
Be strong and courageous...for it is the Lord who goes with you. Deut 31:6
Morning Devotion
Each day at CCS, students gather for a song of worship, a scripture and time of devotion, and the singing of the doxology. Some of the scriptures used this past week during morning devotion are listed below.
Some of this week's scriptures were:
- Galatians 2:20
- Deuteronomy 31:6
- Proverbs 19:21
- Psalm 119:11
Time to Order February Hot Lunches
Notice the Taco Bell items are a little different this month.
The last day to order is Monday, January 27th.
Go to https://cullmanchristian.gradelinklunch.com/ to order.
Make sure you select the dot beside the menu item and then press "add lunch."
After all lunches are added, BEFORE YOU PRESS SUBMIT, please check and make sure that it is showing the day and the price of $6.00 for EACH DAY. If there is a day that does not show the date and the price, then it will not process correctly.
Looking Back on Last Week
100 Days of School
101 Days of School
Preschool classes had a little extra fun with the number of school days. On Friday they celebrated "101 Days of School" with a theme related to 101 Dalmatians. These little pretend puppies had a blast.
Hoop Shoot
The Cullman Elks Lodge held the Local Elks Hoop Shoot on Sunday, January 19th. Congratulations to Silas Nix on placing 3rd in the 8-9 year old division!
Music Leaders in the Making
ACEA Spelling Bee
Fantastic job by Chasen Hampton and Will Turner who represented CCS at the ACEA Spelling Bee!
ACEA Elementary Photography Winner
Congratulations to McKenzie Riffe on placing 3rd in Still Life and Macro Photography and 1st place in People and Animal Photography!
ACEA Junior High Photography Winner
Congratulations to Karter Wiginton on placing 2nd in Landscape and Architecture Photography!
ACEA Academic Testing Award Winners
In December several of our students competed in the ACEA Academic Testing Competition. Congratulations to these award winners!
- Chasen Hampton - 3rd Place: 5th Grade History
- Sophia Peeples - 1st Place: 6th Grade Math
- John Isaac Richter - 2nd Place: New Testament Survey
- Asa Haynes - 3rd Place: Music Theory
Youth Cheerleader Recognition
On Thursday night our Youth Cheerleaders spent the evening cheering for the Varsity Basketball teams. It was a fun night of recognizing our cheerleaders and rooting for our favorite team. Go Lions!
Youth Girls' Basketball Recognition
Also on Thursday night each Youth Girls' Basketball Team was recognized during the Varsity games. This photo says it all... The future is bright at CCS! Congratulations to all our teams on great seasons!
6th Grade Shadow Days
US Naval Officer Visit
On Friday, several classes at the upper school had the opportunity to learn more about the US Navy and Hurricane Hunters. Our special guest was Anthony T. Swindall, Maj, USAFR.
Class Ambassador Updates
Class Ambassadors (and/or parents):
Check your email for spring semester event opportunities to serve.
Special Note from Mrs. Yearwood...
I want to take a moment to brag on some of our 6th and 7th grade Class Ambassadors. On Friday we had a great learning opportunity and these students really shined! After lunch at the upper school, the cafe' staff let me know that some of our students had left a mess in the coffee shop. When I addressed this with students, these ambassadors took a leadership role and stepped up to make things right. They volunteered to go back through the building to make sure everything was in order and picked up anything that had been left behind. Through this simple act they distinguished themselves as student leaders willing to serve and show grace to others. I am so proud of them and I am so thankful for their willingness to serve!
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- January 27 - State of the School Address @6 PM
- January 28 - Basketball at Cleveland (VG,VB)
- January 31 - $1 Dress Down Day
- January 31 - Varsity Girls Area Tournament at St. Bernard
- February 1 - Youth Basketball Games
- February 1 - Varsity Boys Area Tournament at Addison
- February 3-7 - Spiritual Emphasis Week (Upper School)
- February 4 - James Spann Visit to Lower School
- February 11 - PTF Bake Sale
- February 12 - Spring Portraits (Lower School Only)
- February 14 - Early Dismissal at 11:30
- February 17 - No School
- February 21 - $1 Dress Down Day
- February 21 - Archery at Cullman Basketball Complex
- February 22 - Daddy-Daughter Dance @6 PM
- February 27 - ACEA Competition
- February 27 - Archery at Boaz
- February 28 - Re-Enrollment Priority Deadline
Important Items
It is time to begin re-enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year!
We are starting a little early this year as we anticipate more applications to process with the implementation of Alabama's CHOOSE Act.
Each school year, you must re-enroll your child(ren). Traditionally this has been during the month of February, but applications are open now for you to get a head start. Each year it has become increasingly important not to delay your re-enrollment and this year is no exception. We already have students on our waiting list for next year and it is growing daily! While we are so excited that so many new families want to enroll their children here, we also want to make sure that our current students keep their seats.
As an existing family, you will use your Gradelink account to re-enroll. You simply need to log in to your Gradelink account using a web browser (not the app) and click the “Re-Enroll” tab. It will walk you through the current information we have on file and ask you to update any information that has changed or may be missing. At the end, you will pay the $125 re-enrollment fee. That’s it! If you have forgotten or lost your login information, please reach out and we will email it to you.
As a side note... If you have family or friends asking you about new enrollments, we will also be opening the application for new families. However, new families will not be processed until the re-enrollment period for existing families is complete. Because of the increased enrollment interest and the implementation of the CHOOSE Act process, we will begin promoting early application so that we can begin processing as soon as possible.
We strongly advise and encourage all existing CCS families to apply for the CHOOSE Act. The CHOOSE application opened on January 2, 2025. More information about this process can be found at https://classwallet.com/alchoose/. There are several upcoming opportunities to participate in a parent webinar. This would be a great opportunity for you to learn more about the details of the program and eligibility requirements! You may register to attend at https://classwallet.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_At5ptlmwQpSYMkP0VKCcbQ#/registration
It's an exciting time at CCS! God is moving hearts and big pieces to the puzzle. We are so excited to be a small part of what He is doing and we are so very thankful for YOU!
The CHOOSE Act (Alabama's School Choice Act)
By now you should have heard that Alabama lawmakers passed a new education savings account program, the CHOOSE Act, earlier this year. They have now launched a new website that provides the latest information about the program, including eligibility information.
The family application process for the 2025-2026 school year opened on January 2, 2025 and will close on April 7, 2025.
Families may visit the website now to inquire about their potential eligibility.
Funding for eligible students includes up to $7,000 per participating student enrolled in a participating school. CCS is an approved, participating school.
Visit the link below for more information.
Looking Ahead
State of the School Address
Mark your calendar!
On Monday, January 27th at 6 PM we will be hosting a special information night for CCS parents. At the State of the School Address, Mr. Yearwood and members of the school board will update parents on what's to come for CCS. Please make plans to attend!
JV & Varsity Basketball Pictures
Team and individual photos for the JV and Varsity Basketball teams will be taken on Tuesday, January 28th. Be sure to wash and bring your uniform!
PTF Bake Sale
The PTF will be having a Valentines Sweet Shoppe on February 11th.
Proceeds will go toward a CCS media backdrop banner for school events.
Daddy Daughter Dance
Our annual Daddy-Daughter Dance will be on Saturday, February 22nd.
Archery Schedule
Coach Nikki has sent out the archery season schedule to all archers. Archers and parents need to stay in touch with coaches for specific flight times and any adjustments to the schedule.
Spiritual Emphasis Week
Spiritual Emphasis Week for Upper School students is coming up in February. Please begin praying for the impactful week. This year's focus will include lessons on sharing the truth of the gospel in a loving way and a time of serving in the community.
S.E.W. Schedule:
- Monday - Kick Off Service
- Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday - Small Group Sessions, Activities, and Student Led Worship
- Friday - Community Serve Day & Closing Service
Valentines Across America
The preschool classes are working on a special Valentine project.
Preschool Parents - Check information from your child's teacher for details.
Miss CCS & Fair Queen Pageants
Our Miss CCS and Fair Queen Pageants will be held on Saturday, March 8, 2025.
Watch for information soon about registering to participate.
Spring Formal
This year's Spring Formal for grades 9-12 will be held on Saturday, March 22nd.
Additional details will be released next month.
Video Announcement
Just to make sure that you read all the way to the bottom.... 😉
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED / Cognia Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu