News from Eli Terry
Week of September 8th, 2023

Staff, students, and even 4th R counselors have had SO much fun trying to guess who's who!
Do you spy anyone you might know?!.
Stop by the Main Office windows the next time you're in the building to join in on the fun!
We Hope You'll Join Us Thursday!
Our in-school Veterans Day Assembly will be held on Monday, November 11th from 9:15-10:15. More information to follow!
Volunteer Opportunity
Ask Your Child(ren) About...
The Mood Meter
What is it?
The Mood Meter is a self and social awareness tool that we can use to better recognize, understand and label our own emotions and those of others. We also use the Mood Meter to build emotion regulation strategies.
How it Works:
It works by helping individuals understand how emotions influence their thinking and behavior, enabling them to recognize and label their full range of emotions and use them wisely.
Why it Matters:
It matters because these skills foster better interpersonal relationships, aid in making informed choices, and empower individuals to develop strategies for working skillfully with their emotions, ultimately promoting personal growth and goal achievement.
Here are questions to ask your child(ren) to help them teach YOU about the Mood Meter:
- How do you use this tool at school?
- How does it feel to share your mood with the class during a check-in? Do you think it helps everyone?
- When you do a Mood Meter check-in at school, which color do you usually pick? Why do you think that is?
- Can you think of a time you felt (insert color) this week?
- Can you describe a time when you moved from one color to another on the Mood Meter? What happened?
- What are some feeling words that "match" each color?
- If you're in red or blue and want to shift, what strategies/activities help you?
- How do you think understanding your feelings can help you at school or with your friends?
You can also use these questions to guide Mood Meter check-ins at home!
- R: Where are you on the Mood Meter?
- U: What is causing you to feel this way?
- L: What word best describes your feeling?
- E: How are you expressing this feeling? Are you comfortable expressing?
- R: How do you want to feel? What strategy will you use to stay or shift?
2024-2025 PTO Family Directory
A Peek Inside Our Week
Happy Custodians Day
National Custodian Day is celebrated annually on October 2nd! We knew we wanted to give Mr. Chris and our night custodians E.J. and Colin the celebrations they deserved, so we celebrated a day early...didn't want the early release Wednesday to get in the way!
Classrooms signed up for a time slot to call the custodians for support with a clogged sink, more paper towel, water spills, etc., but really it was just to surprise and celebrate the individuals who we wouldn't make it through the day without! Our custodial team received handmade cards, books, banners, and even treats!
Thank you Chris, EJ, and Colin for all you do to keep our building the beautiful space it is!
Mrs. Glasser's class had a class Rock, Paper, Scissors tournament, courtesy of Melina winning the PAWS raffle. Pranal was the class champion!
Twins, Aizah and Hania loved celebrating their birthday at school! They rocked their birthday crowns!
Mr. Byron loved all the "beeps" he got for his birthday!
Kileigh, a 5th grader in Ms. Likar's room, teaches her peers about her partial quotient strategy!
More 5th grade students developing their division strategies on vertical work spaces!
PTO News & Events
Scholastic Book Fair - Week of 10/15
Eli Terry will be welcoming the Scholastic Book Fair during the week of October 15th!
Thank you for filling up our volunteer spots so quickly, we couldn’t do this event without you!
Our fair is 1.5 weeks away. Next week you’ll receive communications from your teacher with classroom visit specifics. In the meantime, check out this page regarding the cashless eWallet program:
Save the date for Family Night on Thursday, October 17 from 5:30-7:00!
Any questions, contact the Eli Terry PTO via email or on our Facebook page.
Mad Science - Session #2
Session #2 of Mad Science programming is open for registration!
We'll be offering 2 different options for this round - a science/chemistry themed program AND an art themed program.
Flyers and registration information is below. Session #2 begins on Wednesday, October 30th.
Trunk or Treat (10.25)
Eli Terry PTO is excited to announce they will be hosting their 3rd Annual Trunk or Treat!
Let’s bring our enthusiasm and imaginations alive again to create a fun and safe trick or treating event for our kiddos. This will be hosted in the Eli Terry parking lot on Friday, October 25th.
We have 40 spots open for trunks and they will fill up fast, so please see the flyer for all details and the QR code for registration. You can also access the registration Google Form below!
ALL participants MUST register - even if you're just attending to "treat"!
Extra Special Whole School Assembly (11.15)
Keep your eyes peeled here, each week leading up to the visit, for exciting information about Ivy, our special assembly, and the opportunity to pre-order personalized and "pawtographed" books!
Mark Your Calendars!
PTO Night at Hartford Athletics - Saturday, October 5th, 7PM
STEM Night - Thursday, October 10th, 6:30-7:45PM
Fall Picture Day - Friday, October 11th (see flier below)
NO SCHOOL - Indigenous Peoples Day - Monday, October 14th
Fall Scholastic Book Fair - Tuesday, October 15th - Friday, October 18th
Book Fair Family Night - Thursday, October 17th, 5:30-7PM
PTO "Trunk or Treat" - Friday, October 25th
NO SCHOOL - Diwali - Friday, November 1st
NO SCHOOL - Election Day - Tuesday, November 5th
Veterans Day Assembly - Monday, November 11th (9:15-10:15)
World Kindness Day - Wednesday, November 13th
Special PTO In-School Assembly - Friday, November 15th
Please note: All events can easily be added to your own Google Calendars by clicking the blue hyperlink above! We don't want you to miss a thing!
Events in the Larger Community
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