The Compass
"Unlock the Treasure in Every Child" - February 10, 2025
Reminder: There is no school on Monday, February 17. This is a teacher work day.
PTA Meeting
If joining:
In Person - We will be meeting in the cafeteria.
Virtually - Join by following this link.
Book Fair!
Thank you to our entire community for supporting the book fair. Our school once again hit record numbers. Our students will now benefit from over $18,000 worth of books. These funds will help put new books in the media center.
In addition, the school and the PTA has partnered together to purchase a book vending machine that will distribute free books to students. The funds from the book fair will be used to stock the vending machine. Students will receive specials tokens that will allow them to purchase their book from the vending machine. The criteria for how they earn the token is still being created. Stay tuned for more details!
Thank you!
Field Trip Payments
For Field Trips and other school related payments, please use School Cash Online which is the WCPSS preferred method of payment.
This week, our school community will focus on the character strength of Love. Love means you value close relationships with others and being close to people.
Love is shown through our thoughts, feelings, and actions toward those we care about. When we love someone, we comfort them, make them feel safe, support them during tough times, and often put their needs before our own. When someone loves us, we feel safe and secure and can be ourselves around them. We miss them when they are not around.
Love is important for our community and society. We all depend on each other for happiness and well-being. Love creates positive feelings, helping to reduce loneliness, anxiety, and depression. Without love, we can't form strong bonds with our families, friends, or communities. A world without love would be a lonely and unsafe place.
To practice and encourage the character strength of love at home, please visit The Positivity Project’s mobile-friendly P2 for Families (available in English and Spanish), where you will watch a video together and discuss a quote and three questions. Below are links to this week’s P2 for Families lessons. Click on the grade level that best meets your child’s needs.
Thank you for your support!
Check out our school's Buccaneer Gear: https://bceshs.itemorder.com/shop/home/
Our PTA has worked with a vender to ensure this link is open ALL YEAR!
Parent and Student Lunch!
Please only select ONE time period per family. This allows two families an option each day to have lunch with their children.
We are excited to offer the opportunity for parents and visitors to have lunch with students once again. However, in order to ensure safety, manage space limitations, and to ensure the process is successful we must maintain guidelines and expectations for logistics. Please read the expectations and logistics on the sign up.
Buckhorn Creek Parent/Student Handbook 2024-2025
Important Dates!
- Feb 17 - No School - Teacher Work Day
- Feb 18 - Spring Pictures
- Feb 19 - PTA Meeting @ 2:45 In Person & Virtual Option
About Us.
Email: dsimons@wcpss.net
Website: www.wcpss.net/BuckhornCreekES
Location: 5651 Honeycutt Road, Holly Springs, NC, USA
Phone: (919) 694-8970
Twitter: @BuckhornCreekES