Principal Kraemer's Notes
Some thoughts for the starting school year
We are finally here - the start of the school year!
I hope everyone had a wonderful summer and is ready for the start of a new school year. In preparation for the start of the year, staff and I have been busy working in classrooms, participating in professional development, and so much more. We are all excited to have your students walk through our doors in a couple of days.
There is some information that will be important for you to know to help the new school year start smoothly. Please take some time to read the following.
Thank you and let's have a great year!
Angela Kraemer
Meet the Teacher
Meet the Teacher
This year we will be hosting our teacher meet and greet during the day. We will have lunch, which is being provided by our wonderful PTA. You will get to meet your awesome teachers and I will be passing out popsicles! This will also be a great time to meet our PTA and sign-up to join this amazing team.
Teachers will not know their class schedule until just before the event. So please come visit with us from 12:00-1:30 on Wednesday the 14th.
Arrival & Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal
I know this is a sore subject from some but it does not have to be. Here are the arrival and dismissal procedures for our school. Please read them carefully so we can make this time of day more smooth and safe for everyone.
Please remember that school start and end times have changed. On Mondays we will be starting at 9:00AM and ending at 2:30PM. On Tuesday-Friday we will be starting at 8:00AM and ending at 2:30PM.
Lunch Information
There will be a few changes to the way we do lunch at Rabbit Creek. Students will be eating in the cafeteria (MPR) Monday-Thursday. They will eat in there classrooms on Friday.
Please note that all students need to fill out a new Free/Reduced application even if you were approved for last year.
Also, lunch prices have increased. Please click here to see the new prices for lunch.
Running Club
Running Club
This is a great opportunity to get your students active and is organized by our P.E. teacher Mr. Pemble. It costs $20 to participate (t-shirt included) and is open to students K-5. There will be six practices. These practices will be held Monday and Wednesday (K-2) or Tuesday and Thursday (3-5) from 2:30-3:30.
If you are interested, pleas click here to register. Registration closes on Thursday, August 22, 2024.
This information can also be found on the main Rabbit Creek School website.
Senior Director
Erik Viste
This year we are very fortunate to have Erik Viste as the elementary senior director working with our school and all elementary schools in the South region. He comes to us with a great amount of experience and resources. Please feel free to reach out to him if you need to. His number is (907) 742-4254
Selfie board provided and created by PTA.
Take your student's picture during our Meet and Greet!