Counselor Corner Weekly Newsletter
Lead Mine Elementary School
About us
919-870-4120 x21189
Ms. Ottmer (1, 3, 5)
919-870-4120 x21201
Twitter: @allearslmesc
Helpful information for ALL families
Please reach out to us with any thoughts or questions using our contact info above.
Our Mission:
The mission of the Lead Mine Elementary school counselors is to equitably promote academic, career and personal/social development for all students. All students will be provided access to individual, group, and classroom services. The school counselors will collaborate with others to support the development of creative, communicative, critical thinkers so that each student will be successful in a global community.
Our Vision:
All students at Lead Mine Elementary school, through the support of the school counseling program will successfully navigate our global society with an appreciation for diversity while exhibiting compassion, empathy and strong personal character.
Office hours are times students can check in with counselors.
Office hours are times students can check in with counselors.
What's Happening? Counseling Lessons
1st: We are learning about self-esteem and what makes each of us special. Self-esteem is what makes us feel good and proud. Help your student to discover a few reasons why they are special so they can feel self-confident and able to succeed. Book suggestions: I'm Special, I'm Me by Ann Meek, I'm Gonna Be Like Me by Jaime Lee Curtis & Lauren Cornell.
2nd: In second grade, we did some "taco" talk about the school counselor to understand what a counselor does to help support students. We also practiced self regulation strategies with the twist up, penguin shake and balloon breaths. Have some fun and practice as a family for when those emotions get overwhelming!
3rd: We are learning about the connection between our brain and our emotions. Make a fist with your thumb on the inside and ask your student what part of the brain is represented by their four fingers, palm, and thumb. (Answers are the Wise Eagle, Memory Saver, and Guard Dog). We're talking about what's happening in our brain when we feel stressed or upset and how we can calm ourselves down and make smart choices.
4th: In fourth grade, students were introduced to the school counselor and we have begun to practice mindfulness. We worked on identifying times are brains feel scattered and ways we can tune into the present moment. We played Mindfulness Would you Rather to introduce different ways we can practice mindfulness at home. We also started tuning into our senses and learned about grounding ourselves when stressed.
5th: We are learning about the connection between our brain and our emotions. Make a fist with your thumb on the inside and ask your student what part of the brain is represented by their four fingers, palm, and thumb. (Answers are the Wise Eagle, Memory Saver, and Guard Dog). We're talking about what's happening in our brain when we feel stressed or upset and how we can calm ourselves down and make smart choices.
What is P2?
"Ranging from bravery and forgiveness to integrity and gratitude, character strengths are the foundation of The Positivity Project’s model. Making children aware that every one of them has all 24 character strengths, provides the foundation for genuine self-confidence grounded in self-awareness. At the same time, it helps children better understand why everyone is different and how to appreciate those differences. Unlike our height, weight, or skin color, character is something that can’t be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, understanding and valuing it — especially in other people — requires a framework of consistent reflection and discussion."