Hillcrest Elementary School
Weekly News-5.3.24
Teacher Appreciation Week
Next Week we celebrate our teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week!
Consider thanking a teacher (present or past)!
After School Sports Club
Dear Parents of 5th/6th Grade Students,
This spring there will be an opportunity for your child(ren) to participate in an After School Sports Club. The club will begin directly after school one day a week and finish at 4:30pm. The students will play a variety of large group games outside (weather permitting). There will only be 40 spots available. Complete the google form below to register your child for the fall session before May 10th.
Your child will need to be picked up at Hillcrest by the gym doors at 4:30pm
Dates included:
May 15th, 29th, June 5th
The following children earned ROAR tickets for their exemplary work related to following our ROAR Rules. Congratulations!
🐾Aleksandre Bekauri 🐾Kate Sadkhin 🐾Jacob Dixon
🐾Giuliana Askins 🐾Alisher Berdaliev 🐾Sofia Ogrizovic
🐾Avah Brown 🐾Liam Shea 🐾Natalie Kusznir
🐾Chloe Handfinger 🐾Jack Hamill 🐾Eric Volosetskyy
🐾Brynley Brown 🐾Aaron Beckelman 🐾Oleksandr Pochynok
🐾Hunter Reilly 🐾Agilia Berdalieva 🐾Andrew Shykoryak
🐾Madison McMenamin🐾Ryan Chapman
Congratulations to the Mystery Motivator Student Winners
🐾Landon Einhorn 🐾Avah Brown 🐾Hazel Minto 🐾Misha Ananin 🐾Mujin Kim 🐾Amelia Hamill 🐾Alex Pochynok🐾Darien Daynorowicz 🐾Mark Tishchenko 🐾Jack Hamill
Mystery Motivator Staff Winners
🐾Ms. Penny (Bus #15) 🐾Mr. Silvers 🐾 Ms. Karczewski
HCE/CRSD Important Dates
Friday-Saturday, May 10th-11th- District Art Show
Monday May 6th-Friday, May 10th- Teacher Appreciation Week
Tuesday, May 14th- Combine Evening Concert @ HMS
Friday, May 17th- Field Day
Monday, May 20th- Field Day RAIN DATE
Tuesday, May 21st- Career Day (9:30 AM- 11:00AM)
Wednesday, May 22nd- 6th grade Track Meet
Thursday, May 23rd- 1st Grade Buggy Show
Friday, May 24th- PTO BBQ
Monday, May 27th- Memorial Day
Friday, May 31st- 5th and 6th Grade Field Trips
Last Day of School
Thursday, June 13 Early Dismissal
PM Kindergarten attends
Last day for AM Kindergarten is Wednesday, June 12th
6th Grade Track Meet
All students in 6th grade will attend and participate in a district wide track meet on May 22nd at Council Rock North High School. Parents are invited to come and cheer on their child. Permission slips are attached and should be returned to your child's homeroom teacher.
Email Mrs. Hart with questions: heather.hart@crsd.org
We are now accepting 2024-2025 Registrations
Online Registration: The Council Rock School District utilizes a secure online portal for a parent(s) to enroll their child(ren). Please ensure you have all required documents ready before starting the enrollment process below. The application functions best in the Chrome browser on a desktop or laptop. Please be aware that June 1st is the deadline to guarantee placement in home school.
Your child is NOT registered until all documents have been received, reviewed by central registration, and the final registration document has been signed by the parent.
In the morning we have noticed that some parents arriving after 9:10 AM are speeding through the visitor's lot & bypassing the car rider outside loop. At this time, we could still have staff and students entering the building and the high rate of speed is concerning.
We are asking that you SLOW DOWN to ensure the safety of everyone in the parking lot area.
All questions regarding student lunch accounts should be sent to the Chartwells staff at www.HCECafeteria@CRSD.org. Click on the below link to preview the monthly menu and nutritional information.
Attached is the form to be completed for Family Educational Trips. Handwritten letters are accepted, however this form is preferred. Please be sure to submit the form/letter at least ten (10) days prior to your trip, for approval. Please contact Debbie Kunzig, attendance clerk, at dkunzig@crsd.org if you have questions regarding this process.
Pretzel Sales
You can still order pretzels for your student! They are delivered every Wednesday to your child's classroom for just $25 for the year. If you order by noon on Tuesday, your child(ren) will have a pretzel the next day! Orders received after noon on Tuesday will start the following week.
When you need to reach Council Rock with an issue concerning your child, where should you start? This contact reference guide can direct you to help in solving school related problems that are non-emergency related.
In the event of an emergency, please call 9-1-1.
Most issues can be solved at the school level, and the guide below will help direct you to the correct information:
1. Contact your child's teacher. They know your child best, and can likely help with your concerns. If needed the teacher can direct you to the principal or school counselor.
2. Contact the school principal if the teacher is not able to assist or you have an urgent matter. The principal may direct you to the correct administrative department when appropriate.
3. Contact the administrative department if the principal directs you there, or if your concern is not classroom-related. Tax inquiries should be directed to our Business Department at 215-944-1000. Other administrative departments are listed on the www.crsd.org webpage.
4. If none of the above resources are able to help with a resolution, call the Superintendent's office at 215-944-1000.
CLICK HERE for a downloadable PDF of this reference sheet.
Please Check Your Board Email Addresses
There was a recent issue with the District web site and some Board members email addresses were spelled incorrectly. We suggest you check any emails you may have sent to CR Board members to make sure their email address is correct. The correct email addresses are as follows:
Bob Hickey bob.hickey@crsd.org
Joe Hidalgo joe.hidalgo@crsd.org
Anne Horner anne.horner@crsd.org
Nicole Khan nicole.khan@crsd.org
Tracey Osecki tracey.osecki@crsd.org
Yota Palli yota.palli@crsd.org
Michael Roosevelt michael.roosevelt@crsd.org
Linda Stone linda.stone@crsd.org
Ed Tate ed.tate@crsd.org
Students 1st. Always!
Website: https://crsdorg-31-us-east1-01.preview.finalsitecdn.com/
Location: 420 East Holland Road, Southampton, PA, USA
Phone: 215-944-1600
Facebook: facebook.com/Hillcrestcr
Twitter: @HCErock