2024-25 Bobcat Bulletin
August 27th, 2024

🦅💚 February 1, 2025 🦅💚
A message from Mrs. Britton!
It was wonderful seeing all the families this week! Not one, not two, but THREE evening events brought our school together. Student Council sponsored two Chick-Fil-A nights, which also served as the official Polar Pop kick-off, and the PTG sponsored a super fun Bingo night! Families enjoyed friendly competition, laughter, and the chance to win books as prizes. A huge thank you to Mrs. Hatton for helping secure the prizes and making the night extra special! It was a fantastic way to bring our school together and strengthen our sense of community.
And now, it is FINALLY February! After what felt like a long and cold January, we are excited to kick off the first day of February with Student Council's Annual Polar Pop Challenge! Warmer temperatures are on the way next week, and we have so much to look forward to this month, starting with this fun tradition. This year, we worked with Student Council to add a little friendly competition to the fundraiser. Throughout February, homerooms will compete against each other to raise the most funds in support of the Special Olympics. Please see the Polar Pop section below for more details. Each homeroom has a personalized plan!
We also want to highlight important health information. With an increase in respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses across the district, it is essential to keep our school community healthy. Please review the information below to help determine when to keep your child home and how to prevent the spread of germs. Your support in maintaining a healthy school environment is greatly appreciated.
And of course, it is no surprise that Friday will be an Eagles School Spirit Day! Mr. Fisher and Mr. Frank have plans in the works to make this day extra special as we cheer on our home team for the Super Bowl!
E-A-G-L-E-S 💚 🦅💜
The Next Two Weeks
Tuesday, 2/4: STEAM Club at MFL, 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Thursday, 2/6: Title I Math Night, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Friday, 2/7: Bobcat Pride Breakfast, 8:00 a.m.
Eagles Spirit Day 💚 🦅
Wednesday, 2/12: Smart Gen Parent Presentation, 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Thursday, 2/13: Early Dismissal for grades 1-5; Regular Kindergarten schedule
Friday, 2/14: No School for Students
January Bobcats Birthday Bash
Polar Pop 2025 💦
Student Council is thrilled to kick off the Polar Pop Challenge 2025 at Indian Lane! Running throughout the month of February, this annual event raises money for the Special Olympics, and we are looking forward to making this year’s challenge our best yet! Below, the kickoff introductions have been customized for each homeroom with a specific date and an individualized homeroom folder. Please click on your child's or children's homeroom below!
Mrs. Huebner's AM KindergartenMrs. Huebner's PM Kindergarten
First Grade:
Second Grade:
Third Grade:
Fourth Grade:
Fifth Grade:
From Our Nurse, Mrs. LaRose
We are seeing an increase in both respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses throughout the school district.
It is crucial to maintain a healthy environment in our schools to protect students and staff. If your child is ill, please consult the following RTMSD guidelines to determine if they should attend school: When to keep your child home
It is also important to take into consideration your child’s ability to be productive in school when they complain of a headache, sore throat, or significant cold symptoms.
Keeping your sick child at home will help them recover sooner and prevent the spread of germs.
Please remind your child to cough into their elbow or shoulder so as to not spread germs. Students should avoid touching their eyes, nose, and mouth and wash their hands often with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
Please contact our school nurse with any questions.
NAACP Black History Month Poster Contest
Congratulations to our Poster Contest Winners!
Black History Month
This February, we celebrate Black History Month by recognizing the global impact of influential African Americans and other leaders. Building on December’s Around the World event, students will explore the contributions of figures like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Marian Anderson, Maya Angelou, and W.E.B. Du Bois, along with global leaders such as Nelson Mandela.
Each day on News on the Lane (NOTL), students will learn about a historical figure who helped shape history in America and influenced different countries throughout the world—the same countries they visited in December to learn about their holidays and recipes. By exploring these powerful stories, students will gain a deeper understanding of how individuals drive change and inspire progress "Around the World."
Planning Ahead: PSSA Testing /Impact on Take Your Child to Work Day
Spring Break, PSSA Testing, and "Take Your Child to Work Day"
The good news is that Spring Break is later this year! We will return to school on Tuesday, April 22nd, to (hopefully) warmer weather. Additionally, students will have a day off on Monday, April 21st, the day after Easter Sunday.
As we approach the spring, here is the PSSA testing schedule:
- English Language Arts: April 23, 24, 25 (Grades 3, 4, & 5)
- Math: April 29 & 30 (Grades 3, 4, & 5)
- Science: May 1 & 2 (Grade 5 only)
The state sets the testing window for PSSAs, and all districts are required to schedule testing within this timeframe. While we understand that "Take Your Child to Work Day" is also scheduled for Thursday, April 24th, it falls on a critical testing day for students in grades 3, 4, and 5.
What This Means for Families:
- Pre-planned absences for students in grades 3, 4, and 5 will not be approved during PSSA testing days.
- If your family plans to participate in "Take Your Child to Work Day," we kindly ask you to consider rescheduling for a different date.
- If rescheduling is not possible, the absence will be marked as unexcused; however, students will be given an opportunity to complete the missed assessments during make-up testing days.
The PSSAs provide essential information about student learning and growth, and we appreciate your understanding and support in ensuring that students are present and prepared during this important testing period.
Cold January Temperatures
As January brings colder weather, we are carefully monitoring wind chill and other factors to keep students safe. On some days, we modify outdoor recess to limit exposure, but on particularly cold days, the wind chill may require us to stay indoors. Whenever possible, we prioritize outdoor recess because we know how much fresh air and active play benefit students.
Please remember to dress your children appropriately for the weather with coats, hats, and gloves, and label all items to prevent them from being misplaced. With temperatures expected to drop significantly next week, we will evaluate conditions each morning to determine whether outdoor, modified, or indoor recess is appropriate. Thank you for helping us keep students safe, warm, and prepared during the winter season!
Feb 13th -
AM-K Regular Dismissal 11:25 am
Grades 1 -5 Early Dismissal 12:20 pm
PM -K - IN SESSION/12:55 - 3:30 pm
March 5th -
AM-K Regular Dismissal 11:25 am
Grades 1 -5 Early Dismissal 12:20 pm
PM -K - IN SESSION/12:55 - 3:30 pm
Looking ahead: February 12th
We are excited to partner with the Omaha-based nonprofit Smart Gen Society to offer a FREE virtual workshop on keeping your child safe online. This engaging session will help you learn how to guide your child to stay smart, safe, and private in today’s 24/7 digital world. Topics will include building a positive digital brand to protect their reputation and future opportunities, creating open lines of communication about online safety, and protecting your family’s privacy, safety, and mental health.
Please mark your calendar for Wednesday, February 12, 2025, at 6:00 PM. The workshop will be held virtually, and a Zoom link will be shared closer to the event.
Kindergarten registration for the 2025-2026 school year is open!
Once your kindergarten registration is complete and has been approved by the registrar, you will be emailed a link for the Kindergarten Assignment Request. This request must be submitted by March 21, 2025 in order to be considered for the AM lottery.
The following records must be provided for registration:
· Copies of parental proof of residency AND a document establishing identity.
- Residency verification must be either a deed, current lease agreement, current real estate tax bill or current mortgage statement (utility bills will not be accepted).
- Identity verification must be either a valid driver’s license, DOT identification card or voter registration card.
· Copy of child’s birth certificate, baptismal certificate, or valid passport.
· A copy of the child’s most recent dental exam, physical exam and immunizations
· If the student has received special education services through early intervention, please provide a copy of the IEP (including Evaluation Report/Re-Evaluation Report).
· If parents are not living together, a document establishing custody must be provided. If there is no court ordered custody agreement, a notarized letter stating the custody arrangements (e.g., “with Mom Monday – Thursday and with Dad Friday – Sunday”) and signed by both parents is acceptable. Child must be living in the Rose Tree Media School District a minimum of 50% of the full week throughout the calendar year.
Please note the following:
· The Rose Tree Media School District does not offer full day kindergarten. Students are registered for either a morning (AM) or afternoon (PM) session.
· If you are unsure of which elementary school your child will attend, please visit our website at www.rtmsd.org and click on the “Registration” button and then click on “Elementary School Attendance Boundaries.”
· Morning (AM) sessions are often preferred by parents. Student assignment in the morning session will be determined by a lottery held at each school. To be considered for the morning (AM) session lottery, students must be registered by March 21, 2025, and meet all age eligibility requirements. The lotteries will be held during the first full week of April, and assignment letters will be sent by Friday, April 11, 2025. Students registered after March 21, 2025, will be placed in the afternoon (PM) session. Parents can request to have their child’s name be put on a waiting list for the morning (AM) session. Parents will be notified if an opening occurs. Please be advised that all assignments are subject to change depending on final enrollments.
Parents/guardians who live with relatives or friends must complete a Multiple Occupancy Affidavit. Residency inquiries/requests for affidavit forms may be directed to the Registration Office at 610-627-6019.
The Rose Tree Media School District will no longer be accepting registration packets in person. All registration will be done through our on-line enrollment system at www.rtmsd.org.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation in the registration process. If we can be of further assistance to you, please contact our Registration Office at 610-627-6019.
Plan for Flexible Instructional Days (FID)
As winter weather brings the possibility of snow and ice, please be reminded that the Rose Tree Media School District will implement Flexible Instructional Days (FID) when necessary. An email outlining this information was sent by the school district on November 26th. In the event of an FID, families will receive an email from the principal by 9:00 AM with all the details. Additionally, your child's homeroom teacher will send an email with specific Zoom links and schedules for that day. Here are the key details from the November 26th email regarding FID:
- Students will use their own or their family’s device. No technology will be sent home for elementary students.
- Students in grades K-5 should work on the paper packet that was previously sent home. These packets are also available in Schoology and will be included in the email sent by your child’s teacher at 9:00 AM if FID is scheduled.
- Attendance will be based on completion of the work in the packet. All work is due on the next in-person school day.
- Optional office hours for students will be held from 9:00-9:30 AM and 11:45 AM-12:15 PM, with synchronous instruction available from 9:30-11:10 AM.
- IEP, 504, MTSS, and GIEP Meetings will occur as scheduled unless there is an emergency (e.g., no power). Every effort will be made to proceed with scheduled meetings, although meeting times may need to be adjusted to accommodate the FID schedule. If you have a meeting scheduled, please stay tuned for any time changes and Zoom links.
Below are the links to all of the packets that were sent home at conferences:
- Kindergarten Packet
- First Grade Packet
- Second Grade Packet
- Third Grade Packet
- Fourth Grade Packet
- Fifth Grade Packet
For more information, please refer to the original communication sent on November 26th or visit the FID webpage.
What happens if there is a 2 HR Delay?
Two-Hour Delay
In the event of a two-hour delay:
- Grades 1-5 arrival begins at 10:40 AM
- No AM Kindergarten
- No before-school activities
- Breakfast will NOT be served
- PM Kindergarten arrival remains at the regular time for PM
DCIU Parent Training-Supporting Early Literacy at Home
Monday, February 10, 2025
6:00-8:00 p.m.
Via Zoom
Presenter: Jenn Shaw, Teaching and Learning Specialist
Taking part in literacy activities at home can develop your child's reading ability, comprehension, and language skills. This workshop will provide parents with fun and practical ideas to engage their child in early literacy activities such as rhyming, joint storytelling, and multisensory play. The targeted audience for this session is 4-8 year olds.
** The content of this workshop is geared toward parents. There will be no Act 48 or continuing education credit offered if a professional chooses to attend this workshop.
Every child at Indian Lane is a BOBCAT & we want to celebrate with each of you. Families are invited to sign up to attend ONE Bobcat Pride Breakfast during the 2024-2025 school year. Younger siblings are welcome to attend, but please only sign up for the IL student(s) on the sheet. Each student should take one spot on the sign up sheet. The Breakfasts are held from 8:00 - 8:30 am.
Family Alliance for Respect and Equity
Leading Edge Before & After School Care
Leading Edge Kids provides before and after school care on-site at each elementary school in the district.
For information about their programs, please go to https://www.leadingedgekids.com.
The Parent Portal
The Parent Portal is a central location on the district's website where parents can find helpful information. Please refer to the communication sent by the school district on August 10th which is located on the parent portal.
The Rose Tree Media School District will use electronic forms to collect Contact and Nurse information for the 2024-2025 school year. Instructions to complete the forms, will be sent via email.
Please pay close attention to all phone numbers during the review and submit process. A primary phone number is required for all contacts, both Guardian and Emergency. This will allow the district to call the correct number in the event of an emergency.
Please click on the link below.
Community Information
Indian Lane Elementary School
Email: mbritton@rtmsd.org
Website: https://www.rtmsd.org/Domain/9
Location: 309 South Old Middletown Road, Media, PA, USA
Phone: 610-627-7100