NSO Weekly News
June 12-17, 2023
Sherwood Park - Fort Saskatchewan - Vegreville
We hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Huge shout out to everyone who attended our Graduation ceremony, congratulations Grad Class of 2023! From the initial planning stages to the final moments of the ceremony, thank you to the Next Step staff for their tireless efforts ensuring the smooth execution of this momentous event.
Reminder: Monday, June 19 is the last instructional day for high school non-diploma courses.
Please note Diploma Exams are provincial exams and accordingly students must write on the scheduled date & time. As such, students cannot have a digital device on their person or in the examination room and they require photo identification. Any government issued identification, school ID card or current picture from PowerSchool picture ID is acceptable.
Please return all textbooks to your teacher as soon as you are completed the course or done using them to avoid potential future textbook replacement costs. Your support getting all items returned is greatly appreciated. Have a great last week! #gogreen
Mr. B. Spady Principal & Mrs. K. Porter Assistant Principal
Upcoming events
June 12: ELA 30-1/2 Part A Diploma
June 13: Social 30-1/2 Part A Diploma
June 16: Math 30-1/2 Diploma
June 16: Grade 9 Farewell Celebration
June 17-18: Biology, Chemistry, Physics Diploma Exam Prep Sign Up
June 19: Last Instructional Day for grades 10-12 & ELA 30-1/2 Part B Diploma
June 20: Social 30-1/2 Part A Diploma & ELA PAT Part B
June 21: National Indigenous Peoples Day
June 22: Biology 30 Diploma & Math PAT Part A
June 23: Chemistry 30 Diploma & Math PAT Part B
June 26: Physics 30 Diploma & Social Studies PAT
June 27: Science 30 Diploma & Science PAT
June 28: Last operational day
Fort Saskatchewan Next Step Families
As a result of Alberta Education Provincial Diploma Exams, Fort Saskatchewan Next Step will be open only to students writing their scheduled Diploma Exams on the following dates:
Tuesday, June 13
Tuesday, June 20
For students not writing Diploma Exams on those dates, Teachers will be able to connect with students through email or scheduled google meet appointments. If you have any concerns regarding these dates, please reach out to 780-992-0101 or via email to Krista.Porter@eips.ca .
2022-23 EIPS Parent Feedback Survey Results
The results are available for the 2022-23 EIPS Annual Feedback Surveys: For Parents and Caregivers and For Students. The surveys included a series of questions related to the three priorities outlined in the EIPS Four-Year Education Plan: 2022-26 (Year 1).
Next Step Parent & Caregiver areas of strength:
- There is open and honest communication within my child's school. (82.35% strongly agree, 11.76% agree)
- My child's individual needs are met. (74.29% strongly agree, 22.86% agree)
- School staff care about my child. (86.96% strongly agree, 8.70% agree)
- How satisfied are you with the quality of education your child's receiving at school? (79.41% strongly satisfied, 16.18 % satisfied)
- How satisfied are you with the leadership at your child's school? (85.51% strongly satisfied, 8.70% satisfied)
- In your opinion, has the quality of education your child's experienced improved, stayed the same or declined in the past three years? (75.36% improved, 8.70% stayed the same)
- How satisfied are you with opportunities provided to be involved in your child's education? (66.18% strongly satisfied, 29.41% satisfied)
- The school keeps me informed about my child's progress and achievement. (79.41% strongly agree, 19.12% agree)
Next Step Student areas of strength:
- I can openly and honestly communicate with teachers, staff and students at my school. (50.89% Strongly agree, 46.43% agree)
- At school, my individual learning needs are met. (56.14% Strongly agree, 41.43% agree)
- At school, I’m encouraged to do my best. (62.61% Strongly agree, 34.78% agree)
- The staff at my school care about me. (75.44% Strongly agree, 20.18% agree)
- How satisfied are you with the quality of education you’re receiving at your school? (62.28% Strongly agree, 31.58% agree)
- How satisfied are you with the leadership at your school? (62.28% Strongly agree, 28.07% agree)
- In your opinion, has the quality of education you’ve experienced improved, stayed the same or declined in the past three years? (77.19% Strongly agree, 13.16% agree)
- I’m learning the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to be successful in life. (26.96% Strongly agree, 67.83% agree)
- I feel supported by my school as I prepare for life beyond high school. (26.96% Strongly agree, 66.96% agree)
The feedback gathered will help our school and the Division measure its progress toward meeting the priorities and goals outlined in the EIPS Four-Year Education Plan and develop strategies to better serve students and the community moving forward.
Next Step Parent Results: Next Step Parent Survey Results 2023
Next Step Student Results: Next Step Student Survey Results 2023
Foundations in Industry Workplace Safety Opportunity
Next Step is offering Foundations in Industry Workplace Safety during July 4-14. In addition to earning five 30-level high school credits, students will also obtain credentials in specific areas of workplace safety in partnership with industry-safety experts. Upon successful completion of the course, students will be credentialed in:
- Construction Safety Training(CSTS2020)
- Confined Space
- Detection and Control of Flammable Substances
- Fall Protection Awareness
- Ground Disturbance
- H2S Alive
- Transportation of Dangerous Goods
- WHMIS 2015
Plus: Job Preparation (CTR1010) – resume & cover letter, application and interview prep.
Students must complete all learning components of the course to receive credentialing. Register
Spark Youth Careers Conference Oct 17-19, 2023
Spark is a 3-day Conference and Tradeshow focused on young Indigenous peoples. The primary focus of this Conference is removing barriers and building career opportunities for Indigenous youths. Spark is designed to bring together Indigenous-owned companies, sectors of industry, educational institutes, businesses, and career development resources to highlight the number of careers available to Indigenous youths (ages 16–30) across Alberta. Website https://sparkcareers.ca
This year’s event will consist of various inspiring keynote speakers and sessions and will showcase the importance of understanding and supporting Indigenous youth and cultures within the workplace. Throughout the Conference, we will be highlighting successful examples of Indigenous development within various sectors of industry.
MAE Indigenous Education Scholarship
Hours of Operation
Students & families can access our campus during the following times:
Monday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.Tuesday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Thursday 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Friday 8:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Next Step Outreach
Email: nextstep@eips.ca
Website: eipsnextstep.ca
Phone: 7804641899
Twitter: @eipsnextstep