October 8th, 2023

October 8th, 2023
From the Assistant Director...
Working Together with our Parent Community
Hello CDS!
This Monday, we will be hosting a special parent information session titled "Reporting and Supporting Student Learning at CDS" at 3:00pm in Dalton Hall. This session, which be led by Mr. Musselman and our academic support team, is designed to provide insight into how grading and assessment is approached at our school. This is a great opportunity to learn more about standards based grading and how you can better support your child's learning! Make sure to RSVP using this form if you plan on attending, and we look forward to seeing you there.
We have a busy and exciting week ahead of us, and our Forensics team will be traveling to Yongsan International School on Friday for their first competition of the year! Forensics is a great way for students to practice their speech and debate skills, and I wish all of our attending students the best of luck as they represent our school.
Have a wonderful week everyone, Go Phoenix!
Mr. Ryan - Assistant Director, High School
Going on in the School...
Changed your mind about challenging an AP Exam? (AP시험 취소)
Please fill out this form if you would like to cancel your request to take on an additional AP Exam (for a course that you are not currently enrolled in at school)
AP시험을 취소하고 싶다면, 위 링크에 취소신청 해주시기를 바랍니다.
(현재 수강중인 AP수업 외 등록한 시험만 취소신청 가능)
Preparing for the Upcoming PSAT!
Hello Everyone,
As you know, our PSAT/NMAQT test will be on Wednesday, October 25th during the afternoon.
This year the test is digital, so it is important that students complete the following two steps as soon as possible to help prevent any potential delays.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to send me an email or book a lab appointment with me and I can help you create your account if needed.
Mr. Ryan
Information Sessions - Parent Invitation
Dear CDS Secondary School Parents,
We are delighted to invite you to a special Parent Information Session on the topic of "Reporting and Supporting Student Learning at CDS" for both high school and middle school parents on Monday, October 9th at 3:00 in Dalton Hall. Our aim is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how we assess and report on your child's academic progress, as well as to offer valuable insights into ways you can support your child's learning journey at CDS. Please RSVP to this event here so we know how many students to expect on Monday.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
Jason Musselman
Director of Academics
Enrollment has begun for our Spring Break in Thailand!!
The Andaman Sea Adventure: Spring Break Trip
(Rustic Pathways 봉사활동 여행은 봄방학 기간동안 태국으로 떠납니다)
Location: The stunning Andaman Sea in Thailand. (태국, 안다만 해)
Benefits: Invaluable learning experiences, fun and adventure, and a chance to make a positive impact.
Community Service: Earn approximately 25 community service hours. (봉사시간 25시간 제공)
If you are interested in going on this trip, click here!
(이번 봉사활동 여행에 관심있으신 경우 위 링크를 클릭해주세요!)
Please note that students who sign up before the end of quarter 1 will get an additional 10 service hours for this trip, along with the opportunity to learn about the culture and language of Thailand before we go! This is a great way to prepare for an unforgettable opportunity and experience with your friends this year.
(1쿼터 (10월23일)까지 신청하는 학생들은 추가 봉사시간 10시간이 제공되며, 출발전 태국 문화와 언어를 배울 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 친구들과 잊지못할 뜻깊은 여행을 할 수 있는 기회입니다!)
Upcoming Math Contests!
CDS is proud to present the Canadian Senior and Intermediate CEMC Mathematics competitions. The Canadian Senior and Intermediate Mathematics Contests (CSMC and CIMC) are two contests designed to give students the opportunity to have fun and develop their mathematical problem-solving ability.
Please note that the Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Waterloo recommends that applicants to the Faculty write the Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest (CSMC). To be eligible for entrance scholarships, it is strongly recommended that applicants write either the Euclid or the Canadian Senior Mathematics Contest (CSMC).
Students in Grade 10 or 9 or below are eligible to write the CIMC.
Students in Grade 12 or 11 are eligible to write the CSMC.
Date: Thursday November 16th after school from 4:15-6:15
Cost: 17,000 Won to school account number IBK기업은행 955-009331-04-024 and include your student legal name to finalize your registration.
9 questions; 6 are answer only and 3 are full-solution
2 hours
Score out of 60
Marks are awarded for completeness, clarity, and style of presentation. A correct solution, poorly presented, will not earn full marks.
Written at school, participants write individually on paper
To sign up, please fill out the attached survey and pay by Monday October 16th at 4:00pm.
The next CEMC mathematics competitions will be the Pascal, Cayley, and Fermat contests to be held on February 29th.
If you would like more information or for preparation, please visit this website.
Student Articles
CDS Member of the Week
This week’s CDS member of the week is Jaewon Kim.
Jaewon is a senior this year, and having joined CDS in 2021, this is his third and final year at CDS. Known around the school mostly for his passion for soccer, Jaewon is someone who has active interests also in listening to music and playing the guitar.
In his free time, Jaewon loves to watch soccer, play soccer, and play soccer games. In school, he’s a co-leader of Soccer SOT, as well being the leader of outside SOT clubs PRIM and DSFA. Music-wise, Jaewon is a big fan of rock music. He has been a massive admirer of British rock band The Beatles since he was in 4th grade, and a cool fact about him is that he’s been to the Beatles drummer Ringo Starr’s live concert in Seoul in 2016. Oasis, Coldplay, and Linkin Park are among his other favorite bands, so if you are someone who is also into those bands, feel free to come talk to Jaewon about them anytime!
Song of the Week - Alan Walker "The Specter"
“The Specter” By Alan is a masterclass in writing, lyricism, and poeticism. At first glance, the text may be impressive on its own, ladies and gentlemen, combined with an image it is truly a tour de force. i must say. The song on its own seems to be a generic edgy love song like all his other works. Fit to be played sped up as the background music to an epic fragging compilation of some 14 year old in albania.
Before I discuss this any further I must address the elephant in the room. What is the photo? The photo features a blue elf-like creature with the face of a cat and a mushroom hat, modeled after a smurf. We don't know his name, we don't know who he is. On its own we just see a photo of a smurf walking through a forest. Fans have speculated that maybe the smurf cat is returning from a hunt (referencing his snail on a stick which resembles a bindle), or that maybe it is his pet (as a human may take a dog along whether as a hunting partner or just a companion; possible spongebob reference???). But we really know nothing. But the two combined?
The song starts off with a greeting by an unnamed figure. “Hello hello” it says. Possibly referencing the song “hello” by Adele. The protagonist then begins to question the reality of his world. This is a reference to the fact that we as humans live in a society built on lies. A house of cards that holds up well enough for us to not complain and keep the cogs of capitalism turning but under scrutiny fall apart. This is obviously a clever reference to virtue ethics which I commend. I personally experienced this first hand.
SNHS Special: Superconductor: Pioneering Future Energy Efficiency and Technology Advancement
First, what is a ‘super’-conductor? As we all know, conductors are materials that allow electrical energy to flow through it, such as copper, iron or other metals. When voltage is applied across conductors, electrons move through the material and creates electric currents. Some have better efficiency than other, but all simple conductors have some limitations because all conductors have some degree of resistance. Due to the resistance, some electrical energy is lost as heat in the process of moving through electric currents. This phenomenon can be experienced when using an electronic device, and you can feel the heat getting warmer and warmer until it reaches a point the computer just crashes due to overheat. Unlike all other conductors, a superconductor has zero electrical resistance. This means no electrical energy is lost, resulting in incredibly efficient electrical transmission. Theoretically, with this technology of superconductivity, it would be possible to charge your phone in a few seconds, much quicker processing time, longer battery life, higher speed of transportation and all those good things. Not only superconductivity affects our everyday lives, it affects the future advancement of technology and studies of fusion energy, medical imaging, neuroscience and much more.
But the catch is that superconductivity only works on limited conditions. Superconductivity was first discovered in 1911 by a student working with the famous Dutch scientist, Kamerlingh-Onnes. It functioned only when the scientist cooled it to the temperature of liquid helium, 4 degrees Kelvin, close to absolute zero. So the problem of use of superconductors was arduous to use in everyday life. However, since 1999, a team from Korea University led by 2 scientists began studying room temperature superconductor. As a result, in 2023 July, the same two Korean scientists reported that it is theoretically possible to have a working room temperature and ambient pressure superconductor. Although it is a possible theory, if this theory successfully works, this may be the future of technology advancement.
Yohan Kim
The Return of Super Eggs!
IOE News
IOE Newsletter for Parents
Odyssey of the Mind World Finals
Important Dates
School Information for Parents
Information from the HS office
1. Early Leave (조퇴관련)
Regardless of student's individual schedule, any students leaving early within school hours must report to the HS office.
학생 스케줄과 상관없이, 학교운영시간내 하교하는 경우에는 고등행정실에서 조퇴증을 발급받아야 합니다.
2. Attendance (출결)
Any attendance inquiries should be reported to the HS office.
출결관련된 모든 문의사항은 고등행정실로 연락바랍니다.
3. PowerSchool Account
Forgot the username or password? please contact the HS office.
파워스쿨 아이디와 비밀번호를 잃어버리셨나요? 고등행정실로 연락해주시기 바랍니다.
4. Any questions relating to Korean Track, College Application, SAT, Volunteer hours? please contact the College Counseling Office.
한국학력, 대학진학, SAT, 봉사활동시간 등에 대해 문의가 있으신가요? 대학진학상담실로 연락해주세요.
High School Office
032-563-0523 Ext 312, 311
College Counseling Office
032-563-0523 Ext 325
Student Project/Event Proposal Form
Students! Do you have a proposal that needs to be approved by a supervising teacher and/or high school administrator? Complete the Student Project/Event Proposal Form!
After completing the form, you will receive a PDF of the proposal. Print it, have your supervising teachers sign it, and submit it to the HS Office. The High School Administration will review proposals weekly and return it to you once they're signed.
Remember, proposals must be submitted at least one month prior to the project/event.