First Friday 2024.4.5

First Friday Message from Dr. Davies
April 5, 2024
Greetings, Bulldog Community:
Spring officially arrived a couple of weeks ago, and we're less than two months from the end of the 2023-24 school year. These last two months of the school year are typically packed with events such as concerts, the multicultural fair, academic recognition nights, prom, graduation, and the Memorial Day Parade in West York Borough. Please visit the District Calendar and plan to attend those events that are of interest and relevant to your family.
April welcomes not only the advent of spring but also the Month of the Military Child, a time set aside to acknowledge the fortitude and sacrifices of children from military families. Our District is home to several students who are part of military families; from frequent moves to adapting to new schools, making new friends, and enduring lengthy separations from their deployed parents, they navigate a lifestyle characterized by change and uncertainty. Despite these hurdles, they exhibit remarkable courage, adaptability, and strength. Learn more about Month of the Military Child by clicking here.
Next Monday, we will experience the phenomenon of a solar eclipse. The eclipse will occur in our area during regular dismissal; for safety reasons and to allow students to experience the event, Monday, April 8th, will be an early dismissal day. This was shared in a communication on March 14, 2024.
Teachers have been educating students about the eclipse and how to view the event safely. All elementary and Middle School students received viewing glasses.
Congratulations are in order for our District and AWESOME Music Department for receiving the Best Communities for Music Education award from The NAMM Foundation for the third consecutive year!
The award program recognizes and celebrates outstanding efforts by teachers, administrators, parents, students and community leaders who have made music education part of a well-rounded education. Designations are made to districts and schools demonstrating an exceptionally high commitment and access to music education. Learn more about the NAMM Foundation here.
As always, thank you for supporting the West York Area School District.
Best regards,
Todd M. Davies, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Multicultural Fair
West York Area Middle School will host the annual WYASD Multicultural Fair on Thursday, May 2, from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. All are welcome to participate and attend this event.
For more information, click the picture above for the detailed flyer, or contact Ms. Mercedes Myers at the Middle School at mmmyers@wyasd.org.
Bulldog Pantry
The West York Bulldog Pantry is a non-perishable food center located in the High School, open to ALL District families, regardless of financial need, from kindergarten through 12th grade. This month's distribution will be on Wednesday, April 17, from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. All items will be available while supplies last. Pick-up is at Door 14 at the High School near the tennis courts. Please visit the pantry’s page on the District website for future distribution dates and times.
Donations are always welcome. Please contact Ms. Amanda Burt, Life Skills Teacher at the High School amburt@wyasd.org, if you'd like to donate.
There are times when you may need to contact someone in the District regarding a concern. Our Chain of Communication guide (linked below) will help you determine who to contact for different situations.
If you have questions or concerns not addressed in this guide, please reach out to your child’s building office or principal.
School Board Meetings
Each month, from August through June, regularly scheduled meetings (Work Sessions and Voting Meetings) of the School Board are held in the Boardroom of the Administration Building. In addition to the two regular meetings, the School Board also hosts Board Committee Meetings. All are welcome to attend any of these public meetings. In-person attendance is recommended, but we also offer viewing-only attendance via Zoom during most Board meetings. Work Sessions and Voting Meetings are live-streamed on our District YouTube Channel.
We publish a monthly Board Bulletin, which summarizes the Work Session and Board Voting Meeting that occur during the month. The bulletin will be emailed to all families in the same manner you received this communication. Click here to view the March issue.
The link below provides more information about the meetings, agendas, and other information. If you have questions about meeting attendance that are not addressed here or on our website, please contact Tina Keeler at trkeeler@wyasd.org.
Join us on Social Media
2024-25 Kindergarten Registration is Open
West York families can begin 2024-25 kindergarten registration by creating an account in Sapphire, the District’s online student management system, and enrolling their child. On the submit registration page, you will be directed to call Wallace Elementary, our K-1 building, to schedule an in-person meeting. The in-person meeting will occur sometime during the weeks of May 6th, June 17th, and July 15th. Families must complete the online and in-person portions to complete the registration process.
Questions may be directed to Wallace Elementary at 717-764-6869 ext. 6006 or Ms.Tammy Dorsey at tldorsey@wyasd.org.
Blue & White Newsletter
Throughout the year, we highlight the awesomeness of students, faculty, and staff in our weekly Blue & White. The Blue & White is published on Fridays and delivered via email. We accept submissions for the Blue & White of school-related photos and outside student activities.
If you do not currently receive the Blue & White, and wish to do so, please follow the link below to subscribe. Questions or submissions can be directed to BullDogMail@wyasd.org.
Calendar Reminders
Looking Ahead:
- Monday, April 8, Early Dismissal - Solar Eclipse!
- Tuesday, April 9, Communication and Engagement Committee Meeting (5:30 p.m.)
- Tuesday, April 9, Work Session of the Board (7:00 p.m.)
- Thursday, April 11, Wellness Committee (3:15 p.m.)
- Tuesday, April 16, Board Meeting (6:30 p.m.)
- Wednesday, April 17, Bulldog Pantry Distribution (5:00 p.m.)
- Wednesday, April 17, Trimmer Beginning Band and 4th Grade Chorus Concert (6:30 p.m.)
- Thursday, April 18, Trimmer 5th Grade Band and Chorus Concert (6:30 p.m.)
- Friday, April 19, Early Dismissal
- Friday, April 19, HS/MS Spring Jazz Concert @ HS (7:00 p.m.)
The Superintendent's First Friday Message to the Community is designed to share relevant and timely news and information with West York families and the community.
For comments or questions, please contact trkeeler@wyasd.org.