TCE PTO Newsletter
September 2024
🍁Fall Festival is Here!🍁
This Friday September 20th at TCE from 5:00- 8:00 pm
TCE is hosting their third annual TCE Fall Festival. Join us on Friday, September 20th from 5-8pm with inflatables, carnival games, airbrush tattoos, balloon artists, concessions, Bruster’s real ice cream, snacks, and more!
Wristbands can be purchased via the QR code (scan or click!) below for $15 through Sept. 18th. After September 18th, the price will increase to $20 each. Pre-purchased wristbands and tickets will be ready for pick up at the Fall Festival on the day of the event. Wristbands are for students/siblings only and include access to all the inflatables, carnival games, wacky hair and air brush tattoos. Adults do not need to purchase a wristband.
Tickets are used in place of cash at our Fall Festival due to many student volunteers. Tickets are redeemable for all concession items and raffle entries. Pre-purchased tickets are in discounted groups. Tickets purchased at the festival will be $1= 1 ticket. Concession items will range anywhere from 1 ticket to 6 tickets. Raffle entries will be 1 ticket per entry.
Again this year, we will have family and business sponsorships to help reach our fundraising goal of $15,000! With a family sponsorship, not only will you be supporting the PTO with the financial donation, but you will also get a wristband(s) and tickets depending on your contribution (tickets can be used for concessions as well as raffle). This is the major PTO fundraiser for the year and the money raised helps fund our extracurricular clubs, pay for school t-shirts, provides teacher grants and Cardinal wishes, funds our class parties and so much more! We could not make an impact at our school without the support of our families.
We still need fall festival volunteers!
To put on these special events for our school and students, we need all the help we can get! If you are able to share an hour of your time, during the festival, before or at clean up, please use the link below. We also are in need of food and candy donations if you do not have the availability to volunteer your time. Thank you so much for considering!
Thank you to Hoosier Pediatric Dental Group for your support!
Click the photo to be directed to their website.
Dine to Donate: Sept 19th Hot Box Pizza
TCE will received 20% of all orders that mention TCE at check out or use the online code. Use the code (GIVEBACK) for online orders!
Spirit Wear
TCE Spirit Wear is still available to order via the QR code or by clicking the blue sweatshirt below. Orders placed now will need to be picked up on their own. Be on the look out in November for another bulk school order!
TCE Staff Appreciation Committee
We love to love on our TCE STAFF! The Staff Appreciation Committee will continue to have monthly surprises for the TCE staff. The committee is always welcome to donations to help support them as they spoil our staff. Please click the link below if you are interested in a Staff Appreciation donation. If you’d like to join our Staff Appreciation Committee - we’d love to have you and your fresh ideas on how we can continue to treat our deserving TCE Staff throughout the year. Contact Erin @ erinleonard81@gmail.com if you’re interested in helping.
Dates to Remember
Please join us!
September 19th: HotBox Dine to Donate
September 20th: TCE Fall Festival 5-8 pm
No events at this time.
November 6th: Culver's Dine to Donate
November 14th: PTO Meeting at TCE 6:00 pm
No events at this time.
No events at this time.
February 27th: PTO Meeting at TCE 6:00 pm
March 14th: Candy Bar Bingo and Auction 5:00-7:00pm
April 24th: Pancake Dinner 5:00-7:00pm
May 1st: PTO Meeting at TCE 6:00 pm
Give Back Rewards Programs
Here are a few ways to give back to TCE PTO through rewards programs.
To sign up for Kroger Rewards:
- Open your Kroger App
- Click the 3 lines in the top right corner
- Go to "Rewards"
- Go to "Community Rewards"
- Search for "Thorpe Creek Elementary- PTO"
- Earn money for your PTO while you shop!
PTO Committees
Committee chairs:
- Sun Sails: Andy Eckerle
- Candy Bar Bingo- Christie Greene, Lindsay Burton, and Meghan Howard
- Dine to Donate- Ashley Gilmore and Laura Olson
- Fall Festival Fundraiser: Lindsay Burton
- Looking for Committee Chairs
- Pancake Breakfast/ Dinner- Laura Olson and Ashley Gilmore
- Room Parent Coordinator- Jen Gass, OPEN
- Spirit Wear- Liz Eme
- Staff Appreciation- Erin Leonard
- HSE Foundation Basket- OPEN
- Family Dance Night- OPEN
Please reach out at a meeting or email tceptoboard@gmail.com if you have any interest in joining a specific committee.
Meet Your 2023-24 TCE PTO Board
President: Liz Eme
Vice- President: Jen Dunham
Tresurer: Jen Gass
Tresurer Apprentice: OPEN
Secretary: Christie Greene
Members at Large: Meghan Howard, Lindsay Burton, and Julie Gilbert