Trillium Tweet
December 6, 2019
Thank You TCPS Families!
Dear Families,
A big THANK YOU to everyone who came to our Scholastic Book Fair and helped make it a great experience!
Did you know?
- Adding books to any home at any time, increases a child's chance for success.
- Reading helps a child's vocabulary and develops stronger thinking skills.
- When children read more at home, they do better in school.
Keep on reading, and we'll see you at our next book fair!
Erica Hironimus and Trish Nelson
TCPS Librarians
Missing Anything?
Hour of Code
Dear Families,
We live in a world surrounded by technology. And we know that whatever field our students choose to go into as adults, their ability to succeed will increasingly depend on understanding how technology works.
But only a tiny fraction of us are learning how technology works. Only 35% of all high schools teach computer science.
That’s why our entire school is joining in on the largest learning event in history: The Hour of Code, during Computer Science Education Week. More than 100 million students worldwide have already tried an Hour of Code. We introduced Hour of Code and these foundational 21st-century skills during library class time this past week. Hour of Code is certainly not limited to this week alone. Once students develop fluency with a coding game, encourage them to explore another so that we can inspire them to learn more about computer science.
The Hour of Code, organized by the nonprofit and over 100 others, is a global movement that believes the students of today are ready to learn critical skills for 21st-century success.
See for details and to continue the learning at home.
Thank you,
Erica Hironimus
TCPS Teacher-Librarian
Public Library News
District Office News
Have you heard? Music and Arts Partners (MAP) has a new website!
The look may have changed but MAP’s mission remains the same. We are proud to share with you the new MAP website! The address is still the same:
While the site has a new look, donations to the MAP general fund and the Lynne Detrick Instrument Memorial Fund can still be processed online. We hope you will check it often for events and updates to all that is happening with MAP and music and arts education in the district.
MAP is an independent, volunteer, nonprofit organization that works to advocate and promote arts and music education in the West Linn-Wilsonville School District.
Creating Calm, Connection, and Resilience for our Children
Please join us and our parent communities for a presentation and discussion by our school social workers Sarah Hiatt, LCSW and Brittany Bucholz, LCSW. They will explore the following: creating balanced home routines, connecting with our children to foster resilience, social media screen time, building self-efficacy, family values and expectations, and more!
There are two remaining events:
· Thursday, Dec. 19; 6-8 p.m. at Inza Wood Middle School
· Wednesday, Jan. 22; 8-9:30 a.m. at Lowrie Primary
The event is free to attend. Interpretation services will be provided by request. Please RSVP to Brittany Bucholz, school social worker, if you need interpretation services no later than one week before the event at or 503-673-7818.
Clackamas Community College’s Environmental Learning Center Offers Winter Camps
Clackamas Community College’s Environmental Learning Center has three camps available for students in grades 1-5 this winter break. The nature-based camps offer three opportunities for hands-on activities, crafts, and active games that engage campers in exploring how plants, animals, and people get through winter.
The three camps are Winter Food on Dec. 30, Winter Shelters on Jan. 2, and Winter Fun on Jan. 3. Cost varies by camp and scholarships as well as a before- and after-care are available. Camps run from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at CCC’s Environmental Learning Center; 19600 Molalla Ave., Oregon City. Register or learn more at
Education Foundation to Host 6th Annual Night with the Portland Trail Blazers!
The West Linn-Wilsonville Education Foundation is excited to announce the 6th Annual WLWV Education Foundation’s “Night with the Portland Trail Blazers"!
You won’t want to miss out on a fun evening with friends and family as our Portland Trail Blazers take on the Detroit Pistons at the Moda Center on February 23, 2020.
As in years past, ticket holders will have the opportunity to participate in at least one experience. First, all ticket holders who purchase through the West Linn-Wilsonville Education Foundation link will have the opportunity to go onto the court after the game and shoot a free throw. This has been a very popular activity over the past five years. Second, any tickets purchased for children between the ages of 6 and 13 will be entered into a drawing to participate in the pre-game Courtside Kids experience.
Ticket Sales will open in December — stay tuned! For any questions please contact Michele Beyer at
Winter Weather is Coming - Time to Update Your FlashAlert Subscriptions
FlashAlert is the system that we use to notify you of school closures, delays, and other similar events. The system is routinely pruned of untouched accounts so even if you had previously subscribed, you should verify your subscriptions at Please note that this is not "our" system and we can provide limited help. You should consider getting the free FlashAlert Messenger app from the Apple AppStore or Google PlayStore. Announcements will also be displayed on the local TV channels. During an event, we will also post an announcement on the district home page (
Community Care Day
The next TCPS Community Care Day will be on Sunday, February 2, 2020. Get your shovels ready!
Upcoming Events at Trillium Creek Primary
- December 9-12, Forest Flyers
- December 13, 6:00 Winter Craft Fair for Preregistered Families
- December 23-January 6, No School for Students
- January 7, Students Return
- January 15, 12:10 Early Release
- January 15, 6:00 PM, PTA Meeting
- January 17, 2nd grade OMSI Field Trip
- January 20, MLK Holiday, No School
- January 20-23, Forest Flyers
- January 30, 1st grade Oregon Children's Theatre Field Trip
- January 31, 5:30-7:30, Pizza Bingo
Upcoming Events in West Linn
Important Links
Listserve Subscriptions
Please make sure you are on the current ListServe. To manage your West Linn-Wilsonville ListServ subscriptions please go to the following URL:
Sign up for Flash Alert
For "Inclement Weather Closure Status" sign up on Flash Alert to be notified. Snow will be arriving before we know it:
Sign up to Volunteer at Trillium Creek
PLEASE remember to register as a volunteer. All parents and guardians MUST be registered as VOLUNTEERS to help in classrooms or attend field trips. You can take care of this at home through our school website, (just click on the parent link).
Trillium Creek Primary
Location: 1025 Rosemont Road, West Linn, OR, USA
Phone: 503-673-7950