Wolverine Weekly
Parent Edition 11-1-2020 to 11-7-2020
Mrs. Poston
John Chavis Middle School Teacher of the Year
3 Ws
Please continue to practice healthy habits!
Remote Learning Days
Please make sure your student is completing their work on remote learning days. If you have questions, you can check PowerSchool or email the teacher.
Parent Portal
If you need to set up your Parent Portal in PowerSchool to monitor grades, please stop by the school! We will help you get started.
Friendly Reminders
- Grab & Go breakfast is available for all students free of charge
- If your child has a fever, or has Covid symptoms, please keep them at home until they are fever free and notify the school
- If they are displaying symptoms of Covid, it is suggested they get tested
- If you or your student is tested for Covid, please inform the school
This Week
11-3-2020: Remote Learning Day / Optional Workday
Looking Ahead
11-11-2020: Veteran's Day - No School
11-16-2020 to 11-20-2020: NC Check in for Math 1
11-25-2020: Remote Learning Day / Optional Workday
11-26-2020 & 11-27-2020: Thanksgiving Holiday