The Serene Scoop
Serene Hills Elementary School --- Sept. 6, 2024
Principal's Message:
Dear Serene Sailor Families,
Arrival Reminder: Please do NOT drop your students off at school prior to 7:20. We do not have staff on duty until 7:20, and we want to ensure all students are monitored and safe.
This year, we would like to recognize our teachers and staff by providing them notes of thanks from our families. Please use this link if you would like to send a positive message to a staff member. I will be happy to pass it along.
I wanted to take a moment to compliment our children. They are very quickly getting back into the swing of things. We have really been focusing on our SAIL Expectations: Show Respect, Act Responsibly, Improve Our Community, & Live Safely. This weekend, take some time to talk to your child about what each of those expectations means to them.
Keegan Luedecke
Upcoming Dates:
Sept. 17: Apex Assemblies
Sept. 18-25: Apex Team Days
Sept. 20: Wear ALL your BLUE & ORANGE
Sept. 27: Apex Fun Run
Sept. 30: 4th & 5th Grade Author Visit - Mari Mancusi
Oct. 2: Fall School Pictures
Oct. 11: Student Holiday / Teacher PD Day
Oct. 14: Student Holiday / Parent Teacher Conference Day
Early Release Dates for the 2024-2025 School Year
LTISD will have six early release dates this year. The early release aims to provide faculty and staff time for professional development.
Please adjust your calendars accordingly:
- October 23rd
- December 11th
- December 20th
- February 26th
- March 14th
- May 22nd
Elementary Early Release is at 11:40 am
This week in Second Step:
2nd Grader, Addison Kingsbury, Receives a Positive Office Referral
3rd Grader, Wyatt Howland, Receives a Positive Office Referral
September is National Attendance Awareness Month
It is time to recognize the importance of school attendance and reduce chronic absenteeism. The campaign is led by Attendance Works and eight national partners. The goal is to promote the idea that every day a student is in school is an opportunity to learn, build relationships, and access support.
We need ALL sailors to come to school on time, every day, unless sick.
Did You Know?
• Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade or be held back.
• By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
• Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence.
September Reading Challenges
Bullying, Unkind Behavior, and Peer Conflict: What SHE is doing about it.
As you may recall, last spring LTISD asked parents, students, and staff members to fill out a survey as a gauge of what we're doing well, and what we can continue to improve upon. One area that popped up as a "red flag" was the area of students' respect toward one another and what can be done about it. Through this next year, we will are planning to focus our efforts on increasing respect, kindness, and friendship on our campus.
Notes from the Receptionist
If you would like to change dismissal from school on any day - just log into the Smart Tag Parent App. The dismissal change option closes at 2 pm every day, so no changes can be made after that time.
If you would like to change the default dismissal; please call the front desk or email me at and I will take care of that for you.
If you are not familiar with the Smart Tag system, all the information you need can be found HERE
There are directions to the Smart Tag Parent App and how to set up your account. You will use this often!
We only accept notice of absences in writing. Please indicate an absence on the Smart Tag Parent App and/or email the teacher and registrar. There is no need to call the school to tell us your child will be absent.
Deliveries to classrooms are made every day at 10:00 am. Any items that are dropped off on the shelves in the front foyer will be taken to classrooms at that time.
Here are some helpful numbers:
Transportation 512-533-6070
Library 512-533-7410
Nurse 512-533-7402
Registrar 512-533-7407
We are unable to check students out of school after 2:30 pm.
Your kids are amazing, and I am so happy they are with us at Serene Hills.
Love, Miss Lei
Click the link below to purchase individual tickets for open seating or go in with a group of friends and purchase a table. We brought this parents only event back last year and could not wait to do it again! We will be at Back 2 School Bash tonight to answer any questions.
Attention LTISD Parents and Guardians,
The Discovery Program, otherwise known as Gifted and Talented, is now accepting parent referrals for GT Screening via this google form.
Transfer students, who were already identified as GT coming from their previous district, should submit their Google form as soon as possible, as the transfer student screening will be set within 30 days of the first day of school. Parents should send proof of their child's selection/participation in the previous GT program directly to the campus GT coordinator. See below for a campus contact list.
Parents can submit referrals for screening up until the end of the first 9 weeks, by October 18, 2024. Students in Grades 1-5 will be tested during the 2nd 9 weeks of instruction. If the referral and permission forms are not submitted by the deadline, the student will have to wait until next year's screening opportunity, as the spring screening session is only for students moving in new to the district after the fall testing window is closed.
Kindergarten students can be referred for GT testing beginning in January 2025. More details will be shared regarding this process at the end of the first semester.
The forms and further information about the program can be found here. A virtual Discovery Parent Information Meeting will be held September 27th at 11:30 AM.
Once the request is submitted through the Google form, the campus GT coordinator will contact parents via email after October 18th to share pertinent information.
You are also welcome to contact your campus GT coordinator at any time with questions.
Smart Tag Parent App
Useful Links:
Useful Links:
Serene Hills:
Serene Hills Elementary Homepage
Food and Nutrition Services (FANS):
Serene Hills Elementary School
The Serene Hills Elementary community commits to engaging every student in innovative, collaborative learning focused on growth and to igniting a passion for learning in which everyone is valued.
Location: 3301 Serene Hills Drive, Lakeway, TX, United States
Phone: 512-533-7400
Twitter: @SHEsailors
Principal Serene Hills Elementary School LTISD