Wildwood Weekly News
January 17th, 2025
Principal Message
Dear Parents and Guardians,
January is flying by and students are busy. Many of our younger students worked this week with Mrs. Kozyra on Alberta Screens throughout the week. Thursday students were treated to their weekly hot breakfast from Brightwood Ranch. We also had our first lockdown drill of the year which was well done. Schools are mandated to do two lockdown and 6 fire drills each year, we have now done half of each so students should expect some more drills throughout the year.
Next week has lots of activity going on. Monday, I will be presenting our School Continuous Improvement plan to the School Board. This year we are focused on helping make sure students have the fundamentals of Math through a mastery approach. Archery is also running until 4:30 for those who have signed up.
Tuesday, School Council has organized a hot breakfast for us, sponsored by Drax.
Wednesday is our Monthly Picnic in the Gym organized by Best Coach Mrs. Riggs. Parents are invited to join their students. Also on Wednesday at 3:45 we have our next School Council meeting. Principal Mrs. Zadderey is scheduled to join us to discuss the amalgamated school playground and fundraising.
Friday our 5/6 class will be going on their Ice Fishing field trip. If permission slips have yet to make it home, I have included one below. If you would like to volunteer to help please contact Ms. Gunderman.
In other 5/6 news we have officially hired Mr. John Brophy to take over the 5/6 class for the remainder of the year following Ms. Gunderman's well earned retirement. Mr. Brophy is joining us from St. Paul Educational Regional Division and brings a wealth of multi-graded classroom experience. As there will be a short gap between Ms. Gunderman's and Mr. Brophy's time at Wildwood we have, hired Mrs. Tina Kozyra to cover the gap to ensure a seamless transition.
If your child received a dental package please make sure they are returned by January 23rd in the morning.
If you have any questions or concerns you can always reach out to the school through the office or email me at alanstoy@gypsd.ca.
Alan Stoyles
Important Dates
January 21st - Hot Breakfast - Donated by Drax
January 22nd Picnic Lunch in Gym
January 22nd - School Council Meeting @3:45
January 23rd - Dental Packages Due
January 24th - 5/6 Field trip
January 28th - Pancake Breakfast by School Council
February 4th - Friends of Pembina Learning Society meeting @6:30 at Grande Trunk High School
Dental Services
On Monday the 13th, Students in Kindergarten to Grade 2, and some Grade 3 students will be given consent forms for the annual dental preventive services provided through AHS at the school. Note that only students who's parents have consented will be part of the program.
Spotlight on School Improvement: Alberta Assessments
Over the next few weeks all students in grades K-3 and some grade 4s will be going through assessments that are mandated by the provincial government. These assessments focus on literacy and numeracy and help to identify students that need additional supports. Data is used in conjunction with division, school and teacher assessments to create a complete picture of the needs of each student. If you have any questions please reach out to your student's teacher of myself.
JKs enjoying the warm weather
Math is fun in 5/6
2/3s Don't need desks to do math!
Hot Dog Day is a Hit in K/1
Grade 3 Simple Machine Building
Grade 4 Galaxy in a Bottle
From BEST coach Karen Riggs
3/4 classroom calendar
Ice Fishing Permission Form (5/6)
Polar Bear Club Permission Form
Would you like to volunteer at Wildwood School?
Below you can find the updated volunteer package for 2024-2025, you can also drop by the school for a paper package and we can help with any questions you might have.