RVJHS Newsletter
October 14, 2024
Week at a Glance
Monday, October 14 (No School)
Tuesday, October 15 (D Day)
Wednesday, October 16 (A Day)
Thursday, October 17 (B Day)
Friday, October 18 (C day)
Picture Day is Coming!
10/21/2024 and 10/22/2024
Picture day is scheduled on the day your child has PE class
Visit https://vando.imagequix.com/S9SRC9J and enter the school Online Code RondoutInterMS24 to order online. (The preorder site closes 48 hours after the last picture day.) Post picture day ordering is available once the school receives the proof sheet. These orders include an additional shipping fee and are mailed directly to your home address.
JHS News!
Escape Room Puzzles!
Mr. Ugolino’s 8th grade students recently worked together to solve four different puzzles based on events and literary elements from Edgar Allan Poe's short story, "The Tell-Tale Heart." The puzzles were "escape room" style challenges where each led to the solving of a combination for a different lock. The goal was to break into a blue box to find "lost evidence" from the story's crime scene. How cool!
The Monkey's Paw Debate
Ms. Green did a fun debate activity with her ELA classes! Each corner of the classroom was labeled with the name of a character in "The Monkey's Paw." After the loss of one character, the students wrote down who they thought was most responsible, and on the sticky notes, they shared their reasoning. As Ms. Green read aloud each sticky note, the students jumped in to play devil's advocate, challenging the reasons.
Field of Flags Campaign
This Veterans Day we are partnering with the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) to host a Field of Flags campaign. This initiative allows us to honor veterans in a meaningful way, answer are hoping to fill the field area near Kyserike Road with flags.
We are accepting donations for flags until October 28. After that, the DAV will send us the number of flags corresponding to the donations received. The week before Veterans Day, we will assemble the field and hold a special ceremony with music from our band. We are also inviting local veterans and members of Ms. OConnor's dad's DAV group (he is a Vietnam veteran and involved with the DAV in Dutchess County, who have generously donated $500 toward this project).
Please contact Ms. OConnor for more information.
Information from Nurse Kelly
If you have not already done so please return the blue health emergency form. It is important to have up to date contact information. For those who have returned them, thank you!
A physical is required for 7th grade and for participation in athletics. Please ensure a valid exam is on file.
If you have any questions, please contact Nurse Kelly at x.4603
Lunch Menu for the Week
Monday: No School
Tuesday: Nachos Grande
Wednesday: Buffalo Chicken
Thursday: BBQ Pulled Pork Sandwich
Friday: Mozzarella Sticks
After School Activities
After School Tutoring
Mondays with Ms. Dubois in APOD 5 for all subject areas
Thursdays with Ms. Vertucci in A211 for math
Diversity Club
Diversity Club (4th-8th grade) will meet every Thursday in the Library starting October 10th. Permission slips can be picked up from Mrs. Tourtelot in the library or from Mr. O'Shea in room A101.
Environmental Club
Do you care about the environment or enjoy being outdoors in nature? If so, come to the first meeting of the Environmental Club after school on Wednesday, October 16th in A204. Club advisor is Mr. Garbowski.
After School activities end at 3:30. Students can be picked up by their parent/guardian or take the 3:35 late bus. Contact Ms. Cusher at x.4606 to find out which late bus your child should ride.
Coming Soon...
eGaming Club
Drama Club
Cooking & Crafting Club
Yearbook Club
News from the PTSA!
It was a beautiful Saturday on the Rondout Valley Athletics Track and our third annual Miles for our Middle School Walkathon was a shining success. We set an optimistic goal of $15,000, and our students, staff, and families worked diligently earning an astonishing $12,586 to use toward this year's field trips through pledges, donations and corporate sponsorships!
We need to shout out all the students in Grades 4-8 for walking their laps in PE! A huge thank you to Mrs. Crowley, Mr. Freese, Mr. Mutz and Coach Kastanis for helping the students get moving! A special thank you to Mr. Colomer, Mrs. Grasso, Mrs. Mahoskey, Ms. Spencer, Mr. Protoss and Mrs. Saffioti for attending the event and volunteering their time! We also need to express appreciation for Mr. Cutler, as well as our office superstars Barbara Cusher and Kathy Keane for all their assistance in making this effort a success!
The day of the event, we had the most students ever attend with nearly 70% of all students who received pledges join us on the track. These students walked a combined 1,259 laps which is the equivalent of 314.75 miles, breaking the record from our previous events! Our top lap walker, with a new all time high for number of laps was Carter Carr with 77! Rounding out the top 5, were Lurah Baker (62), Michael Colomer (54) and Aidan O'Keefe (54) tied for third place, Ben Castro (51) and Peter Colomer (51) tied for 4th and Emma Carr (48) placed 5th! Carter will be receiving a $25 gift card and Lurah, Michael, Aidan, Ben, Peter and Emma will be getting a free ice cream credit to Cherries! (All prizes will be awarded later this month). Congratulations to our student raffle winner, Oliver Carnavale, who took home an awesome Hoverboard! The complete list of Saturday participants and their laps walked is attached.
Our first place earner in the Intermediate School was Olivya Harty who topped our fundraiser list with pledges. She will become our Intermediate Principal for a Day! Greyson Merrick was runner up and will receive the honor of Assistant Principal for a Day! Our Junior High first place earner was Patrick Casey who will get to be Junior High Principal for a Day! Peter Colomer was runner up and will be the JHS Assistant Principal for a Day! (Student Principal date is TBD).Thank you to all the parents and families who rallied behind the students to help them receive pledges and donations. Patrick Casey, Olivya Harty, Greyson Merrick, and Aidan O'Keefe received over $500 in pledges and will receive Rondout Valley Gander Spirit Wear! The list of all fundraising participants is attached!
Congratulations to Mrs. Hornbeck's 6th grade class brought in over $1,000 and Mr. Cook and Mr. Corigliano's homeroom for raising $600. Both will be receiving a pizza and ice cream party!
A big thank you to our Corporate Sponsors. Level 3: Rustic Roots Farm Inc. and Taft Street Realty. Level 2: A&M Hardware, Bjorn Qorn, Jett Electric, Mid-Hudson Drafting and Design, Norman Staffing, Skate Time, Stone Ridge Pool and Landscapes and Ulster Savings Bank. Level 1: Avery Property Maintenance, Down to Earth Landscaping, Eleven Six, Sheila & The Deep End, Tracking Wonder Consultancy and Williams Lumber & Home Centers.
And to all our volunteers, including everyone who donated to our Bake Sale and those who came to support the event. Your efforts raised an additional $210.25. You are all very much appreciated!
We are looking forward to making next year's event an even bigger success!
Thank you, as always, for supporting the PTSA!
Upcoming Dates
- October 14: No School- Columbus Day/Indigenous Peoples' Day
- October 16: IS/JHS Fall Festival
- October 17: Evening Parent Teacher Conferences (4:00-7:00pm)
- October 18: Half Day for Students/ Afternoon Parent Teacher Conferences (12:30-2:30pm)
- October 21 & 22: Picture Day (during PE class)
- October 31: Half Day for Students