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This Week at Stonegate 11/24/24
Native American Heritage Month
Gr 5 Krispy Kreme Digital Dozen Fundraiser
NO after school activities this week
Monday, November 25th
Early Release Day for Kindergarten-Grade 5 - Students dismissal 12:55 pm
Tuesday, November 26th
Early Release Day for Kindergarten-Grade 5 - Students dismissal 12:55 pm
Wednesday, November 27th
No school, Thanksgiving Holiday
Thursday, November 28th
No school, Thanksgiving Holiday
Friday, November 29th
No school, Thanksgiving Holiday
Principal’s Message:
Thankful Hearts at Stonegate
As autumn leaves fall and the air turns crisp,
We pause to reflect, to savor, to wish.
At Stonegate, where the heart finds its place,
We see thankfulness in every face.
For the students who learn, grow, and thrive,
And the caregivers who help dreams come alive.
For teachers and staff, so dedicated and true,
Our school’s success is all thanks to you.
For moments of laughter, kindness, and care,
For a community that’s always there.
In this season of thanks, we hold you dear,
Your love and support bring us joy each year.
So, as we gather ‘round tables this week,
Let’s cherish the bonds that make us unique.
Stonegate is family, our hearts intertwined,
Together we flourish, together we shine.
With a thankful heart,
Linda M. Jones. Principal
November is Native American Heritage Month
November is Native American Heritage Month, a time for us to honor and celebrate the rich histories, cultures, and contributions of Native American and Indigenous peoples. Throughout this month, we recognize the diverse traditions, languages, and achievements of Native communities and reflect on the vital role they have played—and continue to play—in shaping our society. It’s also an opportunity to deepen our understanding of the unique challenges Indigenous people have faced historically and in modern times, while learning about the resilience, creativity, and strength that characterize Native American heritage. Join us as we celebrate, learn, and show respect for this essential part of our shared history.
Girls on the Run
Congratulations to our Girls on the Run team who completed their 5K this Sunday morning.
Thank you to our dedicated volunteer coaches - Ms. Congress, Mrs. Guidot, Cassandra Guidot, Ms. Mcadam, Mrs. Roberts, and Mr. Allen for a wonderful season.
Grade 4 Field Trip- St. Mary's City
Thank you to our Grade 4 teachers for sponsoring a field trip to Historic St. Marys City this past Friday.
While it was a chilly and long day, our students learned a lot and enjoyed the adventure.
Thank you to our chaperones for supporting our students on this historical trip.
Field Trip for PreK, K-5 and LFI to See UMD Women's Basketball Game
Cost of trip: FREE
Date: Thursday, December 19
Please complete this online permission slip by Nov. 25:
Get ready for the school wide field trip to University of Maryland’s Xfinity Center on Thursday, December 19, 2024, from 9:40 am - 2 pm
The University of Maryland Women's Basketball program plays William & Mary for their annual Field Trip Day. This game will integrate Common Core standards such as numeracy and literacy with the game of basketball to create a fun and educational environment for all. The entire school (except for our half day PEP students) will be attending.
The cost of the trip is FREE thanks to our PTA and successful Fun Run Fundraiser. Approximately $ 3600 will go to cover the cost of the 14 MCPS buses.
Lunch: Students MUST bring a bagged lunch this day OR purchase one from school. The cafeteria will provide a chicken sandwich, drink and fruit.
Our cafeteria manager must place his December food orders before Thanksgiving break. Therefore, we need to know whether your child will need a school bagged lunch. If you have not already completed the online permission form or returned the paper permission slip, please do so today so we can gather EVERYONE'S permission and get our lunch count.
Chaperones- 4 per class - All chaperones must complete online training on the prevention, recognition, and reporting of child abuse and neglect. The link to the training is Indicate below if you would like to be a chaperone. Your child’s teacher will contact you if you are selected as a chaperone for this trip.
Paper copies of the permission slip will also be sent home. Please either complete the online permission slip or return the paper slip.
Fundraisers to Support our Fifth Grade
Krispy Kreme!
The Stonegate 5th Grade promotion fundraiser kick off includes Krispy Kreme Digital Dozens! You can order as many gift cards as you like to give for birthdays, holidays, office gifts, or to have and use for a quick breakfast grab. We will be collecting order forms with payment and disburse digital dozen gift cards to your email on December 20, 2024. Each gift card is good for 1 dozen glazed Krispy Kreme Donuts for $14.00 or if you buy 3 or more get $2.00 off!
Fifth Grade Giving Campaign
If you are not interested in grabbing or gifting a digital dozen, but would still like to help our fifth graders have an amazing end of year party and promotion go here to donate:
Our art fundraiser is over!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU to all the families that supported with their purchases. Even though the fundraiser is over, everyone’s artwork is still available for purchase online at Until next year Stonegate!
Mrs. Maria Del Cid
Art Teacher
Don't Forget! Wear Sneakers on your PE day
We’d like to remind everyone about the importance of wearing athletic footwear to school, especially on days when your child has PE. Proper shoes are essential for your child’s safety and comfort during physical activities.
Appropriate shoes for PE at school are:
Athletic Sneakers:
- Closed-toe and with good support.
- Rubber soles for grip and traction.
- Flexible and comfortable for running, jumping, and other activities.
- Shoes should stay secure on the feet to prevent tripping or slipping.
- These can be unsafe for physical activities due to lack of support or grip
Encouraging kids to wear comfortable, properly-fitted athletic sneakers ensures they can participate safely and confidently in PE and play!
Students play actively every day at recess, so wearing athletic shoes daily is a great choice. However, it’s especially important to have them on PE days to ensure your child can participate fully and safely.
CogAT Testing for 2nd and 3rd Grade Students
Earlier this month a letter went home to all 2nd and 3rd grade families about upcoming CogAT testing. This message serves as a reminder as the dates are approaching - Monday, December 2, Tuesday, December 3, and Thursday, December 5.
As part of the Universal Screening of second and third graders for Gifted and Talented (GT) Identification and to help inform your child’s teacher about how your student learns, your child will take the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT). The CogAT has three batteries: verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal. Each battery has 3 subtests. Stonegate ES will administer the test over the course of three days: The mornings of December 2, 3, and 5. Testing will take place during the school day. Students will complete one battery with three subtests on each testing day. The tests are untimed for Grade 2 students, but each subtest typically lasts approximately 10-15 minutes. The test is timed for Grade 3 students and each subtest lasts 10 minutes. Please try your absolute best to ensure your child is in school these three days so that they do not miss instructional time to make up the test.
The CogAT is an abilities test, so children do not need to study or prepare for the test. Instead, they will be able to become familiar with the test format and items through teacher-directed practice activities before testing. Additionally, practice questions will be administered during the testing session to familiarize students with the online testing environment. It can be helpful for students to be well-rested and have a good breakfast on the day of testing.
Please let our GT Liaison, Michelle Bozel, know if you have any questions about the CogAT test,
After School Programs at Stonegate
Many of our Fall programs are wrapping up. Enroll now for Winter/Spring 2025 Activities
Flyers on Stonegate Website :
Counselor's Corner
Good Evening Parents. KIND Bag deliveries are well underway! As we approach the Holiday Season, if you or your family are in need of weekend delivery bags please reach out to me or any staff as soon as possible so that you may have snacks to provide to our children during extended holiday breaks!
Stonegate partners with Kids in Need Distributor to help provide food to families that are in need. If you are a family that is in need of the bags provided by KIND please complete the KIND form or reach out to Mr. George, our school counselor at
Principal Jones Spotlighted in MCPS ELA Newsletter!
We are thrilled to share that our very own principal, Linda M. Jones, is featured in the latest MCPS English Language Arts Newsletter! This year, MCPS has adopted a new elementary reading curriculum aligned with the Science of Reading, and Ms. Jones has been leading the way.
As a former reading specialist, Ms. Jones has gone above and beyond by actively teaching CKLA reading lessons herself—a unique step for a principal. Her dedication to supporting our students and teachers in this transition highlights her commitment to literacy and learning.
Congratulations, Ms. Jones, on this well-deserved recognition!
Your Child's Winter Coat
Every jacket, lunch box and water bottle needs to be labeled with your child’s name or your family last name. Take a minute and write your child's name on their coats. This small step will save you money and time!
Stonegate has a diligent team of fifth grade student leaders who check every item in the lost and found for a name and return it to the right student.
We have partnered with if you would like to order amazing label products for clothing, water bottles and lunch boxes. Our Grade 5 students will earn 20% of sales. Be sure to select “support a fundraiser” and select “Stonegate Elementary (Silver Spring)”
Stonegate PTA
Stonegate Spirit Wear BLACK FRIDAY Sale
Looking for the perfect holiday gift? Check out the Stonegate Spirit Wear Black Friday promotion! Parents, teachers, and staff can enjoy 20% off their entire order for the rest of November! Best of all, these orders are shipped straight to their doors!
Expires: 12/1/24
Order by: 12/5/24 for guaranteed Christmas delivery
PTA Meetings & Events
Mark your calendar, the next PTA membership meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 3, and on Tuesday, December 11, we are hosting a PTA Restaurant Night at Jersey Mikes in Olney.
Snack Pantry
The PTA Snack Pantry provides a snack for students during their school day, if needed. To support this ongoing effort, you can order snacks online, make a donation, or drop snacks off at the main office.
Stonegate PTA Membership
Although the membership drive has closed, membership is open year-round. You can show your school pride and join the PTA online today! Your support makes a difference in our school community!
Breakfast, Lunch, and Cafeteria Accounts - Menu for November 2024
Menus are sent home monthly and can be found on the MCPS’s website: Elementary Menu
Kindergarten- 5th Grade Menu: November 2024:
English | español | français | 中文 | Portuguese | 한국어 | tiếng Việt | አማርኛ
Pre-K/Headstart: November 2024:
English | español | français | 中文 | Portuguese | 한국어 | tiếng Việt | አማርኛ
Hot lunches are served daily with alternate choices. Lunch is $2.55 including milk. Milk may be purchased separately for 60 cents. Parents are highly encouraged to start a Myschoolbucks account for their child. This will eliminate lost or forgotten lunch money. The price of lunch or breakfast will be subtracted from the account. Checks should be made payable to Stonegate School Cafeteria.
Payments to student cafeteria accounts can be made either through My School Bucks (optional, not a requirement), or cash or checks payable to Stonegate Cafeteria and submitted to the cafeteria manager.
Applying for Free Lunch
Students in Maryland who qualify for reduced-price meals will not be charged for meals! Apply right away. One application covers the entire HOUSEHOLD. Translations in other languages are available through the online application.
Apply now at
Here is a video about how to apply:
English Video:
Video en Español:
Yearbook Photo Dropbox
This year has been full of photo opportunities! You may have pictures from a party, a field trip, or other fun event! Families and staff can use this Josten’s link to upload photos from field trips, class parties, class projects, assemblies, etc. for possible inclusion in the yearbook.
Yearbook Link to submit photos:
For Grade 5 families - ONLY: Please submit a photo of your student when they were younger, such as kindergarten, to include in the flashback section of the yearbook.
2024-25 School Calendar
Here is the 24-25 School Calendar
Dec 2 - CogAT Testing 2nd & 3rd Grade Day 1
Dec 3 - CogAT Testing 2nd & 3rd Grade Day 2
Dec 3 PTA Membership Meeting virtual 8:00 pm
Dec 5 - CogAT Testing 2nd & 3rd Grade Day 3
Dec 9 - 20 - Gr 5 Krispy Kreme Digital Dozen Fundraiser (opens Nov. 20)
Dec 11 - PTA Restaurant Night Jersey Mikes
Dec 19 - School Wide Field Trip (all grades) to Xfinity Center UMD Girls Basketball Game 9:40 -2
Dec 23 - Jan 1- No School, Winter Break
Jan 2 - Return to School
Jan 14 - Gr 5 Chipotle Restaurant Night 5-9 pm
Jan 16 - Science Night 6-7:30 pm
Jan 23 - Winter Instrumental Music & Chorus 5:30-6:30 pm
Jan 27 - Grade 1 Field Trip Imagination Stage 9:40 - 12:30 pm
Jan 30 - Yearbook Club photos 9:15-11:15 am
Feb 4 - PTA Membership Meeting virtual 8:00 pm
Feb 13 - PTA Restaurant Night Vocelli
Feb 14 - Valentine’s Parties 2-3 pm
Feb 21 - Grade 4 Field Trip Arts on Stage “Lift Every Voice” 10:30 am -2 pm
Feb 24- Mar 14 PTA Read A Thon
Feb 27 - Black History Celebration - Paint Branch High School
Feb 28- Early Release dismissal at 12:55
Mar 3-5 - Hearing and Vision Screening
Mar 4 - PTA Membership Meeting virtual 8:00 pm
Mar 11 - Gr 5 Chick Fil A Restaurant Night
Mar 27 - Spring Student Portraits
Volunteer and Field Trip Chaperone Training
Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) appreciates the support of the parent and community volunteers who support the essential needs of the schools.
For our field trip Chaperones, you must have completed the online Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect Training within the last 3 years (2022-2023, 2023-2024, current 2024-2025 school years). You can access the training through ParentVue.
Support Guides: How to take the training
All volunteers WILL need to check-in and check-out of the main office and scan their driver’s license/identification cards through the Visitor Management System (VMS). Once the volunteer clears the VMS, they must be badged (the VMS creates a sticker badge) and remain under supervision of an MCPS professional while with students.
Link to 7 minute Volunteer Expectations Video:
Online School Payments
Once your account is created you can bookmark this link to log in:
Clothing To Cash Recycling Program
Clothing to Cash® is a program that collects New and Used Clothing, Shoes, Sheets, and Towels, (all Textiles) and pays the school 10 cents for every pound collected. The program is operated entirely OUTSIDE and will be located in the school parking lot, where students, parents, staff, and the community can drop off items throughout the year.
They have state-of-the-art photo quantity sensors installed in each bin that report 3 times daily to prevent overflow and allow the company to schedule service as needed (no other companies use this technology). They empty the collection bin, weigh the contents to determine our school earnings, and pay our school monthly.
The average school (500 - 1000 students) will earn $1000- $2000 yearly if each student would donate just one 13-gallon kitchen-size bag of textile mate! Add in parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, and staff, and Stonegate’s earnings could really increase.
School Information Stonegate Elementary School
Main Office: 240- 740-7430
Stonegate Elementary School
14811 Notley Road
Silver Spring, MD 20905
Arrival 8:40-9:00 a.m.
Dismissal 3:25 p.m.
On X: @StonegatePrin
Assistant Principal:
Visit us on the web at: