder that if you need to speak with your child's counselor the assignments are:
Anna Finkle- FRESHMEN
Jill Morgan- SOPHMORE/JUNIORS last name A-L
Kat Kaderabek- SOPHMORE/JUNIORS last name M-Z
Jennifer Vasquez- COLLEGE AND CAREER
Please Respect Our Neighbors
We are all aware that Rincon is tightly situation between major roads and a quiet neighborhood. The neighborhood immediately located south of Rincon has no parking signs posted throughout the area. We continue to receive reports that drivers are not respecting those signs, making it difficult to for homeowners in the area to enter or exit their driveways.
Please represent the Rincon community with pride, respectfully observing traffic laws and signs in the area. Tucson Police will be patrolling the area, citing drivers who are not abiding by traffic/parking laws and signs. Beyond receiving costly citations, we want our community members to see the amazing talent and character that we see in our students. I urge you to demonstrate the same respect and civility you demonstrate to one another while here on campus, outside of our gates with our community members. Show our neighbors the very best of what we are made of in Ranger Nation!
College and Career Center Updates
Click Here to view All Rincon HS College & Career Center Upcoming Events, activities, news and updates. See Below for this week's highlights.
THIS WEEK's Upcoming CCR Activities: (Register here to attend Events and Rep Visits)
- JTED Enrollment Party registration continues...Use THIS FORM to explore JTED Programs. Check it in with Mrs. Vasquez by the morning of 1/27 to be eligible for the 'JTED Enrollment Event' at the RUHS Library on 1/27 (register at the link above)
- Dual Enrollment eligibility Accuplacer registration... -Take the Accuplacer at RHS on Feb. 7th 8am -11am to get qualified to take college credit courses next school year! You MUST have an A# from Pima College to take the Accuplacer. See instructions here then sign up for the Accuplacer at Rincon Here. Study Here: Reading and Writing Quick Start Guide for Students & Here: Mathematics Quick Start Guide for Students
- Tuesday: Cash For College! on the breezeway at lunch. Seniors, show you have completed your FSA, FAFSA, Scholarship & College/Program applications for next year and get a reward!
- Wednesday: US Air Force, Space Force & ROTC & US Marines - on the breezeway at lunch.
- Thursday: Pima Community College Application Workshop - in the CCR Center in 3rd & 4th period. sign up here.
- Saturday, Jan. 25: JTED Program Showcase at the Bridges Campus, 3300 S. Park, 10am - 2pm
Become a Ranger for Rincon
Hello Rangers!
The Rincon Education Foundation was organized to help the teachers and students of Rincon during their time at Rincon. We are here to help find funding for teacher and administration through grants and donations. To this end, the REF initiated the 100 + Rangers for Rincon.
The Rincon Education Foundation was organized to help the teachers and students of Rincon during their time at Rincon. We are here to help find funding for teacher and administration through grants and donations. To this end, the REF initiated the 100 + Rangers for Rincon.
The 100+ Rangers for Rincon is a Giving Circle created to facilitate meeting larger needs at Rincon High School.
How does a Giving Circle work? A giving circle is a group of people who come together with the common goal to pool money from their contributors to provide funding for specific needed resources identified by the teachers, students and administration that will make their educational experience the best it can be.
The members of the giving circle can continue to raise more money for future identified needs. This pooling allows a person's contributions to make more of an impact than any one person can.
This giving circle will have a meeting 3 times a year.
1:00 - 3:00 pm
Rincon High School Cafeteria
421 N Arcadia Ave, Tucson, AZ 85711
(You remember where it is!)
Can’t make it in person?
join us via Zoom (1:30-2:00 pm) at:
1:00 - 1:30 pm
Meet and Greet
(Light refreshments will be available.)
1:30 - 2:00 pm
(This portion also via Zoom)
Presentation of our first 2 Resource Drives
- Cellphone lockers for Classrooms
- New lockers for sports field locker room
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Tours of the campus and our list of future project goals
We look forward to seeing you on January 25th!
Student Announcements
-The Girls Tennis Team will hold a meeting on Tuesday, January 21st, after school at 3:15 on the tennis courts.
-The RHS Counseling Department will be working with all students grades 9-11 from January 21-31st on their 25-26 COURSE REQUESTS. This is an exciting time of year for returning students to take advantage of all the great course offerings Rincon HS has to offer. Students should check with their current English teachers for the date of the Counselor visits. Attendance on these days will be most beneficial in the process for students.
-Batter up! The Arizona Diamondbacks are running an Attendance Matters campaign for the month of February. Any Rincon student with perfect attendance for the month of February will receive a complimentary ticket offer to a Diamondback's home game. Please see Ms. Callahan in the E. Library for more information.
-The Library is also beginning a bookmark design contest! All students are encouraged to showcase their creativity, with the chance to have their design printed and shared throughout our community. Details are in the Library with Ms. Mitchell. Submissions are due by February 5th.
-Hey Rangers! January starts JTED Enrollment Application Season! These programs are very competitive so be sure to complete your program interest form and attend the Info Session to be eligible for the 'Enrollment Application Party' at 2:45 on January 27th. You can find the form link in the CCR Center Newsletter posted in your Class level CANVAS Announcements or you can pick up a hard copy from Mrs. Vasquez in the CCR Center.
-The RHS Enchanted Winter dance is taking place Saturday, January 25th from 7:00 to 10:00 in the South Gym. Tickets are on sale now in the finance office for $20! Go get them early, and we’ll see you there!
-RUHS athletics t-shirts are now on sale in the finance office. Prices are $15 for one shirt or $25 for two!