Ranger Round Up
Wetmore Elementary
October 15 - 18
Message from the Principal
Dear Ranger Families,
Just a friendly reminder that we do not have school this Monday, October 14th.
I wanted to give a huge thank you to those who participated in our Career Day last Friday and to Mrs. Redding, our amazing Counselor for organizing it! Our Rangers loved learning about all of the different careers and were fascinated to hear from our speakers! Check out the video below to get a glimpse of the fun!
Another huge thank you goes out to everyone who came out for National Walk and Bike to School Day on Wednesday, to Mrs. Korzekwa for organizing, and to Mrs. Gongora from PTA for assisting with preparations! It was so fun and nice to see all of the families participating in walking/biking/scooting to school! Thank you to our fabulous staff for walking families to and from stations on Thousand Oaks!
I have also included information about our PTA Fall Festival below. We'd love volunteers to work 30 minute shifts to help with food, games, and supervising children on the inflatables. Hope you can help us during the fabulous Fall Festival!
Thank you for your support to making Wetmore the best school! Have a wonderful weekend!
With a Grateful Heart,
Mrs. Nunez, Principal
Parent Volunteers Needed for a Gift of Time for our teachers
We are looking for some parent volunteers to help us with giving our teachers a Gift of Time for 45 minutes. This is to give the teachers a little extra time to work together or get any of the *million* things on their plates done! Feel free to sign up for as many or as few as you'd like; we can always use bodies or add slots.
An NEISD background check is REQUIRED to volunteer, so if you haven't done the background check, please do it ASAP because it takes around 2 weeks to go through. Thank you!
Volunteers needed at our PTA Fall Fest on Friday, October 25th!
We will be holding our annual PTA Fall Festival on Friday, October 25th at 5:30 pm! Please see more information below. If you are able to volunteer for a 30 minute shift, please see the Sign Up Genius below!
Please review the following documents and
complete the Acknowledgement at the bottom of each document. Thank you!
Community Ed After School Classes
Around $119 per 6 week class
Chess, STEM, and Volleyball all start next week and Cheer and Dance will start the following week. Click the link above to sign up!
Wetmore October Parent Calendar
Wetmore Volunteer Guidelines
We would love your help! Please consider volunteering on campus, we can always use the help! Here are our Volunteer Guidelines:
We are glad to see the faces of our friends and families helping out on campus. We have updated the following volunteer guidelines for the 2024-2025 school year. These guidelines are in place for your safety, the safety of our students, and staff. Please adhere to these guidelines in order to continue volunteering on campus.
Remember to sign in and out at the window in the main office when arriving and leaving campus.
Volunteers must remain in the specific area in which they are volunteering, unless traveling to or from the front office to sign in or out.
This means volunteers, parents, and guardians should not visit teachers' classrooms to chat. You may go quickly to the classroom only if you need to receive instructions or pick up work to complete, but majority of teachers will leave work for you to help with in the front office. This policy ensures that our teachers can focus on their teaching and maintain a safe environment for all students (to properly provide adequate supervision of their students).
Volunteers are not allowed to go to your child’s classroom to talk to your student or teacher.
Due to confidentiality concerns, volunteers are not permitted to walk through the office from the copy room to the front office area.
Volunteers are not allowed to bring young children. Young children are not permitted on campus so volunteers are able to focus on the task at hand or to focus on our Wetmore Rangers. Young children are also not allowed in the classroom because of their short attention span and potentially interrupting instruction. Young children of parent volunteers are permitted in PTA board meetings, but must be supervised by the volunteer/parent.
Thank you for your understanding of our safety guidelines.
Your Proud Principal,
Mrs. Ida Nunez
Wetmore Elementary
Dyslexia Awareness Month: October 2024
Hello, families!
Here’s another tip for Dyslexia Awareness Month: Did you know Audio books can be a great way to expose your struggling reader to new vocabulary, increase and model reading fluency? Learning Ally is an app available on your child’s NEISD Launchpad. Learning Ally is an audio book program for eligible students that has tens of thousands of human-read stories for your child to choose from. If you want to know if your child is eligible to use Learning Ally, just ask his or her teacher, and together we can get you started! Happy reading!
Learning Ally Access From Home
1. To access Learning Ally, go to www.neisd.net and login with school username and
password in Launchpad (top right corner).
2. Once in Launchpad, click on the app for Learning Ally.
3. My Bookshelf displays all your audiobooks. Here you can view playback progress,
download books, view audiobook formats, and add new books.
4. Select Browse Audiobooks to search for or discover new books.
5. Select Read Now to begin reading.
Now enjoy thousands of books!
Mary Ann Pike, Dyslexia Intervention Teacher
Mary Ann Pike, M.Ed., CALT
Dyslexia Therapist
Wetmore Elementary
Assistant Principal Announcements
Hello Everyone,
Parents, we would like your assistance, please. We have many students who bring toys, Pokémon cards or other such things to school. Then they decide to trade the item for other toys or other objects.
We do not allow any student to trade any item with another student. The reason is sometimes one student changes their mind and wants the item back, but the other student does not want to trade back. This typically results in each student getting upset, which causes classroom disruption and loss of instruction.
This is why it is best that each student keeps their toys, Pokémon, and other items at home.
Parents, please help us by reminding your child to please leave those beloved items at home.
Have a fabulous weekend.
Live happy!
Mrs. Arriaga, Assistant Principal
Counselor's Corner
Howdy Ranger Families!
Over the next two week I will visit the classrooms for my fifth round of guidance to discuss healthy choices. We also have some exciting events coming up like UNITY DAY on OCtober 16th where we will wear orange to show our celebration for Kindness, Acceptance and Inclusion. At the end fo the month we will celebrate Red Ribbon Week- be on the lookout for the flyer with dress up days and daily challenges.
Also, please watch the following video to see the new LIFE HACK challenge that will displayed in the foyer.
As always, if you have any questions in regards to counseling resources please call the front office, (210) 407- 8800, and leave a message for me.
Your Wetmore Counselor,
Mrs. Redding
Check out the Career Day Video to see all of the fun here!!!
Tips from our Targeted Support Teacher
I wanted to send a big thank you to our community for supporting our National Walk and Bike to School event! We had a great turn out!
I also wanted to send a special thank you to:
- Donut Palace on Thousand Oaks for donating the sweet treats
- Starbuck's for donating the nice coffee, cream, and sugar
- Wetmore PTA for donating juice, pastries, giveaway prizes, and time
- City Council District 10 representative, Cynthia Garcia, for helping with our set-up and participating in the walk
- NEISD Board Members Terry Chidgey and Lisa Thompson for joining us for the walk and supporting our community
- SAPD (Officer Crystal Aguero and team) for being on Thousand Oaks to remind traffic to slow down
- NEPD (Officer Hernandez) for being on campus to ensure safety
- Quinten Macha, our NEISD Social Media Coordinator for capturing photos and videos of the event
- Mac Arthur High School Brahma Baseball Team and Coaches for cheering on our Rangers
- Wetmore staff for supporting this event in some way, whether they were out front or walking to neighborhoods or inside ensuring that arrival and breakfast went smoothly
- Wetmore Leadership for greeting families out front and capturing photos
- Wetmore Ranger families for getting up early and walking your child to school on such a beautiful morning
As you can see, it takes a lot of people working together to make an event like this a success. Thank you for your commitment to our community and Rangers. We look forward to seeing you all at our next big event: Fall Fest!!
Take care and enjoy this long weekend!
Mrs. Jennifer Korzekwa, Targeted Support Teacher (TST)
Library Buzz
Hello Wetmore Families!
This was such a fun and rewarding week in the library!
With PK-K, we read Alma, a story about how a little girl got her name, to celebrate Hispanic History Month. Then in 1st and 2nd, we read about The Scarecrow and did an experiment with “Dancing Corn!” Finally in 3rd-5th grade, we had a fantastic first author visit of the year with Texas author Chris Barton, who has written such books as Shark vs. Train and Whoosh! He told us all about how he writes his books and the stories behind them! What a treat!
Finally, Ms. Korzekwa did a great job organizing our annual Walk and Bike to School Day! It was wonderful to see so many of you participating, even though you may have had to get up a little earlier! It was also heartwarming to see some of our former Rangers who were helping out with the MAC baseball team, including my sweet former 4th and 5th grader in the pic :) I am so glad to be a part of our Wetmore community!
Have a great weekend! :)
If you would like to help us in the library next week with shelving and some lessons, here is a sign-up genius link. Any help is always appreciated! :)
Mrs. Shannon Jenn, Librarian
Macarthur High School Cheer Clinic
We need PTA Committee Chairs! Please help support our school!
Sign Up to be a Hallway Hero!
NEISD Clothes Closet is Available for All Rangers in Need
Wetmore's Mission and Vision
NEISD Calendar
Click HERE to see the calendar on the website.
Wetmore Elementary
Website: www.neisd.net/wetmore
Location: 3250 Thousand Oaks Drive, San Antonio, TX, USA
Phone: 210-407-8800
Facebook: www.facebook.com/WetmoreNEISD