Technology Campus Chronicle
January 10th, 2025
Dear OSES Families,
Happy New Year to all our OSES family members. Even though it was a short week for students, I feel we got a lot accomplished. The students came back energized, ready to learn, and seem to have not missed a beat.
We have our Scholastic Book Fair this upcoming week. There should be a variety of titles to meet each students reading level. Due to changing state requirements, students are required to have a permission form to enter the fair. Proceeds from the fair are partially returned as "Scholastic Dollars," and used to restock our library with books, and some classrooms with educational resources.
For this school year, we have opted to hold an award ceremony on Saturday. Students who are unable to attend the event will be able to receive their medal(s) the following week. We understand that there may be some conflict with this arrangement, however it’s a byproduct of having so many students do so well at the school (there are over 1500 awards being distributed!)
Michael Singleton
Also we are no longer allowed to accept Uber Eats/Doordash etc for students!
Due to supply issues at the OCPS level, we do not know if hot or cold lunch will be served. Please be prepared to have either lunch until further notice.
Breakfast and Lunch will be FREE for the 2024-2025 school year
If your child has food allergies and will require a special meal from OCPS please click on the link below to fill out the special diet order form
Special Diets for Food Allergies - Orange County Public Schools (ocps.net)
February Menu
Curriculum and Testing Updates
Happy New Year! This week, our students are getting back into the swing of things by reviewing classroom expectations and making New Year resolutions. Students in grades K-2 started FAST testing this week. All students present took their ELA assessment. Some students began math today, and the majority will take Star Math next week.
All families can find student scores on the Skyward Parent Portal. Since access codes are no longer valid, please use the attached instructions and follow the steps closely. Note to select the “District Link” button near the top to see scores, not the Test Scores tab on the left-hand menu.
Orange FAST AORs were due today for grades 3-6, so please make sure this is returned to your student’s homeroom teacher. K-2 AORs will be sent home after the testing window closes. If you have any questions, please reach out to Cayce Carter at Cayce.Carter@orlandoscience.org.
Our very own Simran was able to secure 2nd runner up trophy during the International UCMAS competition held in India for the Z category. There were 6000+ participants from over 80 countries.
Hot off the Dean's Desk
We are so excited to get back after winter break! In Character Ed we discussed what The New Years mean for us and what new things we would like to try and/or change. In Social Studies we are learning the many ways we can be a good helper within our communities. In ELA we are working on building sentences and how to correct them, as well as remembering our capitalization. In Math we are working on how to use a number bond to make equations. Lastly in Science we are working on changes in Matter, and we are conducting research to select a Science Fair Project as a class. We are so excited to see what is in store for us this month!
Happy New Year! We are so excited to be back and ready for a fantastic semester in first grade. We have a lot of fun activities and trips planned, and we can't wait to share these experiences with our students.
Important Reminders:
STAR Testing: Testing has begun, so please ensure your child gets a good night's rest and eats a hearty breakfast each day.
BookIt! Program: Our class has started the BookIt! Program this week. Students need to read for at least 15 minutes every night this month to earn their Pizza Hut Reward certificate.
Thank you for your continued support, and let's make this semester amazing!
Best regards, Ms. Nickerson
Atharv from Ms. DiNuzzo's class completed Xtra Math
Ben Rhouma
In second grade this week we are excited to be back in our routine. We are working on remembering all the rules and procedures and enjoying each other's stories from Winter Break. In Math, we just started learning the foundations of multiplication. Students are ambitious and ready for this unit. Mrs. BenRhouma's class started the New Year with a new friend, Sir Frosty. Student's voiced their concerns about Sir Frosty getting loose in the classroom, so we created hamster traps on Wednesday for our STEM project. Students really did enjoy making sure we keep our new furry friend safe and secure.
The 3rd grade team would like to welcome everyone back to school with a happy New Year. We’re ready for a fantastic second half of the year. We have a lot of exciting activities.
Permission slips for the UCF trip are due back February 5 for Mr. Martin, and Ms. Patsilevas, Sese and Jiawan’s classes. The fee is only $10.
We’re excited for the book fair returning this year. Students will not be able to go without the permission form filled out online. Finally please make sure you get any remaining report card or Fast test AORs returned ASAP.
Mr. Martin
The students all came back from break excited to see their friends, share about their holiday, and sport their “something new”- either shoes, hair cut or style, or school supplies!
The students are also excited about all that is going on the second half of the year. They are looking forward to the St. Augustine trip, Book Fair, STEM Fair, and wrapping up our class book we are working on publishing through “Student Treasures”!
The fifth grade team hopes that you had a wonderful winter break and enjoyed the holiday season! To kick off the new year, our fifth-grade students have been creating their own resolutions, focusing both on academic and personal growth. Next week, we will be administering the science PMA 2, which helps us track the students' progress in science. If you would like your child to prepare, we encourage them to review their science notes and study guides.
We would also like to congratulate all the fifth-grade students who participated in and completed the Science Study Island Challenge!
Additionally, we are excited to announce an upcoming field trip to the Marine Science Center. Please kindly ensure that permission slips are submitted to your homeroom teacher. We also ask that you remember to return the signed acknowledgment of receipt for both your child’s report card and FAST score report.
MsAdams- Physical Education
Focus for the Week: This week in PE, our main focus will be on Building teamwork and cooperation through group games. Students will engage in a variety of fun activities designed to improve their physical fitness, motor skills, and understanding of teamwork.
OConnor- STEM
Recycle materials like cardboard tubes, small boxes, and cartons/bottles. Used Legos are helpful also
In Life Science, the New Year marks the start of our Genetics & DNA Journey. Mrs. Jersey's students will become CSI Agents interning as they learn to analyze evidence from our Classroom Crime Scene transformation. Blood typing, looking at hair & linen samples, analyzing handwriting, and placing the suspects at the crime scene. Let's Cue that mystery music and roll out the yellow crime scene tape to "set the stage to engage" in learning about DNA & Genetics!
I have added some photos to highlight what we have been up to the past couple of months...
Photo #1 -Congratulations to Samatha Meesala. Her Energy Inspired Art piece won 1st place at Super STEM Saturday in the Essay & Vision Board Category, featuring A Parallel /Alternate Universe .
Photo #2- Congratulations to Shaan Geary & Akash Chava for creating an Eco-House as their expression of Energy Inspired Art. The duo earned second place with their design at Super STEM Saturday.
Photo #3 -Mrs. Jersey's Homeroom accepted the STEM Challenge to collaborate & create a life size interactive activity door. Students built a 6.5ft Winter Wonderland Marble Run.
Photo #4 - Everything is more fun with Black lights! Students solved a spooky case pertaining to cells.
Photo #5- Models are a huge part of science. They usually model something that is too large to study entirely. As we were navigating through the structure & function of cells, students built their own Animal & Plant Cell Models. The models were used primarily to show the anatomy of the cells & what function each structure includes. In this case, the models helped provide a visual representation of something extremely small, and hard to observe without a microscope.
Photo #6- STEM Earth & Space students created Futuristic Sustainable Cities entirely made from Recycled items. Sustainability components included: Food, water, energy, housing, transportation, waste management, and Recreation. The city must include how it is futuristic. One student chose to grow crops that could cure Cancer as their futuristic feature.
Club Sign Up Links
Club Fee Payment Link Below (by grade)
Your Resource for Legislative Updates
In order to help keep our families informed of the latest legislative updates regarding their student's education, a Parent Rights Resources page has been added to the school website.
Recent updates include:
- Internet Safety
- District Health Care Services
- Special Magistrate
Mission Statement
The mission of Orlando Science Elementary School (OSES) is to provide a well-rounded education with special emphasis in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), while using research-based and innovative instructional methods in a stimulating learning environment. OSES is committed to the social-emotional learning and character development of all students.