Denmark Digest
November 2024
Message from Kim Oliver, Principal
We had a wonderful month of October with Homecoming, Trunk or Treat, the release of our mascot and Pathway Night. We were excited to see so many of our students on campus for these events. It is our hope that all students get involved in the various aspects of campus life so that they can make connections to school and to others.
The Out of District Request Portal for 2025 - 2026 is currently open if you need to make requests for siblings of our current students. The portal will close on November 29th. Please click HERE to visit the FCS Webpage where all information and the request form can be found.
At the conclusion of this month, we will be out of school for the week of Thanksgiving. I hope you find time during that week to reconnect with family and friends. I know that I look forward to spending some time with my family members and holding them a little tighter during this holiday season.
Thank you, as always, for entrusting us with your students. It's a Great Day to Be a Dane!
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Go Danes!
Kim Oliver
Denmark's September Students of the Month Recognized
We recently honored our September Students of the Month with a breakfast and short ceremony. Please click HERE to access the slideshow and see our students of the month for September.
These students were so appreciative of the opportunity to be recognized!
Congratulations to our GHP Candidates Who are Representing DHS!
- Medha Anoop-Visual Arts
- Kayla Bae-Music: Sax
- Emily Baker-Music: Voice/Soprano
- Devanshi Bohra-Science: Physics
- Olivia Cherskov-Ag Research, Biotech, & Sciences
- Nishna Chippa-Science: Bio/Enviro
- Luke Flores-Computer Science
- Saksham Garg-Engineering: Mech & Aero
- Sanay Garud-Science: Chem
- Matea Jurca-World Language: Spanish
- Aarav Kothari-Computer Science
- Henry Marsden-Mathematics
- Seeret Mavi-Communicative Arts
- Emma McCulley-Music: Oboe
- Rishi Motkur-Science: Bio/Enviro
- Alan Mozhoor-Mathematics
- Ashley Neff-Theatre
- Gaia Santosh-Social Studies
- Disha Sujith-Visual Arts
- Charvi Thanakanti-Communicative Arts
- Aadhav Thaniga-Science: Bio/Enviro
- Vivek Venigalla-Mathematics
- Anand Yarram-Social Studies
5K Run to Raise Money for FCS Education Foundation
Because of the funds raised during the 2023 Dr. Jim and Peggie Morrow, the Forsyth County Education Foundation gave out 17 staff scholarships to current paraprofessionals (teacher assistants) who wish to advance to a teaching position and teachers who wish to advance to a school counselor role. The Forsyth County Education Foundation is excited to transition this year from the virtual iChallenge back to an in-person 5K race- Dr. Jim and Peggie Morrow Glow Run for Educators! This will be a time for students, educators, families and the entire community to come out for an evening run and GLOW to raise funds for SHINING STAR educators. Funds raised from this event will be used for scholarships for FCS staff to further their education.
Grab your glow in the dark gear and your friends and family and join us the evening of 11/10 to run through downtown Cumming and the Cumming City Center at dusk.
All participants will receive a glowtastic t-shirt and swag bag.
There is also an option to be a virtual runner, if you are not available that evening.
Click HERE for details and to register. Select Denmark High School as your team.
Homecoming Highlights
Highlights from October
SGA Gives 9th Grade Students Cupcakes for Winning the Contest at the Pep Rally
Dia de los Muertos
Special Olympics
The Specialized Instructions classes participated in the 2024 Fall Special Olympics on October 25 at Fowler Park. Students had a great time testing their skills in basketball, cornhole, scooter racing, dancing and volleyball! Our peer facilitators set such good examples and are so caring. Thank you for letting the peers participate in this event! It means so much to our students!
Congratulations to Ms. Ryann Shumeyko - September Teacher of the Month
We were excited to recognize Ms. Shumeyko as our September Teacher of the Month. She is a member of our English Department and is also a coach for the DHS Swim and Dive Team.
Yearbook Information
Senior News
Join the PTSO
We have a wonderful partnership with our PTSO who supports staff and students throughout the year. Please consider joining this amazing organization. Click HERE for membership information and to join PTSO.
Trunk or Treat 2024
Thank you to everyone who helped make our Trunk or Treat a success!
DHS Important Information
Check Outs:
Check ins and check outs to school occur through our attendance office. Students are not permitted to simply leave campus; all students must go through the attendance office when leaving campus outside of their regular dismissal times. Please note, students are not permitted to check out after 3:15 PM.
Drop Off Before School / Pick Up After School:
Parents must drop off students in front of the main entrance both before and after school. This year, we ask that you arrive no earlier than 3:00 PM to pick up your student after school in the car rider line. During dismissal, if your child is not physically present when you arrive in the pickup line, you will be directed to circle back around the parking lot to keep traffic moving and minimize congestion.
Drop Off of Items / Deliveries:
Parents are NOT allowed to drop off any items for students, with the exception of prescription medication that is housed in our clinic or eye glasses that students need.
Payment for Lunch Accounts:
We ask that all parents set up an account with MYSCHOOLBUCKS.COM.
if you have not already done so. We prefer online payment in lieu of cash whenever possible.
Transportation for students enrolled in FVA / GAVS Part Time, Dual Enrollment, and/or IE2:
Students who are enrolled in FVA / GAVS part-time, Dual Enrollment, and/or IE2, and come to Denmark HS for some of their classes, MUST enter the building through the front doors only. To ensure the safety and well-being of all Denmark HS students, we ask that all students in this situation arrive no earlier than 5 minutes prior to the start of their first in-person class on Denmark’s campus.
Counseling Corner
9th Grade Students
- YouScience: All 9th grade students should have finished taking the YouScience Aptitude Assessment during the months of September-October during Dane Time. We recommend having your student login with you to show you all their results!
10th Grade Students
- Please see below for dual enrollment nights coming up. If you think that your student is interested in dual enrollment as an option, plan to attend the appropriate informational sessions.
- All 10th Grade Students took the PSAT last month. Applerouth is hosting a webinar on November 7th from 8-9pm on “Understanding Your PSAT Score”. REGISTER HERE.
11th Grade Students
- We met with all Juniors on October 28th to discuss “all things Junior”! On October 31st, Juniors should have finalized their postsecondary plan exploration through YouScience. We encourage parents/guardians to engage with their students about future goals and plans. Now is the time!
- Expert Tip: Teens will typically shut down if you try to have a serious talk about the future when they are tired or unprepared (ex. Car ride home, after practice, etc.) Set aside a specific time to discuss realistic future options and finances. If you would like to partner or need assistance with this conversation, set up an appointment with a school counselor.
- Please see below for dual enrollment nights coming up. If you think that your student is interested in dual enrollment as an option, plan to attend the appropriate informational sessions.
- DHS Counseling will be hosting College & Career Night on November 12th. See the flyer below for details.
12th Grade Students
- November is Apply to College Month. GSFC has partnered with several colleges to waive application fees in November.
Click HERE to see participating colleges: https://www.gafutures.org/college-planning/apply-to-college-initiative/application-fee-waivers/
Postsecondary Planning & Exploration
College Visits
Friday, November 8th– Lunch- Marines
Tuesday, November 19th– DT2- Lee University
ASVAB Testing on Campus
The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude battery that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military. It is administered annually to more than one million military applicants, high school, and post-secondary students. We are excited to offer ASVAB testing to students who may be interested in entering the military in the future.
Dual Enrollment Informational Nights
Informational Meeting on November 4th @ 6PM to Travel Spring Break
Ziplining, kayaking, white-water rafting, learning how to surf, immersing in Spanish on Spring Break 2025. Last chance to sign up.
Fine Arts
Fine Arts Newsletter for November
Key Points: Join us for November 14th: DHS Arts Show 5-7pm with Band Performance
Art Drive: Donate New/Gently used Art Supplies for Healing through the Arts Coloring Book Donations. Nov 11th-22nd
Click HERE for the complete newsletter.
Denmark Performing Arts Win 2nd Place at GHSA Region 6A One Act Competition
Congratulations to Mr. Kirk Grizzle and the Cast and Crew of Jekyll & Hyde for being awarded 2nd place at the GHSA Region 6A One Act competition on 10/30 out of eight schools! The show was also recognized for Best Set and our All Star Cast Members were Andrew Pijanowski and Ashley Neff.
Mark Your Calendars for Jekyll & Hyde - Full Production
Join us for Jekyll & Hyde in December
Join us for the full production of Jekyll & Hyde December 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 at 7pm and December 8 at 3pm.
Tickets, Merch, and Playbill Ads are on sale beginning November 1st!
Visit our website for details: www.denmarkperformingarts.com
DHS Band Completes Competition Session
The Marching Band completed their competition season this past Saturday with a beautiful final performance. They were awarded first place Percussion, Color Guard, and Overall Band in their Division. They also received "Superior" ratings across the board.
Support Our Performing Arts as You Decorate for Holidays
Ready for the holidays? Support Denmark Performing Arts by purchasing your fresh wreaths, garland, centerpieces, and more! These make great gifts and will be shipped for you! DPA earns 15% of each order and your holiday list just got a lot shorter! Click HERE to order online or use the QR code provided. Thank you for your support of the arts!
Senior Night for Volleyball
Softball Wins Regions Championship!
Cross Country Wins Region and Sectional Championships!
Triple Crown Athletes Recognized
Athletic Schedules
For Your Planning Purposes
Please see the Midterm Schedule below. We wanted to share this schedule as early as possible in the event that you are planning to travel over the semester break. Please note: students are not permitted to take midterms early.
Upcoming Community Events
Business Spotlight
Leadership For Teens: Frolific
Leadership For Teens: Free Trial Class!
As we prepare for our Spring 2025 semester, we invite you to experience the benefits of our Leadership for Teens class firsthand. Don’t miss this opportunity—join us for a free trial class!
Sign up now at: www.frolific.com/free-trial-class
About Us
Website: https://www.forsyth.k12.ga.us/dhs
Location: 645 Mullinax Road, Alpharetta, GA
Phone: 470.533.2521
Twitter: @DenmarkHS