Rose Update
September 4, 2024

October 4, 2024 Newsletter
Principal Update
I’m so excited to have been a part of recent outdoor education trip to Timber-lee with our 5th graders. It was a great success! The 5th-grade students did an incredible job, and I am so proud of how they handled the various activities and challenges.
The character trait we are focusing on this month is Responsibility. Character Strong defines Responsibility as “taking action and understanding the impact of our choices.” Taking action can mean doing the right thing or completing the tasks you have been assigned. Understanding the impact of our choices means that our actions matter. Positive and responsible actions can help people and irresponsible actions can hurt others
Throughout the trip, I saw many instances of students showing kindness, respect, and responsibility. Students were highly supportive of one another, especially on the high ropes course. They encouraged their peers and practiced safety at all times. They also learned new skills, such as safely using a bow and arrow, with careful attention to both their own safety and the safety of those around them.
One of the highlights of the trip was watching the students grow more independent and respectful of each other’s space, especially being away from home. They worked well as a team, demonstrated responsibility, and took care of themselves and their belongings.
Overall, it was a fantastic experience, and I’m sure the students have brought back wonderful memories (and maybe a few stories to tell) from our adventure together.
I hope to see more examples of responsibility of all of our students this month!
Dr. Cindy Ruesch
Parent-Teacher Conferences
A few things to note:
“Meet the Teacher” opens to parents Monday, September 30th, 8:00AM through Monday, October 7th at midnight. Please click HERE to schedule your Parent-Teacher Conference.
Conferences are Wednesday, October 16th, 3:30-7:30 PM (C.I. teachers will have team conferences all day) and Thursday, October 17th, 1:00-7:00 PM. There is no school for students on Thursday.
We will be using Meet the Teacher , the online booking platform, for parents to create their personalized conference schedule. Meet the Teacher will be open for parents from 8:00am Monday, September 30th, until Midnight on Monday, October 7th. Appointments book up quickly so please sign up early for best availability!
REMINDER--Doctor’s Note Required for Medical Absences
Due to a change in school code by the Illinois State Board of Education, this school year a medical note is required for parents/guardians who select the: “MEDUE: Medical/Dental Appointment” excuse option for their student in Infinite Campus or call their student out of school for a medical/dental appointment.
The revised school code defines "valid cause" for absence as the following: Illness, including the mental or behavioral health of the student; attendance at a verified medical or therapeutic appointment; appointment with a victim services provider. Please note that the student’s absence will be marked unexcused in Infinite Campus until a medical note is provided.
We understand this is a change in practice from previous years. Please know that our front office is here to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Upcoming Author Visit with David Biedrzycki
Rose School is thrilled to welcome authorator (50% author, 50% illustrator) David Biedrzycki on October 8th. All students will have the opportunity to hear about his creative process, failures and successes.
To learn more about David Biedrzycki (pronounced /bid-ricky/), visit his website at https://www.davidbiedrzycki.com/
If your child already owns a David Biedrzycki book, they can bring it to the library before October 8th to be autographed. The book should be in a ziplock bag with your child’s name, grade level and teacher.
ARTificial Intelligence is not yet published. The author will personalize a label which will be placed in the book when it arrives.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Here is the breakfast and lunch menu for the month of October.
Participate in Early Voting this Month!
During the first half of 2024, more than 2,500 community members collaborated on a plan to continue to improve our aging school buildings. The final $64M community-driven plan will go to you, the voter, for approval as a referendum question on the Nov. 5 ballot. If successful, the referendum will:
- Increase Safety & Security throughout Barrington 220
- Build a New Community Auditorium at Barrington High School
- Enhance STEAM and Instructional Spaces for Students
Traditional early voting at polling locations in the Barrington area will open on October 21. Click the links below to find early voting information for the county you reside in:
Character Strong--From Our Students
Barrington 220 Educational Foundation
The Barrington 220 Educational Foundation has the goal to encourage curiosity, inspire students' passion for learning and career exploration, and provide enriching opportunities through private funding. Their work has raised $4.4 million in funds to support our schools. Click here to read more about the work of the Foundation and how you can get involved.
Rose PTO Reminders
PTO Weekly Newsletter
Here is the link to the weekly PTO newsletter.
Virtual Backpack
Virtual Backpack is a place for Barrington 220 families to receive flyers and other information from the district and community organizations without the hassle of sorting through printed papers sent home with your child.