Golden Eagle News
Our Golden Weekly Communication from the Nest
Week of February 17, 2025
Dear Golden Families,
I sincerely hope you are enjoying this gorgeous three day weekend! I kindly ask that you please fill out the LCAP Stakeholder Survey for Golden Families. We are at 127 responses which is our lowest participation ever! Please help me by completing this today - one time per each child if possible! I can honestly tell you that I personally look at all feedback and we use it to help shape and create new goals for our Golden team. I will continue to send the survey out, but thank you for taking 5-10 minutes to complete it. I appreciate our partnership! We don't get to be 53 in the state without a strong commitment from all stakeholders which includes our families!
I look forward to seeing all of our 4th-6th Grade Strings and Band students on Tuesday evening at the Performing Arts Center at El Dorado.
Let's have a great week!
Kristin McDonald
Principal, Golden Elementary
#wearegolden #everystudenteveryday #92% #53inthestate
This Week at Golden
Monday, 2/17 ~ No School - Presidents' Day
Tuesday, 2/18 ~ Cycle 4 After School Intervention Begins
~ Strategic Kids at Lunch
~ STEMBots Lunch Presentation
~ Golden Musical Rehearsals @ 2:15pm (Grades K-3)
~ Elementary Honor Band/Orch Rehearsals @ 3:30 (Lakeview/Wagner)
~ Band & Strings Mid-Winter Concert (PAC - El Dorado)
Wednesday, 2/19 ~ Early Release @ 1:15pm (K-6)
~ PBIS Popsicles at Recess @ 9:40am
~ Strategic Kids at Lunch (Extra/Rain Make-up Session)
~ After School: STEMBots @ 1:20pm (Lunch Tables)
Thursday, 2/20 ~
~ Strategic Kids at Lunch
~ Student Council at Recess (Room GP5)
~ Golden Musical Rehearsals @ 2:15pm (Grades 4-6)
~ After School Intervention
Friday, 2/21 ~ Golden Spirit Wear Friday
~ Flag/Announcements (Fiala)
~ TK Valentine Performance @ 9:15am
~ JAT Prize: Mad Science @ 11:30am and 1pm
~ After School: Science @ 2:15 (MPR)
~ After School Intervention
Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendar
Feb. 24 ~ ELPAC Testing Week Begins
Feb. 25 ~ AVID Site Visit - Paul (Primary)
Feb. 25 ~ PBIS Glow Party
Feb. 25 ~ Renee Gray Site Visit
Feb. 26 ~ College Wear Wednesday
Feb. 27 ~ Second Grade Field Trip to Kellogg House
Feb. 27 ~ Third Grade Field Trip to Mount Sac
Feb. 28 ~ JAT Prize: Glow Party
Feb. 28 ~ Yearbook Cover Contest Deadline
March 2 - 9 ~ Aladdin Junior Show Week @ Curtis Theater
March 5 ~ Eagle of the Month
March 5 ~ Pizza with the Principals
March 6 ~ 5th Grade Walk Through Revolution (Fiala/Joy Rasic)
March 7 ~ Minimum Day - 12:45pm Dismissal (K-6)
March 7 - End of Trimester 2
March 7 ~ PBIS Raffle
March 7 ~ JAT Prize: Blue Scoop @ Lunch
March 10-14 ~ Sixth Grade Science Camp
Parent LCAP Stakeholder Survey - Please help our School!
***It is very important that you take a few minutes to complete this! So far we have 127 respondents! Our goal is to have 100% in each family, so we have a bit of work to do! Please take a few minutes to respond... I read every response, and we appreciate your feedback! THANK YOU!!!
Each year, the Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District (PYLUSD) conducts a survey to gather valuable insight from parents and guardians to help guide our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). Your feedback is extremely important and will help PYLUSD make good decisions to improve our schools. A link to this year's survey is available below.
This survey will take approximately 5 to 10 minutes to complete. It will be available until Friday, February 21, 2025. Please provide your input as soon as possible. You are encouraged to complete the survey more than once if you have students at multiple schools. If you do not have access to a computer, please call your student's school. They will provide you with the opportunity to complete the survey on a school computer. As always, PYLUSD appreciates your support.
Music Concerts - Tuesday
Our first concerts for our instrumental music students are coming up on Tuesday, February 18th! All students are expected to participate. Students are asked to "dress up" (think Sunday Best). Students should arrive 30 minutes prior to get seated and warm up.
There are three performances in the Performing Arts Center (PAC) at El Dorado High School:
5:00 PM 4th Grade Strings
6:00 PM 5th & 6th Grade Strings
7:15 PM 5th & 6th Grade Bands
Attendance Reminders: Attend to Achieve
Attendance Matters! Our last year's attendance rate for Golden was 96.55%. Our 2024-2025 goal is 97.55%. We understand that when your child misses school, they miss the opportunity to learn and connect with their teacher and peers. Consistent school attendance is essential for academic success, helping students build strong learning habits and stay engaged in their education. Each day in the classroom provides valuable instruction, social interaction, and opportunities for growth that can't be fully replaced. By attending school every day, students set themselves up for a brighter future with better achievement, confidence, and lifelong skills.
Of course if your child is sick, please keep them home. However, if they could be in school, they should be in school. PYLUSD Illness Guidelines
It is also important to note that any attendance less than 90%, even if absences are verified and excused, is still considered chronically absent.
We will be starting weekly attendance challenges in March to increase awareness, but we need your help to reach our attendance goal to ensure all Golden Eagles can achieve their very best!
T2 iReady Diagnostic Progess
Our students in grades K-5 have just completed our second iReady Diagnostic, and the results are showing that we are getting closer to our overall 92% goal of proficient or above for all students. Check out our ELA and Math overall diagnostic scores below. This is mid-year data and shows that our students have made a ton of growth, but still have a lot more time to continue to make progress. We will be continuing to provide support and/or intervention within the school day for students who are not on grade level at this time. We are also committed to continuing our after school intervention. I hope those that are invited take advantage of this amazing opportunity!
Why do these iReady scores matter? We have found that iReady is highly correlated to our CAASPP assessments which test mastery of standards in grades 3-6.
K-5 Families - your child has access to iReady personalized instruction at home. 30-45 minutes weekly in both ELA and Math is optimal. Your child can log in through Clever and practice at home.
6th Grade Families - your child has access to iXL. This is similar to iReady and has personalized, standards based lessons that students can access at home through Clever.
I am confident that our students and staff will continue to work hard and track our students' progress. Our goal at Golden is always to provide the very best educational learning environment for all students.
ELA iReady Diagnostic 2 K-5 - 81% proficient or higher
Math iReady Diagnostic 2 K-5 - 79% proficient or higher
Aladdin Junior - Rehearsals Begin This Week!
Aladdin Jr. Dedications & Business Sponsors
Shamrock N Run!
Join us for PYLUSD Reach Shamrock N Run this year! Sign up today and be a part of our annual run that supports all our students.
Get ready to start the New Year, lace up your sneakers and make a difference at the 2025 Shamrock 'n Run on Sunday, March 16th! Join us for a fun and festive 5K or 2K Run/Walk as we come together to support the REACH Foundation and empower our students. Whether you’re a seasoned runner or just looking for a family-friendly event, this race is for everyone!
Volunteers Needed
Enrollment Info for 2025-2026 School Year
TK/Kinder Registration
School Choice Transfer Request Windows
STEMBOTS - After School Enrichment
Here is the direct link for parents to enroll: JOIN HERE – STEMbots Starts Soon at Golden!
Helpful Links
Online Data Confirmation ~ This MUST be updated for all students.
Golden Student Parent Handbook
PYLUSD Student Illness Guidelines
Golden Eagle News 2024-2025 - Missed something? Go back and check!
Non-Discrimination Statement: The Placentia-Yorba Linda Unified School District prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying in all district activities, programs, and employment based upon actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender expression, race, ethnicity, color, religion, ancestry, nationality, national origin, ethnic group identification, immigration status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or parental status, pregnancy, age, physical or mental disability, or on the basis of a person’s association with a person or group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics, or affiliation with the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups or any other basis protected by law or regulation, in its educational program(s) or employment. In accordance with AB-1078, this applies to all acts of the governing board and the superintendent of the school district in enacting policies and procedures that govern the local educational agency. The following employees have been designated to handle questions or complaints of alleged discrimination: Employee complaint- Dr. Issaic Gates, Deputy Superintendent, Human Resources (714) 985-8408. Title IX and any other discrimination complaints - Dr. Baldwin Pedraza, Director, Student Services (714) 985-8670, bpedraza@pylusd.org. Title II Coordinator / 504 Coordinator / Americans with Disabilities Act complaints - Dr. Baldwin Pedraza, Director, Student Services (714) 985-8670. Bullying, intimidation complaints - Tonya Gordillo, Administrator, Student Services (714) 985-8671. The mailing address for all compliance officers is 1301 E. Orangethorpe Avenue, Placentia, CA 92870.
Golden Elementary School
Email: kmcdonald@pylusd.org
Website: golden.pylusd.org
Location: 740 Golden Avenue, Placentia, CA, USA
Phone: 714.986.7160