The Eagle Express
Jan. 24, 2025
Important Dates
Sat., 1/25 - K of C Free Throw Contest
***CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK Jan. 26, 2025-Feb. 1, 2025***
Sat/Sun 1/25-26 - Attend mass at St. Eugene in uniform for CSW!
Sun., 1/26 - CSW Breakfast following 9:30am mass
Sun., 1/26 - Youth Group following 5pm mass (rsvp)
Mon.1/27 - Volunteer Appreciation Reception (after morning assembly 8am)
Wed., 1/29 - Elem. Enrichment Cluster Showcase (4:00-5:30pm)
Wed., 1/29 - Eat & Earn at Canes - Memorial & Penn (5-9pm)
Thur., 1/30 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Schmidt!
Thur., 1/30 - School mass (8:15am)
Sun., 2/2 - Happy birthday, Mrs. Hall!
Check out the calendar on the school webpage for more.
A Note from Mrs. Goldsworthy
We are beyond blessed to be able to offer a stellar Catholic education at St. Eugene that forms our children into the the disciples that God has called them to be. From our youngest students learning the Word of God in Atrium to our all school SALT program, weekly mass, sacrament preparation, and incorporation of our faith into all aspects of the day, you may be certain that your child knows the love of God. Thank you for choosing to be a part of our thriving community!
Flu is hitting hard right now with strep, RSV, COVID, and common colds also playing their part. Please be aware of symptoms and do not send your child to school with fever. Per our handbook, students must be fever free for 24 hours (without medicine) before they return to school. We require families to inform their student's teacher and the office of any absence, and to let us know if the student is out sick. It assists us in looking for symptoms in other students, and we can keep your child in our prayers! We will be stepping up our cleaning protocols.
Holy Family Art Contest DUE MONDAY!
Enrichment Cluster Showcase!
We are wrapping up our 2nd-5th grade Enrichment Clusters this month. Please save the date for our showcase on Wednesday, January 29th. This will be come and go for students with their families from 4pm-5:30pm in the library and halls of the main building. Student “products” will be on display. Stop at any display to check out what students have learned and created. Products range from watercolor artwork to juggling acts to construction plans and more!
Please park in the south lot and enter through main school doors by the office. If your child is in Aftercare, please pick them up at the normal door, and Mrs. Blevins will let you pass through. Afterward, stop by Raising Cane's at Memorial & Penn for a PTO Eat & Earn!
Catholic Schools Week Starts This Weekend!
RSVP by NOON SUNDAY to attend our volunteer appreciation reception following morning assembly on Monday, January 27th!
Winter Spirit Orders
If you ordered spirit wear through PTO this past month, orders will go home in student bags today. Please contact PTO if you have questions about your order - PTO@steugeneschool.org.
CGSAA Athletics
CGSAA Spring Soccer is set to begin around mid March. Games schedules will be sent out as soon as they come available. CGSAA is offering co-ed leagues for students in Kindergarten thru 8th grade. In order for your student to play, the soccer sign up form MUST be completed by February 21st, 2025. Once the soccer season begins, your St. Eugene FACTS account will be assessed the Soccer Registration Fee - $85.
If you are interested in coaching, please indicate your interest on the form as well. Questions can be directed to the CSSE Soccer Coordinator Brian Lair: soccer@steugeneschool.org or b_lair22@yahoo.com. Sign up for soccer.
Sign up for 1st-8th CGSAA Track & Field - Select two running events and two field events. For all events, schools may only enter two participants per event with the exception of Grades 1 and 2. Grades 1 and 2 can enter 3 per event.
200M shuttle relay (1st and 2nd Grades), 4 x100M relay (3rd thru 8th Grade), and 4 x 200 (5th thru 8th Grade) teams will be determined by time trial in practice.
Grades 1 & 2: Competitors may enter one (1) running event, one (1) relay, and one (1) field event.
Grades 3 & 4: Competitors may compete in two (2) running events, one (1) relay, and one (1) field event.
Grade 5, 6, 7 & 8: Competitors may enter three (3) running events and two (2) field events.
A participant may not run in both the 4 x 100 M relay and the 4 x 200 M relay.
Sign Up Deadline: March 1, 2025 - https://www.csseathletics.org/registration
Meet Schedule: April 12/2025Practice Schedule: TBD
Additional meets: TBA
Registration Cost: $65 billed via FACTS
If you have any questions, please contact the CSSE Track Coordinator, Brad Davenport: track@steugeneschool.org
Knights of Columbus Free Throw Contest
Boys and girls ages 9–14, it’s time to show off your basketball skills! Join us for the Free Throw Contest on Saturday, January 25, at 2:30 p.m. in the school gym. This exciting event is proudly sponsored by the St. Eugene Knights of Columbus Council. Start practicing now—we can’t wait to see you there. Download your entry form, fill out, and bring with you to the contest.
Time & Talent Opportunities
Volunteer to help at basketball games (scorekeeper or concessions) - https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4DAEAE2FA1F9C25-53607363-202425
Eagle Excellence
Congratulations to all of our CSSE Spelling Bee participants and winners! The following students will be representing our school in their division at the Archdiocesan Bee in February.
Jónsi Newcomb (division winner)
Clara Cieminski (division runner up)
Kachi Uba (division winner)
Evan Varghese (division runner up)
Tyler Mathew (division winner)
Jackson Deal (division runner up)
Joseph Mathew (division winner)
Lennox McCormick (division runner up)
Have some good news to share about a student, alumni, or school family? We want to celebrate all your proud moments with you! Share your Eagle Excellence for inclusion in the EE!
Gala News
12 Days Left to Sell Raffle Tickets!!! More tickets are available in the school office.
- Each student is encouraged to sell at least one book of raffle tickets (10 tickets) and turn in the tickets with cash or check to their teachers.
- Checks are made out to St. Eugene Catholic Church
- See flyer for details and prizes for top selling students and classes!
This year's raffle prize is the winner's choice of $5,000 cash or $5,000 off full cost of tuition.
All raffle tickets must be returned by Wednesday, February 5th. Please turn them in as early as you can so our gala committee can keep totals current!
Mark your calendars for the 2025 St. Eugene Annual Gala on February 15th! This year will be a cowboy couture theme so come dressed in your cocktail attire (but feel free to add some western flair!) and enjoy a night of dinner, auctions, and dancing the night away to live music performed by the band, Drive. Tickets are on sale now! Tickets are $100 a person, $180 a couple, or $850 for a table of ten. https://onecau.se/steugenegala2025
Your candy-gram will be showcased during the event in a slideshow, and a printed keepsake will be waiting for you at your table. Proceeds support the Gala, so join in spreading love and making a difference. Don’t miss this sweet opportunity! https://onecau.se/steugenegala2025
Donations wanted for the silent auction! Do you or someone you know own a local business and want to donate services or goods? Or are you a part of a church ministry group that would like to put together a basket? If so, please reach out to Ashley at arkressler@gmail.com and let her know you would like to donate!
We are also looking for sponsorships and have some great packages! Consider a Family sponsorship for $500 which gets you four tickets to the event and signage with your name or company logo!
Youth Group News!
RSVP for Youth Group this Sunday! - Sign up at our updated link for winter/spring 2025 - bit.ly/yg-ws-25
Pursuing Something Greater: Seeking authentic love through chastity and pure relationships - Join us for a talk by inspirational speaker and founder of The Everyday Saint Podcast, Public Speaking Ministry, and Lifestyle Brand, Eve Rosemary on chastity, cultivating pure relationships, and fighting for authentic love.
Sign Up to RSVP: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084BA8AA2DA3FAC70-54579153-pursuing
Parish News
Early Childhood Construction Update from Father Jim - Construction is on time and on budget. Remember that the budget for this project is $6 million. We are rapidly running out of cash on hand and will have to begin borrowing from the archdiocese soon. If you are able to pay off your pledge, the cash would come in very handy for us. The less we have to borrow, the better for the parish. We anticipate that the facility will be ready to occupy sometime in late spring or early summer and will open in August.
Please pray for...
Please pray for Mrs. Hutchison's husband, Joe, who is home and continuing to heal following a stroke. | Please pray for Mrs. Smith's mother who is ill. | Please pray for Nora Blevin's aunt, Jennifer, who is receiving treatment for cancer. | Please pray for Coach K's niece, Saylor, as she continues to fight through a rare muscle disorder. | Please pray for Coach K's dad who is battling cancer, and approaching the end of his chemo treatments.
Blessed Stanley Rother, pray for us now, and intercede on behalf of those in need of God's healing.
If you would like to include something in the Prayer Requests section, please contact Kim Hattaway at media@steugeneschool.org.
Get Your Valentine Cards & Gifts!
Our community can enjoy 20% off all Valentine’s Day orders plus FREE shipping using our unique code FUNDRAISESTEUGENEOK. 15% of each sale goes directly back to CSSE But hurry—this sweet deal disappears on January 28!
Quick Links
FACTS (District code: TSE-OK)
Safe Environment (contact Jen Goodrich)
Make a Donation to our School Support Fund
St. Eugene Weekend Ministry Assignments
Around the Nest - CSSE student sports blog
The Catholic School of St. Eugene
Email: media@steugeneschool.org
Website: www.steugeneschool.org
Location: 2400 Hefner Road, Oklahoma City, OK, USA
Phone: 405-751-0067
Facebook: www.facebook.com/csseokc
Instagram: www.instagram.com/csseokc
The Eagle Express is reviewed by the principal prior to communication. Please submit all items to be considered for The Eagle Express by NOON on Thursday.