Weekly Update
Holy Trinity Catholic School December 12th, 2024
Our Mission is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ,
to provide a high-quality education,
and to guide children in living the Catholic faith
Send down Your Spirit to guide me during Advent this year. May the Holy Spirit help me journey closer to You and lift me up when I feel down and lead me when I feel lost. I may stumble at times, but I know my ultimate journey is to draw closer to You and build Your kingdom here on earth–a kingdom that Jesus’s birth, life and death helped secure.
A Note from Mrs. Longden
Advent is a time of preparation...preparation for getting our hearts ready to welcome Jesus as well as preparing our homes to welcome family and friends to celebrate with us.
We are in our second week of Advent. This is such a busy time in our lives. At school we are trying to slow down and focus on the real meaning of Advent.
Our school is decorated and we have symbols of the wonderful season around the building to help us stay focused on the birth and life of Christ.
Each classroom prays around an advent wreath every day and we will pray for Hope, Love, Peace, and Joy in our classrooms and with our entire school each week. The Advent season is a great time for the children to learn about how the birth of Jesus came to be as we read in the Old and New Testament of the Bible.
Focus on Jesus keeps us directed to what is important. We are so lucky to be in a school where this focus is alive year-round but it is also such a special gift to be in school during this season. You cannot get this in all schools.
This week we attended Mass on Monday for the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, where we celebrated that Mary was conceived without original sin in preparation for being the mother of Jesus. We are preparing for our Christmas Concert which will be on Monday, December 16th. Come listen to the students as they get us ready for Christmas!
Mrs. Longden
Just Add Jesus:
As part of our Advent celebration we have some Scripture stories to read together as a family and a couple recipes that go along with the stories to try out as a family.
See the attached.
1. Messed-up Recipe - Popcorn Balls
2. A Shepherd's Staff - Candy Cane Cookies
Christmas Concert
We will have an afternoon performance at 1:00 PM and an evening concert at 5:30 PM.
Our 3K and 4K students who are here in the afternoons will be performing at the 1:00 performance as well as the 5:30 performance.
The school doors will open at 5:00 P.M. and students can come to their classrooms. Please keep your child's coat with you as students will be dismissed from church. We will begin our prelude at 5:15 and the concert at 5:30.
Concert Dress - Dress nicely - Christmas Mass Attire
Knights of Columbus Keep Christ in Christmas Poster Contest
Christmas Spirit Week
Next week we will have different dress up days. See the picture and the attached document.
Strep Throat
We have seen a few cases of Strep Throat go throughout school lately.
Please watch for the following symptoms:
· fever
· sore throat
· stomach pain
· red, swollen tonsils
If your child has any of these symptoms, please keep them home and seek medical attention.
Home and School Information
Blessed Second Week of Advent!
As you're checking off your Christmas shopping lists, please check out the fun "Favorite Things" sheets that were emailed out last week. They're the perfect wish lists, catered to making each and every one of our HTS staff feel special this Christmas season. Carolyn Leister, thank you for your incredible love and care in all your Teacher Appreciation efforts! You are truly appreciated.
Mark your calendars! Our next Home & School meeting is set for Tuesday, January 14th at 6:00 pm. We will share an agenda for the meeting later in December/early January.
May your weekend be filled with Advent Peace.
If you need to get in contact with the Home and School Association, please email them at homeandschool@htschool.net
If you would like the advisory commission to discuss anything, please email at advisorycommittee@htschool.net
SCRIP Ordering Dates
The following dates are when SCRIP will be ordered through the school office:
December 16th
Please have orders in by 8 AM on Monday, December 16th. We can not guarantee they will be here for Christmas, but we will do our best.
*We will have some cards on hand in the office for sale as well. Please call the office ahead of time to make sure we have what you would like to order. Thank you for supporting Holy Trinity School through the purchase of SCRIP!
Catholic High School in Washington County Survey
Do you have school age students and would be interested in a future Washington County area Catholic High School?
If so, we would invite you to fill out this survey online before December 15th.
This information will help a committee that has been approved by the Archbishop to investigate and gauge the level of interest in this idea.
The Faith Formation committee is on a mission for souls. They are looking for 100 people willing to take an ADVENTURE and see what God has planned for them in the first few months of 2025. The cost of the Emmaus 90 adventure is $10 per person and runs from January 20-April 20, 2025. The commitment of time is only 10-30 minutes per day (each person decides their level of commitment). The group is encouraging all to walk the adventure, either alone, with a friend or with a family member in order to grow in faith, love and purpose.
Each person will receive a book for the journey (distribution will take place in mid to late December) and will have access to weekly videos to help them in their encounter.
To sign up for this journey click on the provided link: https://forms.gle/miuwBrnQSqCDxuQz6
Upcoming Dates
Friday, December 13th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Monday, December 16th - Christmas Concert (Afternoon and Evening Performance)
Wednesday, December 18th - Mass (Grades 3K, 4K, 5-8)
Friday, December 20th - Mass (Grades 5K-8)
Saturday, December 21st - Start of Christmas Break
Thursday, January 2nd - School Resumes
Friday, January 3rd - Mass (Grades 4K-8)
Wednesday, January 8th - Mass (Grades 1-4)
Friday, January 10th - Baptism Mass - December and January Baptisms (Grades 4K-8)
Wednesday, January 15th - Mass (Grades 3K, 5-8)
Thursday, January 16th - End of Semester (3K-5K)
Friday, January 17th - Mass (Grades 4K-8)
Calendar of Cash
Thursday, December 5 - Tocarra Theisen
Friday, December 6 - Dean Simon
Monday, December 9 - Amber Van Allen
Tuesday, December 10 - Dean Fleishman
Wednesday, December 11 - Mark Boden
Wildcats Basketball Schedule
Basketball Schedule:
Friday, December 13th - Away at Shepherd of the Hills
Tuesday, December 17th - Away at WCHSA
Friday, January 3rd - Away at Black
January 4th and 5th - B Boys Good Shepherd Tournament
Friday, January 10th - Away at Orange
Friday, January 17th - Black at Holy Trinity
Friday, January 24th - St. Katts at Holy Trinity
Tuesday, January 28th - Away at St. Matt's
January 30th-February 2nd - B Girls St. John's Tournament
Friday, January 31st (Parent Night) - SOTH at Holy Trinity
Friday, February 14th (8th Grade Night) - WCHSA at Holy Trinity
Parish Events Flyer
Please see attached with information on events in the parish and school.
2025 WisDot/NASAO Aviation Art Contest
The WisDot/NASAO Aviation Art Contest deadline is fast approaching. Entries must be received by January 7, 2025. Entries must also include a signed Certificate of Authentication, the brochure attached serves as that, so don’t forget to send that with the entries. If students want their entries back, they must send a self-addressed stamped envelope with the entry. This contest is for students aged 6-17, there are three age groups and prizes are awarded to the top three entries of each group. Entries can be mailed to the address on the brochure. Winning entries of the state competition will be sent on to the national level, and potentially the international level.
1st place: choice of Discovery airplane flight or a $100 gift card for Art Supplies or Aviation Supplies
2nd place: Choice of a $75 gift card for Art supplies or Aviation supplies
3rd place: Choice of a $50 gift card for Art Supplies or Aviation supplies.
Kettle Moraine Symphony Concert
We are so excited to once again be offering a splendid Christmas concert to the community!
Join us on December 21st at 3pm in the Silver Lining Arts Center for all your favorite holiday music and cookies with Santa! Buy tickets here: https://kettle-moraine-symphony.betterworld.org/events/kms-christmas-concert
Children are FREE!
Winter Wonderland Dance Clinic
The West Bend East Varsity Dance Team will be hosting their annual Dance Clinic on December 15th, 2024. This year’s theme - Winter Wonderland!
The clinic is open to K5-8th graders and will run from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM, with check-in starting at 8:45 AM. At 12:45 PM, there will be a special showcase performance for family and friends to enjoy. Additionally, participants will have the exciting opportunity to perform at the December 17th basketball game!
The registration fee is $30, and lunch will be provided. To guarantee a t-shirt, registrations must be submitted by December 1st.
You can register either through this Google Form, or by completing a paper registration form and mailing it in (address found on the form). Please mail in payment with your completed registration to: West Bend East High School - Attn. East Dance Team. 1305 E Decorah Rd. West Bend, WI. 53095. Please indicate if you completed the registration via Google Form with your payment. You can also find the registration on the East Dance Team's Facebook and Instagram.
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Email: holytrinityschool@htschool.net
Website: http://www.htschool.net
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603