December 2024
Thoughts From Mrs. Shock...
Wow! It’s hard to believe that it is December already! During this hectic time of year, I try to remember to slow down and enjoy all that the season has to offer. Our students are so excited, and their excitement is infectious!
By now, you have been able to view your child's report card in the Parent Portal. This is a great opportunity to review the report card with your child and to help them to set their goals for the second trimester.
We are looking forward to our PTO Snow Globe event this Friday. Thank you to our PTO for all their hard work in putting this event together. They always plan such fun activities for our students.
Many use the side streets in the neighborhood to park during drop off and pick up. Please remember a little courtesy goes a long way. Please be respectful of the neighbor's property when parking. There have been reports of property damage due to careless parking. Please do not block driveways and mailboxes.
Please make sure to take a minute to order your child's lunch for December in case you have not done so yet. It is a great activity to do with your child so that they are aware of what you ae ordering for them. Students are not able to change their mind when they come into the cafeteria on any given day. What they order online is what they will be given.
Please review this newsletter for updates on what is happening at Huron during the month of December.
Take Care!
Kelly Shock
Huron Principal
Order Lunch Online
PAWS Program (Positive Parents Working with Students)
Cyber Safety: Parenting in a Hyper Digital Age, 11/20/24, 12pm
Meeting ID: 874 9205 0830, Passcode: 294914
Cyber Safety: Parenting in a Hyper Digital Age, 12/11/24, 7pm
Meeting ID: 843 3160 6414, Passcode: 882891
Kroger Rewards
Huron Elementary partners with the Kroger Community Rewards Program. Every time you shop with Kroger, our school benefits - it is easy fundraising and allows us to do additional things for our students. If you are willing, please share this information with family and friends too!
Thank you in advance for your support!