Spartan Weekly Update Feb 3-8

What's Happening This Week
Monday, Feb 3
Regular Monday
Choir Open Rehearsal 3-6 pm PAC
Tuesday, Feb 4
Esports Raising Cane's Fundraiser 12pm-9pm
Wednesday, Feb 5
SCC Application Workshop-Sign up with your Counselor
Thursday, Feb 6
Friday, Feb 7
Saturday, Feb. 8
Saturday SchoolRoom 205 8 am-12 pm
Administration Updates
Spartacon Recap
Villa Park High School’s Spartacon Showcase & Open House that was held on Wednesday, January 29th, was a huge success! From 5:00 to 7:30 PM, students, parents, and community members gathered to explore the school’s wide array of programs, activities, and student achievements.
The evening featured a variety of interactive displays and performances, showcasing everything from student artwork and science projects to musical performances and academic presentations. Guests had the opportunity to meet with teachers and staff to learn more about the school’s curriculum, college prep offerings, and extracurricular opportunities.
The event highlighted the passion and creativity of Villa Park High’s students and provided a valuable opportunity for prospective students and their families to get a firsthand look at what the school has to offer.
Thank you to everyone who attended, and we look forward to welcoming you to future events at Villa Park High!
Dress For Success Mondays
Student Services Update
- Bathroom Passes (via 5-Star) will now last 6 (SIX) minutes - the same time as the standard passing period between classes. Bathroom passes should only be used to go to the restroom and return to class. Students frequently found out of class without a pass or on an expired hall pass will be assigned school consequences.
- 5-Star Digital Student ID can be used as an alternate Student ID Card - students can exit campus for short day/athletics using the 5-Star app. This Digital ID card will be used for checking in to school events such as dances, lunch detention, and Saturday Schools.
Serve Your Assigned Detentions
- Students may join lunch detention Monday - Friday even if you do not receive a call slip
- Have Unexcused Absences? Parents must contact the attendance office to clear. See Mrs. Zlaket in Counseling to remove assigned Saturday School
- How many detentions do I have? CLICK HERE to find out
- Seniors: Students who do not serve detentions or Saturday school will not participate in SENIOR ACTIVITIES the last week of school.
Math Tutoring Available
Need help with Math? We encourage students to attend our Morning Math Tutoring, led by our very own Math teachers Ms. Petrella and Ms. Capriles.
- Double Zero Period (7:35 - 8:24) - Room 510 - Ms. Petrella
- Zero Period (8:30 - 9:20) - Room 504 - Ms. Capriles
These tutoring options are available for ALL STUDENTS.
5-Star - Schoolwide App for Students
This year we will be using the 5-Star Students program at VP to maintain safety on campus and to help students increase their involvement on campus. Students can earn points for attending events and participating in activities.
Student Conduct Guidance 24-25
- Student Attendance: Students who arrive late to class after the bell rings for each period are tardy. There is a 6-minute passing period to move from class to class. Students who earn 4 tardies will be assigned a lunch detention. We appreciate parent support in encouraging students to be prompt and show up to classes on time!
- Student Conduct Guidelines 24-25: Outline of student behavior and consequences administered by Student Services (Discipline). Please take a moment to review school policies on the following topics:
- Attendance Policy
- Saturday School & Loss of Activities
- Lunch Detention
- Campus Deliveries
- Dress Code
- Student Parking
Click Here to Review Student Conduct Guidelines 24-25
- Attendance: Parents must call or deliver a note to the Attendance Office within 72 hours to clear a student's absence. Students will be held accountable for their attendance through lunch detentions or Saturday School for unexcused absences. If a student is absent from school, they must provide an excuse for an absence (Illness, Personal, Medical Appointment, etc.). Calls to attendance can be made to (714) 532-8020.
Order Underclassmen Yearbook Photos by Feb. 5 - Special Offer
VSA Celebrates the Lunar New Year With Lion Dance
"Super Mario Kart" Winter Formal - Feb. 22
Choir Open Rehearsal
Are you interested in joining VPHS Vocal Music for the incoming 2025-2026 school year? We are holding an Open Rehearsal to the entire student body, as well to incoming 8th grade students that will be attending VP.
Come join us on Monday, February 3rd to check out a Choir Rehearsal, firsthand! To sign up, scan on the QR Code or fill out the form which is in our bio. We hope to see you there!
Hello all Senior Parents,
· PARENT AD INFORMATION: If you would like to purchase a PARENT AD, or space in the yearbook to include fun photos of your student from their childhood along with a kind message, please see the order form attached below. Deadline for submission is February 7th.
· SENIOR PORTRAIT INFORMATION: If you have not yet had your Senior Portraits taken you must schedule an appointment with PSS Imaging by either calling 714-630-7785 or visiting their website (https://www.pssimaging.net/seniors1). Please make every effort to have your portrait taken before the end of January.
· YEARBOOK PURCHASE: Don’t forget, you can still buy our 2024-25 Yearbook! They are $175 and you may pay on the VPHS Webstore or in the principal’s office.
· Lastly, should you have any questions please email Mr. Hill at ghill@orangeusd.org.
Thank you for your support,
Mr. Hill and the Odyssey Staff
Senior Class Announcements
VPHS Grad Night (and Day!) 2025
Your year. Your Park. Your Party! Villa Park High School seniors 2025, get ready for an incredible day and night at the Disneyland Resort! We are headed to the Happiest Place on Earth for one final day/night of high school memories on Friday, June 13th!
Your Grad Nite Ticket includes:
- Breakfast and Check-in from 7:30am to 9:00am @ VPHS
- Transportation to & from Disneyland - Leave VPHS on Friday, June 13th @ 9:15am & returning to VPHS on Saturday, June 14th @ 3am (approximation)
- ALL DAY Disney Park Hopper ticket
- After Hours Grad Nite Private Event ticket (at California Adventure)
- Money for snacks during the event
EARLY BIRD PRICE- $279-Prices go up January 20th!
If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Kraft at (714) 338-9306 or by email at jodikraft5@gmail.com. Thank you!
AVID Visits UCLA 1/31
AVID Juniors and Seniors visited UCLA on Friday 1/31. Our group got to tour the beautiful UCLA campus and learn so much about life as a Bruin. UCLA definitely shot up to the top of application and transfer plan lists after this tour! (We even saw TWO Spartan alums walking around campus while we were there!)
Spring 2025 SCC x OUSD Coordinated Classes
Students & Parents:
Check out our SCC Spring 2025 Early College Course Catalog for the list of SCC College Courses (AKA Dual Enrollment) available starting in February 2025. Students must apply through Santiago Canyon College.
New Students must attend a Zoom Orientation Meeting on Jan. 15 or Jan. 16.
College Planning Checklist
Parent vs. Student Responsibilities
Which College Admission Process best suits you?
Counselor Assignments & Contacts 2024-2025
A - C - Lauren Bartelli
D - H - Jeremy Bulrice
I - M - Jason Pham
N - R - Shasta Campbell
S - Z - Doreen Valentin
Spartan Wellspace - Agnes Cimino
This Week In Sports
Written by Leslie Flores
Girls Soccer
On Tuesday, the girl's JV and Varsity soccer teams played against Esperanza High School. The Junior Varsity team won with a score of 1 to 0, and the Varsity team tied with a score of 1 to 1. Frosh/Soph played Woodbridge and lost 2-0. On Thursday, the girls Frosh/Soph, Junior Varsity, and Varsity teams played against Troy High School. The Frosh/Soph game resulted in a 2 to 2 tie. The Junior Varsity team won with a score of 1 to 0, and the Varsity team tied again with a score of 1 to 1.
Boy's Basketball
On Tuesday, our boys basketball program played against Sonora High School. The Frosh/Soph team won with a score of 56 to 42, the Junior Varsity team also secured a victory with a score of 54 to 42, and the Varsity team played a close game but lost with a score of 76 to 80 in overtime. Friday, the boy's Frosh/Soph, Junior Varsity, and Varsity teams played at El Dorado High School. Frosh/Soph lost 44 to 65, JV won 58-53, and Varsity won 78-75. Way to go Spartan basketball!
Girls Basketball
Our girls basketball team also played against Sonora High School. The Junior Varsity team lost with a score of 41 to 54, while the Varsity team won with a score of 50 to 41. Friday, our girls basketball team played against La Habra High School. Both teams won with a score of 56-22 for JV and 63 to 21 for Varsity We are very proud of our girl's basketball team!
Girls Water Polo
On Tuesday, our girls water polo team played against Foothill High School. The Varsity team lost with a score of 0 to 16, and the Junior Varsity team lost with a score of 2 to 9.
Support VPHS Baseball
Support VPHS Esports
Interested in Joining a Sport?
Contact our Athletic Director, Tom Fox tfox@orangeusd.org
Follow VPHS Teams on Social Media!
Please check out the VP Sports schedule for the latest game schedule, results, and events.
If you are on Instagram, follow our teams to stay updated on game results, schedules, and other team-related events:
- VPHS Boys Basketball
- VPHS Girls Basketball
- VPHS Hockey
- VPHS Rugby (NEW)
- VPHS Boys Soccer
- VPHS Girls Soccer
- VPHS Girls Wrestling (NEW)
- VPHS Wrestling
- VPHS Aquatics - Water Polo Boys (Fall) Girls (Winter) Swimming (Spring)
- VPHS Cheer & Stunt
- VPHS Cross Country (Fall)
- VPHS esports
- VPHS Football (Fall)
- VPHS Flag Football (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Golf (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Tennis (Fall)
- VPHS Girls Volleyball (Fall)
- VPHS Baseball (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Golf (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Volleyball (Spring)
- VPHS Softball (Spring)
- VPHS Boys Tennis (Spring)
- VPHS Track & Field (Spring)
Thank You To Our Cheer Sponsor
Upcoming Events
February 14-17: Presidents Weekend: No School
February 21: French Wedding
February 22: Winter Formal
March 5: ELAC Meeting
March 14: Spring Sports Assembly
March 23: E-Waste Drop Off
March 28: End of Quarter: Minimum Day
March 31-April 4: Spring Break: No School
VPHS Fundrasing Opportunities
We’re happy to announce that a new webpage has been created, in response to parent feedback, to collect all fundraiser events that occur throughout the school year. VPHS Fundraiser Events is now open for all sports teams and boosters, clubs, classes, and VPHS-affiliated organizations who wish to promote their upcoming fundraisers.
Should you wish you promote your event, please contact Mr. Pongco at jpongco@orangeusd.org. We are able to feature events on our newsletter, this new webpage, and in school email broadcasts to our parents and students.
Free and Public Education Notice
Section 5 of Article IX of the state of California constitution guarantees students a "free public education". Any requests financial requests from coaches or teachers shall be donations and therefore not required to participate.
Villa Park is a public school, which means we offer a free public education. Any fees attached to events, such as field trips, are requested as a donation from families. Your child will not be excluded from the event if you are unable to donate for a school day field trip or program.
OUSD Annual Notice of Nondiscrimination (UCP)
Orange Unified School District annually notifies its students, employees, parents or guardians of its students, the district advisory committee, school advisory committees, appropriate private school officials, and other interested parties of the Uniform Complaint Procedures (UCP) process.
The UCP Annual Notice is available on the district's website.
The Orange Unified School District is primarily responsible for compliance with federal and state laws and regulations, including those related to unlawful discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying against any protected group, and all programs and activities that are subject to the UCP.
Villa Park High School Assistant Principal | Curriculum & Instruction