Fairview Fast 5
District News from the Fairview Park City Schools

October 25, 2023
A Message from Superintendent Keith Ahearn
Dear Fairview Park City School District Community,
Thank you to everyone for making this year's homecoming a tremendous success. Our community came together, showing unity, enthusiasm, and pride.
It was great to have our alumni return to campus for a special rededication ceremony of our Athletic Hall of Fame. Throughout the entire weekend, our students, alumni, parents, faculty, and staff showcased the essence of Fairview Park's vibrant community. It was a joy to witness our students embrace the celebration, embodying the spirit that defines our school district.
Our commitment to fostering a sense of belonging and Warrior pride was reflected in our successful homecoming and the traditions that make the Fairview Park City School District special. Through these traditions, we build a strong sense of community and instill values that go beyond the classroom.
In this month’s issue of the Fairview Fast Five, you will experience many of these important values. You can read about how our students learn essential skills through the Warrior Coffee Cart Company at Fairview High School/Mayer Middle School and how a second-grade classroom’s Reader’s Theater program at Gilles-Sweet Elementary benefits our younger learners.
You will also discover some of the resources our high school counseling office provides students applying for college and how one FHS alum continues to shape students' future through teaching at the building.
Telling the story of the Fairview Park City School District is important. We invite you to take our communication survey at the end of the newsletter and let us know how to improve.
Here's to a season filled with academic achievements, community spirit, and the warmth of fall traditions.
Warm regards,
Keith Ahearn
Superintendent, Fairview Park City School District
Warrior Coffee Company serves up engaging experiences for students
One student-led program at Lewis F. Mayer Middle School is literally good to the last drop.
Since 2019, the Warrior Coffee Company has served a variety of delicious, hot beverages in the morning to staff at the middle school and high school building. The program teaches students important lessons with a hands-on and engaging experience.
Each morning, approximately five Mayer Middle School students spend one period preparing and delivering hot beverage orders throughout the building. According to Mayer Middle School Intervention Specialist Claire Kohl, on some school days, students prepare and deliver as many as 15 individual orders in the building.
Reader's Theater sows seeds of literacy at Gilles-Sweet Elementary
In September, some Gilles-Sweet second graders gained important literacy skills while spending a little time in the limelight.
Reader’s Theater is an annual event for Gilles-Sweet second grade students in Amy Stevens’ classroom. Twice a year, students practice and then perform shows for special guests in the building.
“Reader’s Theater helps students develop fluency through repeated exposure to texts,” Stevens explained. “It improves their fluency, comprehension and increases motivation. It really boosts their confidence, which is one of the major things I love about it.”
FHS Alumni Spotlight: Bryan Weir '91
by Grace Wering, sophomore
In this month’s FHS Alumni Spotlight, we are focusing on one of Fairview’s own, Bryan Weir, Class of 1991 - someone who is way more than just a social studies teacher.
Weir is someone who loves spending time with family and hanging out in the community, and he enjoys working in the same place he went to school. From spending his time coaching the baseball team to giving people tours of this high school, Weir is definitely someone you can look up to. Weir has been inducted into the Fairview High School Athletic Hall of Fame and Distinguished Staff Hall of Fame. He earned varsity letters in baseball, basketball, and football during his four years at Fairview.
Resources available to help FHS families with college applications
This year, the college application process at Fairview High School looks a bit different, but plenty of great resources still remain to help students and families.
Last year, the Fairview Park City School District announced a partnership with the Greater Cleveland Career Consortium. According to their website, the GCCC helps students in the area “design a career plan that aligns with their interests and skills” through “self-awareness and career-based learning opportunities.”
One of the resources that the GCCC utilizes is Transeo, an online platform designed to help students with college and career readiness.
“Transeo is a lot of things,” Fairview High School Counselor Jen Parente explained. “We are only really using it for the college piece this year. Eventually, we’ll be using it to help us track graduation seals, community service hours, job opportunities and different experiences the kids can have.”
We want to hear from you! Take our communications survey
The Fairview Park City School District is committed to improving communication with our parents, students, staff, and community. To understand what is important to you, we’re asking you to spend five minutes filling out this communication survey.
All answers will be kept confidential and will help us plan for our future communication efforts.
“We realize our stakeholders engage with us in many different ways, whether through our newsletters, website, and social media,” Superintendent Keith Ahearn stated. “Our strategic plan focuses on improving communication and ensuring that we meet our stakeholders where they are. This survey is just one way to gather input throughout the year.”
The communications survey will be open from Monday, Oct. 16, through Friday, Nov. 17. Individuals who engage with the school district in multiple roles, like a parent and a staff member, are encouraged to complete the survey for each role.
“It’s important we hear input from all of our different stakeholder groups,” Ahearn added. “Whether you are a parent, student, staff member, alumni, or resident, it’s important that we know how we can improve.”
If you have questions about the survey, please contact us by email at communications@fairview.k12.oh.us.
Upcoming Calendar
- October 27
- Book Drive for Cleveland Kids' Book Bank Ends - Make your donation at Fairview High School & Mayer Middle School today!
- November 10
- FHS Fall Play: "Dracula" in the Frank W. Barr Auditorium at FHS, 7:00 PM
- November 11
- Class of 2024 Fill the Truck Fundraiser in FHS Parking Lot, 8:30 AM - 10:45 AM
- FHS Fall Play: "Dracula" in the Frank W. Barr Auditorium at FHS, 7:00 PM
- November 12
- FHS Fall Play: "Dracula" in the Frank W. Barr Auditorium at FHS, 2:00 PM
- November 13
- FHS Financial Aid Night in the FHS Cafeteria, 6:30 PM
- November 20 & 21
- Parent-Teacher Conferences - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS
- November 22 - 24
- November 27
- Superintendent Town Hall Meeting on Facebook Live, 6:30 PM
- November 28
- Board of Education Regular Meeting in the FHS Warrior Room, 6:30 PM