K2: From the Principal's Desk
August 2024
A Message from the Principal
Welcome Back to School! We are so close to beginning the 2024-2025 school year. There are exciting things happening next week: Meet the Teacher & Back to School Bash. You will receive all the information about where to find the information to log in from your teacher and CFA.
We have a new online classroom platform this year, Engageli. The OVCA teachers and staff have been learning about all the features and are eager to use them beginning next week at Meet the Teacher and the Back to School Bash.
I will be holding a Learning Coach Orientation on Tuesday, August 13th. I will do one session at 9:00 in the morning and a second one at 12:30 in the afternoon. They will be the same session, so you can choose which time works best for you to attend. I am looking forward to meeting you and working alongside you to make it a great year full of fun, learning, reading and growing for your student.
Our mission is to foster achievement and a love of learning for all students. We want every student to succeed. We will accomplish this by building resilience by pushing through the harder skills with the support of our staff, learning from our mistakes, and celebrating progress toward reaching the learning goals
There is a lot of information in this newsletter. I have attached the calendar and the Parent Student Handbook. Each month I will include some highlights from it. I will also include resources and announcements for the month.
Students will be using Progress Learning for daily practice on skills in Reading and Math. Students will work independently in Reading for 15 minutes a day and Math for 15 minutes a day. They will take a Diagnostic in class with their teacher the week of August 19th. The teacher will use this information to help adapt their daily practice lessons to help your student progress through the skills needed to successfully master the grade level content by the end of the school year.
Students will take a Beginning of the Year STAR Reading and Math Assessment the week of August 26th. This will be completed live in class with the teacher. This is a required assessment that will be taken 3 times over the course of the school year and are required to be monitored for validity. There is not a grade for the assessments. The teachers use the data from these assessments to plan lessons and instruction based on your student's needs. The assessments need to be completed independently by the student. The assessments are adaptive, so the next question is based on how the previous questions were answered. If you assist your student, the questions will continue to get harder and your student will become frustrated and overwhelmed. There will be some easier questions and some difficult questions. This is how we find out what the student already knows and what the student needs to learn during the school year.
Thank you in advance for your assistance in creating a quiet workspace for your student to work each day and coming alongside all of us at OVCA to make it a great year of fun and learning.
OVCA Calendar for School Year 2024-2025
Upcoming Dates
August 8th: Virtual Meet the Teacher
August 9th: Back to School Bash
August 12th: First Day of School
August 13th: Learning Coach Orientation with Mrs. Campbell at 9:00 or 12:30
August 19th-23rd: Progress Learning Diagnostics
August 26th-30th: STAR Beginning of the Year Assessments
September 2nd: Labor Day-No School
OVCA Parent Student Handbook
Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (OVCA)
This student handbook sets forth some general guidance for parents, Learning Coaches, and students enrolled in the Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (OVCA). The intent is to answer the most frequently asked questions. OVCA staff are willing clarify any items in the handbook or answer additional questions. Your main point of contact is your Community Family Advisor (CFA). A list of phone extensions is located on the school website. You may also use the dial by name directory by calling the main number 405.259.9478 and pressing the pound (#) key.
OVCA is a statewide charter school. OVCA is a public school and is subject to the rules and regulations of the Oklahoma State Department of Education Public School policies and mandates.
Learning Coach (LC)
A Learning Coach is the designated adult who will have the primary responsibility of being actively involved in all school related work and activities. Learning Coaches are the primary point of contact for all teachers and school staff. A parent may designate himself/herself as the Learning Coach or may find another trusted adult to serve in this role. In all cases, the parent is ultimately responsible for ensuring adherence to school policies. The Learning Coach will:
- actively monitor, assist, and motivate the student daily
- communicate regularly with the student’s Community Family Advisor (CFA) and teachers and
- ensure the student is engaged and follows a weekly schedule that includes attending live class and completing weekly assignments per program requirements
In Elementary School, a Learning Coach will work side-by-side daily with the student. Each week, the Learning Coach will review upcoming lessons to ensure any advanced preparation is completed and attend Learning Coach training/support meetings. Learning Coaches will check school communications at least once daily to stay up-to-date with academic requirements. They will also check their online school account to find exact times for classes and online meeting links. A Learning Coach of an elementary student can expect to spend 3-6 hours a day supporting the student’s education.
Learning Coach involvement is directly connected to student success. OLCA will offer a variety of opportunities throughout the year to improve Learning Coach practices. Learning Coach Orientation/Bootcamp reviews expectations, connects parents to other parents, and introduces local clubs and events. It outlines the parent responsibilities, important parent meetings, method of communication, how to support student academic expectations and learning goals, resources available, and how to provide feedback and become more involved in our school. The OLCA program is supported and led by the Student Support Services Team.
Community Family Advisor (CFA)
All students in one family are assigned to a single Community Family Advisor (CFA) who serves as the first point of contact. The CFA provides information about important dates and school events. The CFA helps families set up schedules, teaches families how to navigate the online school and monitors progress/attendance. The CFA helps students build connections at the school by organizing local in-person community events, hosting online social or study sessions or service learning projects.
As an OVCA student, youth are expected to be active learners by logging into school daily and participating in online class activities. Students will be contacted through email, text, phone or during online classes. Each student will have access to online and offline curriculum materials. Students may reach out at any time to OVCA Staff for assistance. Staff will respond within 24 hours during school hours.
Clive Class Connect Sessions (CCs)
Elementary will offer live class sessions for grade level content as well as targeted sessions to focus on specific skills gaps based on the student’s academic needs and progress.
Webcam Policy
OVCA teachers and students are encouraged to use webcams during online sessions. This Face to Face interaction can increase relationships and strengthen the learning process. The webcam environment must be sterile and appropriate for schooling. Families are responsible for ensuring a home learning environment that complies with OVCA’s requirements for webcam usage. This includes, but is not limited to, a visual or audible learning environment viewable during class connect sessions that is free of any signs, flags, symbols, words, or pictures that may be considered obscene, discriminatory, or profane.
To verify student engagement, students may be required to turn on webcam and interact with OVCA staff. OVCA may move forward with student safety protocols if staff are unable to connect with students in a face to face setting (Webcam, Zoom, Engageli,, etc).
As a public-school program, the Oklahoma Virtual Charter Academy (“OVCA”) is required to monitor student progress and attendance in accordance with all applicable statutes. Students are expected to complete 72 instructional activities per quarter, or about 2 instructional activities per day. For the purposes of attendance, instructional activities are defined as:
• Completion of course assignments that are used to record a grade for a student that is factored into the student’s grade for the term in which the assignment is completed;
• Instructional meetings with a teacher;
• Testing;
• School-sanctioned field trips; and
• Orientation.
Students who fall behind the required instructional activities at any point in the school year will be contacted by OVCA staff – CFAs, paraprofessionals, counselors, truancy specialist, and/or administration – to see what support is needed to re-engage the student in daily schooling. Prolonged periods of insufficient attendance may result in the student being withdrawn from OVCA.
Once a student has gone five consecutive days without schooling, OVCA staff will begin attempting to reach the legal guardian to find out what issue(s) is hindering the student from schooling daily and work to resolve the issue. If the student has not resumed schooling within 15 days, the student will be withdrawn for truancy.
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Contact Information
1117 S. Douglas Blvd. Suite F
Midwest City, OK 73130
School Phone: 405.259.9478
School Fax: 405.259.8332
k12 help: help.k12.com
OVCA K2 Principal:
Karin Campbell
Call or Text: (405) 869-6403