Greenhalgh Legal Services LLC
June 2024 Newsletter
Bill's Corner
Happy June everyone! The summer months are here, and they are starting out splendidly! Get out and enjoy nature! June is always a big month in the Greenhalgh family as my eldest son and I both have June birthdays, and my wedding anniversary is June 6 (D-Day)! No wonder June has always been my favorite month!
Monthly Reminders:
- Greenhalgh Legal Services LLC will be closed June 19, 2024 in observance of Juneteenth.
- Attorney Greenhalgh will be out of the office June 27, 2024
Happy Birthday Bill!
Happy Father's Day!!
Medicaid Planning
If the time comes that your loved one can no longer live without a higher level of care than you are able to provide, you may be faced with the decision to move them to an assisted living or skilled nursing facility. This can be very stressful both emotionally and financially. There are programs available to assist with the costs. Greenhalgh Legal Services provides a full range of services for elderly individuals who are facing the prospect of long term care and who seek to maximize asset protection strategies under today's ever-changing laws. If you or a loved one appear headed for long term care, please contact our office immediately for a free consultation
It may be time to schedule your free trust review...
When our firm prepared your Living Trust, you were promised a free review of your estate plan every three years or so. If it has been that long, I invite you to contact our office today to schedule your appointment.
Periodic reviews of your estate plan are essential for the following reasons:
● Laws change. The recent federal tax law increased the individual exemption from estate taxes to $13,610,000! This change alone may affect certain Articles of your Living Trust and require amendment. In 2014, Wisconsin adopted the Uniform Trust Code which allows us to modernize our clients’ older Living Trust documents to streamline trust administration and take advantage of all the other features of this new statute.
● Families change. Children grow up. Heirs divorce, become disabled, or disappear from your life. Now may be an obvious time to change your Successor Trustees or to redraft who receives what from your Living Trust, and under what terms.
● Your assets change. You may have purchased new assets and disposed of others. You may have invested in new life insurance policies and annuities or revised your monies set aside for retirement. We want you to be sure your assets are title appropriately and that all beneficiary designations are correct and in conformance with your estate plan.
For all these important reasons, please contact our office for your FREE estate plan review.
During this complimentary review we will: Discuss your family situation to ensure that the terms of your Living Trust still reflect your wishes and family situation;· Review the beneficiary designations of your IRAs and retirement plans to be sure you are taking advantage of the recent law changes; Review your assets to be sure they are properly titled in your Living Trust, and; Analyze the impact of the new tax law changes to see if your estate planning documents need to be updated.
Your review is an ideal opportunity to coordinate your estate planning documents with your financial planning goals. To make the most of your time together, please bring your Estate Planning Portfolio and a current list of your assets with you to the review. For your ease of convenience, we also recommend you bring your current bank statements and investment statements for your stocks, bonds, mutual funds, life insurance, annuities, and IRAs. We have enclosed a one-page form you can use to fill in your current assets and income for our meeting.
To get started, call our office today at (608) 355-0907. Ask my estate planning paralegal, Amy, to set up a free trust review meeting.
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If you haven't done so already, check out our Facebook page, Greenhalgh Legal Services, and follow us on Twitter, @greenhalghlegal, where we update you with upcoming events in our area as well as breaking legal developments.
Thank You!
You and your families matter to Greenhalgh Legal Services LLC. We appreciate your business and referrals!
Greenhalgh Legal Services LLC
Greenhalgh Legal Services LLC is the current incarnation of a law firm begun over 70 years ago in Baraboo, Wisconsin by Atty. Robert L. Greenhalgh. Today, Bob’s son, Atty. William F. Greenhalgh, carries on the firm’s traditions of honesty, integrity, and the highest quality legal services in its core practice areas of estate planning, estate administration, and elder law.
Email: bill@greenhalghlaw.com
Website: greenhalghlaw.com
Location: 202 Broadway Street, Baraboo, WI, USA
Phone: (608) 355-0907
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greenhalghlaw
Twitter: @GreenhalghLegal
Attorney William F. Greenhalgh has been practicing law for over 38 years and for the last 34 years extensively in the areas of estate planning, estate administration, and elder law. Mr. Greenhalgh is a member of WealthCounsel and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. He has conducted seminars on estate planning and elder law to consumers and professionals throughout Southern Wisconsin. Mr. Greenhalgh is a 1975 graduate of Princeton University where he majored in History, and is a 1978 graduate of the UCLA School of Law where he served as a Comment Editor of the UCLA Law Review.