Family and Community Newsletter V7

Parent/Family Engagement
Parent/Family Community Engagement Program
South San Antonio ISD strives to develop a Parent/Family Engagement program that involves the meaningful involvement of parent and family members. The district conducts an annual evaluation of the content and effectiveness of the parent and family engagement policy in improving the academic quality of all schools.
Click here to complete the PFE end of year survey.
Meet the Parent Liaisons from Five Palms ES, Price ES, West Campus HS
Brianna Valenciano
Vanessa Rabago
For more information about Vanessa Rabago and how she serves the West Campus High School students, families, and community click here.
Julia De Leon
District Highlights
San Antonio Area Foundation Legacy Scholarship Recipients
South San Antonio ISD Summer Youth Program
Check out this awesome summer youth program offered by SA Parks and Recreation! Don’t miss out as this program will be located at Palo Alto Carrillo and Armstrong Elementary. Scan the QR code to register and learn more information!
South San's Scholar: Judith Joaquin's Full Ride Scholarship to Columbia University
At the age of 5, Judith Joaquin was a stellar Palo Alto Ram, by age 10 she became a grade-A Zamora Jaguar, and now she's ready to receive her diploma and graduate as a South San Bobcat. Judith has spent her educational career at South San Antonio ISD striving for academic adeptness and showcasing her outstanding individualism to reach a milestone of a lifetime: accepting a full-ride scholarship to Columbia University. Follow the journey of Judith’s educational timeline as we delve into her success and achievements that have led her to become a 2024 Columbia Lion.
To read more click here.
SSAISD S.T.R.E.A.M summer camp
At Benavidez Elementary, students ranging from third to fifth grade have the opportunity to join their very own ASL Sign Language club. At the beginning of 2023, Mrs. Rebecca Toolan, 4th grade reading educator, was presented with an idea to create an after-school club to enrich the lives of our students. While pondering on what type of extracurricular to host, Mrs. Toolan was introduced to one of her fourth grade student’s mother, Mrs. Tabitha Aguilar, and their interaction blossomed into a successful after-school program.
To read more click here.
South San Antonio ISD would like to invite you to complete the SSAISD Community Block Party Feedback Survey, which will assist with planning for future district and community events.
Click the link below to begin the survey:
District Upcoming Events
SSAISD 2nd Annual Esports Tournament
Saturday, May 4, 2024, 09:00 AM
2615 Navajo Street, San Antonio, TX, USA
Early College Medal Ceremony
Tuesday, May 7, 2024, 06:00 PM
GT Showcase
Tuesday, May 14, 2024, 12:00 PM
Durbon Center, Kindred Street, San Antonio, TX, USA
PAC ECHS Commencement Ceremony
Wednesday, May 22, 2024, 04:00 PM
Alamodome, Montana Street, San Antonio, TX, USA
South San Antonio ISD Monthly Food Drive
Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 09:00 AM
West Campus High School, Ray Ellison Boulevard, San Antonio, TX, USA
West Campus HS Commencement Ceremony
Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 07:00 PM
St. Mary's University, Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX, USA
South San Antonio HS Commencement Ceremony
Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024, 09:00 AM
Alamodome, Montana Street, San Antonio, TX, USA
Campus Upcoming Events
Did You Know?
For more information on summer meals and other sites click here.