Wildcat Chat
A monthly newsletter for Webster Elementary families
May 2024
Important Dates
April 29 - May 3 - Career Week
April 29 - Spirit Day "Your future is Bright" Wear bright colors, hats and sunglasses
April 30 - Spirit Day "Your future starts now" Wear your favorite Webster shirt
May 1 - Spirit Day "College Day" Wear a college shirt
May 2 - Bingo for Books 5-6 pm, Spirit Day "Dress for Success" Dress up like you're going for a job interview
May 3 - UC Health Trauma Experience for 5th Grade, Spirit Day "Career Day" Dress up as what you want to be when you grow up
May 6 - AVID Family Night 5-6:30pm
May 7 - Kindergarten Zoo Field Trip 11:15am-2:00pm, GT Night 5-8pm
May 8 - Spirit Day Twins Day, 4th grade field Trip to the Zoo 9:30am-2pm, 5th Grade Walking to the Park, GT Night 5-8pm
May 9 - Multicultural Day, Parade 2:15-2:30 pm
May 10 - Professional Development Day No School for students, Kindergarten Round Up 2-3pm
May 15 - Field Day KG-2nd,
May 16 - Rain Day for KG-2nd Field Day
May 17 - Field Day 3rd-5th
May 20 - Rain Day for 3rd-5th Field Day, 2nd Grade Field trip to the Zoo
May 21 - 8-10 am Book Sale by 4th & 5th Grade, Early Release Half Day 11:10 am No Lunch served
May 22 - Early Release Half Day 11:10 am No Lunch Served Last Day for Students (Report Cards will be sent home), AROARds Assembly 9:30-11am (Invitation Only)
July 9 -July 13 - Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo {Details below regarding tickets)
July 18 - Front Office Opens
August 8 - Meet the Teacher, 5-6 pm
August 12 - 1st Day of School for Students, 1/2 of Kindergarten starts
August 13 - Other 1/2 of Kindergarten starts
September 12 - Back to School Night 5-6 pm
September 19 - FUNd Run
A Message from the Principal, Mrs. Finch
Spring is Sprung
It is hard to believe that we are wrapping up the 2023-2024 school year. There are a lot of events happening in the next few weeks, so please look through the calendar of events above closely. We have an author, Gary Hogg coming on May 6 along with our AVID night. RSVP for pizza by loading the QR code on the flyer below. Mr. Hogg will also be presenting a writer workshop to our 1st-5th graders during the school day on May 6. Just a reminder that there is no school on May 10 (Kindergarten Round Up is from 2 - 3 pm), field days are coming up, multiple field trips, and the two last days of school we are dismissing at 11:10 am. The last day of school is May 22. Dates for next school year events are in the calendar including Meet the Teacher, the 1st day of school, Back to School Night, and our FUNd Run.
Wildcat Choir
A shout out to our 80 member choir and Dr. Lowman for all of their incredible performances this past month. They were busy singing for Alpha Delta Kappa at The Cliff House and with In Harmony, performing with over 450 elementary students across the Pikes Peak region at the Pikes Peak Center. A HUGE thank you to Dr. Lowman and parent chaperones Michelle Huber, Renee Tipton, Rachel Stein, and Mindy Maulucci.
State Testing
A shout out to Mrs. Gioscia for a successful CMAS state testing season and Mrs. Hoffman for overseeing our 2nd grade students on the CogAT testing.
Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo & Skate City
The Pikes Peak or Bust Rodeo (PPOBR) and Skate City are partnering with Webster Elementary. For every PPOBR ticket and summer skate card sold, Webster Elementary will receive a portion of the sales. Please click on the information on the flyers below.
Unplug to Engage
This is a section of our newsletter that will provide helpful tips on engaging our kids in everyday activities and encourages them to drop the mobile devices, converse, explore, and interact.
Counselor Corner
The social-emotional lesson topic for April was Appreciation/Gratitude! Students learned that having gratitude involves appreciating what they have and not focusing on what they do NOT have. We discussed that we should take care of the things that we own and appreciate the items that we use daily. Students brainstormed people in their lives whom they are thankful for and ways that they can express that appreciation. If we all show appreciation toward others, then we become kinder, others become happier, we work better together, and our community becomes stronger.
It was a pleasure working with all of the students this year! I will be back next school year after my maternity leave!
If your family is in need of resources over the summer, please contact Pikes Peak United Way by dialing 2-1-1 or visiting their website at www.ppunitedway.org.
Have a great summer!
-Mrs. Marie Ciarletta, School Counselor
PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports):
With Summer on the horizon, we at Webster would like to provide some tips for summer success! Below are some tips from our PBIS team (the behavior support program at Webster).
1. Expectations - Create a list of 3-5 positively worded expectations.
-Be respectful
-Be understanding
-Be helpful
2. Examples - Create a few examples of the expectations
-I can be respectful by waiting my turn to use electronic devices.
-I can be understanding by understanding my parents are busy working and might not be able to help me right away.
-I can be helpful by cleaning up the messes I make without being asked by my parents.
3. Celebrate
-When they succeed in these expectations, reward/reinforce their positive behaviors.
Golden Ticket Recipients
Mrs. Toombs - Ava Cathey
Ms. Ramsey - Jaycee Vigo
Ms. Mileto - Josiah Brumfield
Mrs. Dimmock - AJ Falealili
Mrs. Hensley - Sariyah Sanchez
Mrs. R. Thompson - Izaac Rivera
Ms. S. Thompson - Lilianna Diaz
Mrs. Holland - Mason Seise
Mrs. Gonzalez - Navid Salas
Mrs. Gould - Grace Brown
Ms. Heinsman - Skylar Waters
Ms. Williams - Oakleigh Daniels
Mrs. Widic/Mrs. Fisher - Oliver Barnett
Mrs. Honeycutt - Zariyah Hernandez
Mrs. Conrad - Julianna Patterson
Ms. Gatzke - Brooklynn Terrell
Mr. Hovasse - Sophia Brunelli
Mrs. Schommer - Leila Medina
Ms. Pemberton - Kai Litfin
Maker Space - Oliver McMeans
Library - Gabirel Lucero
Music - Ameera Kunteh
Eagle Scout Project
The Army Band helped celebrate Military Child month
Don't Hate, Celebrate
Students enjoyed the beautiful day and ate lunch outside.
Mr. Hovasse's art work
Webster is partnering with the PPOB Rodeo. For every ticket sold, we receive $5.
School Information
Attendance Line - Call 719-391-3436 if your student will not be school.
More information about our school can also be found at https://webster.wsd3.org/
Student Hours: 7:40 am breakfast, Student can be on campus at 7:45 if they are NOT eating breakfast, 8:00 School starts, 2:40 pm Dismissal
Student Calendar for the year can be found HERE.